Agenda and minutes

Rushey Mead Community Meeting - Tuesday, 16 July 2019 6:30 pm

Venue: St Theodore's Church, Sandfield Close, Leicester LE4 7RE

Contact: Laura Burt Ward Community Engagement Officer 0116 454 6575. Email:  Julie Harget, Democratic Support Officer: 0116 4546357. Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors Code of Conduct.


Councillor Willmot as Chair for the meeting led on introductions.


There were no declarations of interest.




There were no apologies for absence.



The Action Log of the meeting held on 26 February 2019, is attached for information and discussion.


The Action Log for the meeting held on 26 February 2019 was noted.



The Councillors will provide an update on any issues they have been dealing with since the previous meeting.


Councillors updated the meeting on ward matters that were being considered. It was noted that there were issues that had been raised on Jessie Jackson park and matters were being resolved, the play area at Highfields Rangers was being looked into whether there could be an addition of a couple of outdoor gym apparatus and the derelict building at Rushey Fields had been Demolished.


Councillors were working closely with officers for requested one-way road systems and the possibility of the Resident Parking Scheme around the Harrison Rad Area.


There were going to be railings added to the Entrance of the Swami Narayan Temple on Catherine Street and Gypsy Lane corner to protect pedestrians from the busy road. Damaged Fencing on Strathmore Avenue needed replacing and Officers were looking into quotations to have the required work carried out.


Councillors updated residents with the new restaurant on Catherine Street and Sutton Avenue That was undergoing refurbishment work and had an extension added to the building. It was noted that the venue had withdrew their application for an alcohol Licence after residents had shared their concerns.


Discussions were in place on refurbing the Library and Recreational Centre to bring both buildings up to date and fit for purpose.


Issues with overcrowding and shortage on social housing Councillors were discussing whether Rushey Mead could be an area where more social hosing is developed.



A Police Officer will be at the meeting to provide an update on local policing issues in the Ward.


Sergeant Goodenough was in attendance and updated the meeting. It was noted that actions raised at the previous meeting had been addressed.


The Police were working with Soar Valley Community College and Rushey Mead Academy on educating students on Knife and Drug Crimes. The Police were taking a three phase approach: Additional Officers, Working with Communities and Working in Schools.


An Engagement Day at Water Mead Park had taken place to help the police identify issues on the park. It was noted that there were issues with low level drug use and anti-social behaviour (ASB). Officers will be on the park to enforce in the near future.


Residents raised their concerns with people hanging around on Flax Road till late at night. There were reports of Drinking and ASB disturbing the local residents.

ACTION: Police to visit the area and liaise with the shop owners on the street.


Residents shared there concerns that the pub car park on Sandfield Close remained close. The police were encouraged to liaise with the landlord to encourage the owners to leave the car park open at school drop off and pick up hours so parents could make use of it. Leaving the car park close was resulting in parents parking unsafely on the street putting the children at risk from other road users.

ACTION: Police to liaise with pub landlord.


Councillors suggested contacting the Director of Education to request arranging a meeting with the Head Teacher of the School.

ACTION: Ward Community Engagement Officer to follow up.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward.


Jethrow Swift the City Warden provided an update that was distributed at the meeting (attached).


It was noted that two CCTV cameras had been installed to monitor fly tipping at hot spots, Lockerby Shops and Bath Street near the Bestways were identified as areas of concerns.


Issues with untidy gardens had been addressed and bins left on streets at the top end of Harrison Road and Melton Road had also been addressed.



The meeting will receive an update on highways issues affecting Rushey Mead.


Rupert Bedder the Highways Network Asset Manager was present and provided an update.


Following actions raised previously, it was noted that:


·      Benches on Troon Way and Gleneagles Avenue had been checked.


·      Grass verges had 10 cuts annually whilst there was a relaxed mowing approach to others, such as Troon Way Opposite Sainsbury’s, that was only cut twice a year.


·      Reports of uneven slabs at various locations raised had been addressed.


·      The concerns on bicycle racks had also been checked and deemed safe for usage.


·      The Harrison Road consultation had gone to Councillors for comment.  There would be a further update in the coming months.


·      Some Flax Road residents requested Residents Parking Zone. It was noted that this could be looked at as part of the Harrison Road scheme, or later as a separate consultation exercise.


Councillors informed the resident the low levels of responses that the consultation had received did not make it easy for the council to ascertain whether or not a Residents Parking Zone was truly desired.


Residents raised concerns over vehicles performing U-turns near 437/439 Melton Road resulting in accidents and near misses. It was suggested that if bollards or railing were to be installed this could help prevent this.


Residents were also concerned over the speed of traffic in both direction along Melton Rd, from the Troon Way junction. Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) was suggested as an option.


It was noted that the department were open to attend a patch walk on Loughborough Road for flood alleviation concerns.


Residents suggested tree felling without consultation was as a problem. The resident thought that the Council should always consult with residents before removing seemingly healthy trees.



Action: Rupert to liaise with Officers for resident’s suggestion of additional streets to be considered for the Residents Parking Scheme.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget.



From the opening budget 6 applications had been supported, leaving a balance of £12,775.


Residents suggested that a disabled access ramp at the library and the refurbishment work  for the Recreational Centre, could be part funded using the ward budget. 



The next community meeting for Rushey Mead Ward will be Tuesday 22 October at 6.30pm


It was noted that the next meeting was on 22 October 2019 and will be held at the Methodist Church on Harrison Road.




Residents suggested that the site at the Library needs to be utilised and there was potential for bigger and better.


Residents enquired what funds are available to help facilitate the needs of both the Library and the Recreational Centre.


It was noted that the centres should be able to facilitate for the different demographics of people.


Residents suggestion for a Diwali celebration in the Rushey Mead area should be considered. Councillors informed them that this was a lengthy process that required a lot of planning.


With no other items of urgent business the meeting closed at 7:55PM.