Venue: Harrison Road Methodist Church Hall, Harrison Road, Leicester LE4 6QN.
Contact: Anita Clarke, Community Engagement Officer: 0116 2211458 Email: ( Anita James, Democratic Support Officer: 0116 4546358 Email: (
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.
The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Patel, Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
There were no declarations of interest.
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Lucas (resident). |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Action Log of the meeting held on 7th March 2016, is attached and Members will be asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Minutes: The action log of the meeting held on 7th March 2016 was agreed as a correct record.
Matters arising: · Pavement Parking on Clarke Street – The Community Engagement Officer had met with residents and was in talks with the school. · Litter on Rushey Fields – The City Warden had reported this to the Park Wardens who had indicated they would arrange more regular collections. · YOGA magazine – no further feedback received. |
WARD COUNCILLOR FEEDBACK Councillors will provide an update on ward matters. Minutes: Councillor Willmott reported that: · Complaints relating to the height of the grass on verges along Gleneagles Avenue/Troon Way had been received. Action – Community Engagement Officer to report to appropriate service. · Alderton Close/Watermead Park, it was recognised there was a serious issue with the conflict of parked cars in this area and the situation was being looked into.
Councillor Clair reported that: · There were issues with the “sand” footpath along Troon Way - each time it rained it was creating holes. Action – Community Engagement Officer to report to appropriate service. · a number of residents had been sent envelopes relating to the parking scheme for Harrison Road area. The Council had selected two areas to pilot a parking scheme that allowed a car to park with two wheels on footpath, the areas for parking would be marked out and the aim was to maximise parking whilst ensuring space for pedestrians/prams/wheelchairs to pass. · In relation to Braemar Drive area a drop in session had been arranged for Weds 29th June 2016 at the Rushey Mead Recreation Centre 5-15pm to 6-45pm · Old Sainsburys development – it was proposed that some business units would be created and there would be a public consultation in due course · At the end of July a 10 day event would take place on Rushey Fields leading to a temporary increase in traffic in and out of that area · Outdoor Gym – the residents/Rushey Mead residents association had been consulted and asked for their preferences on where the equipment should be placed. Officers were keen to complete the installation. A resident suggested that a meeting was taking place on Rushey Fields but details of this were not available to be confirmed at the meeting. |
TRANSFORMING NEIGHBOURHOODS SCHEME BRIEFING The ward community engagement officer will give a briefing on the Transforming Neighbourhoods Scheme. Minutes: The Community Engagement Officer informed the meeting that the council was currently reviewing the way it operated local service including community centres. The review was now looking at the North East of the city which included Rushey Mead Ward, Troon Ward, Belgrave Ward, Humberstone & Hamilton Ward and Thurncourt Ward and the Council wanted to work with local people to make these services fit for the future.
The council would be working with local people and community organisations to look at the best way to deliver services in the future. The options being looked at included:
The consultation period was from 6th June 2016 to 17th July 2016 and residents were encouraged to complete questionnaire forms which were also available online too.
HARRISON ROAD PARKING UPDATE An officer from the Highways team will be invited to provide an update on Harrison Road parking. Minutes: An officer was not available to present this item but information on the Controlled Pavement Parking pilot schemes was circulated at the meeting (as attached.)
Stafford Street area Residents voiced a number of concerns in relation to parked vehicles in the street involving a particular business owner. The ensuing discussion included the following comments and responses: · Enforcement officers were not visiting the area consistently. On bin days people were being ticketed but residents were not able to park where they should be able to because of access problems. · The business was parking vehicles on the street instead of inside the premises area, these vehicles were in various states and not all taxed/MOT’d. · Councillors informed residents that planning regulations had been checked and the council could only take action if the law was broken and there was appropriate evidence to support that. · Residents were asked to provide evidence to support their claims so that the council could take further action. · The City Warden had met with residents and also advised that evidence needed to be collected, diary sheets had been provided for this purpose. · It was important that the diary sheets and any photographs showed the dates and times of incidents and who witnessed the incident. · Residents were worried about reprisals if they gave their names. It was confirmed that whoever produced the evidence would have to be prepared to go to court, people should not fear prosecution if they were telling the truth. · Residents were encouraged to report any threats or intimidation to the Police. · 4 residents agreed that they would be willing to provide evidence to Councillors who could then act on that. · It was claimed that details of individuals who had signed petitions were being disclosed.
Action 1 – Council lawyers to be consulted on whether there was another way that evidence could be collected from residents in the area.
Action 2 – Community Engagement Officer to liaise with the Anti-social behaviour team to see if any other viable options.
Action 3 – Democratic Support Officer to check and report back to Councillors what information relating to Petitions was published. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on local policing issues in the Ward. Minutes: Leicestershire Police were not present at the meeting.
An update on Police issues in the ward was requested to be provided to the next meeting. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward. Minutes: Mo Patel, City Warden for Rushey Mead ward provided an update which included the following points: · Kincraig Garages – the open garage that was full of rubbish had been cleared and secured. The whole area was in the process of being cleaned and this would then be monitored to maintain it. · Bath Street – a community protection notice had been served on land owners and they had now completed repairs to the damaged fence. This area would also be monitored to keep the site clean and secure. · There had been an increase in the number of vehicles for sale on the road – this was being addressed.
Everyone was reminded to report incidents to the city warden service either by telephone 0116 4541001 or using the Love Leicester App. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget together with a summary of grant applications submitted for consideration since the last meeting.
Minutes: The Community Engagement Officer reported that 6 applications had been considered since the last meeting:
Big Stop Day – Grant of £500 Supported
Rushey Mead Milap – Grant of £1015 Supported
Sandfield Parent Teachers Association (Joint bid) – Grant of £470 Supported
Belgrave Allotment Society – Grant of £490 Supported
Rushey Fields Residents Association – Grant of £500 Supported
GNG Football (Joint bid) – Grant of £500 Supported
The Chair encouraged applicants to lodge their applications in advance of the meetings to ensure they were considered.
Applicants were also advised that all applications should be submitted online. Those for £500 or less would continue to be fast tracked.
Update on previously funded bids At the last meeting a bid for benches to be installed along Troon Way/Gleneagles Avenue was supported by Councillors. The Community Engagement officer had completed a walk around of the area and the bases for the benches had been put in place and hopefully the benches would be installed soon. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: AOB1 A resident referred to an article in LINK magazine about wi-fi usage in the City. Councillors said that ERDF funding to business in the City Centre had been made available to obtain wi-fi access. Councillor Willmott suggested that further information about publicly available wi-fi in the City Centre could be obtained from the Councils website.
AOB2 Mr Sharma raised the issue of CCTV installation in the Rushey Mead area. Councillors referred Mr Sharma to comments made previously.
AOB3 Mr Weston of the Thurmaston Times referred to comments made about the Thorn Lighting sculpture. Councillor Clair advised that the money to purchase this had come from Sainsburys under section 106 regulations, an artist had been commissioned and the first design was estimated at £3/4 million. Another artist was commissioned who produced the current design, it was not possible to site the sculpture on the original site because of the Sainsburys development. The plinth was considered a good idea and local children had been consulted on the words. A “heritage” information board was also due to be installed that would show the history and legacy of the site. Mr Weston suggested that it would be appropriate for a Blue Plague to be put on the Sainsburys site. Councillors indicated they would support that if Mr Weston made the application.
AOB4 From July 26th to August 2nd a cultural event was planned on Rushey Fields for the Recital of Hindu Scriptures. This would be broadcast live. The organisers raised the possibility of funding towards waste collection. Councillor Clair referred to email correspondence that had taken place between the organiser and the council. The council were not able to fund religious activities. Residents asked that the long grasses and area to rear of Rushey Fields park be cleared before the event took place. Action – City Warden to look at area and make request to Parks Service |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates of meetings for the remainder of the municipal year as follows:
Tuesday 4th October 2016 at 6.30pm at the Rushey Mead Recreation Centre, Gleneagles Avenue, Leicester.
Tuesday 28th February 2017 at 6.30pm at a venue to be confirmed.
Minutes: Future meetings to take place as follows:
Tuesday 4th October 2016 at 6.30pm at the Rushey Mead Recreation Centre.
Tuesday 28th February 2017 at 6.30pm at a venue to be confirmed.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm |