Venue: Hamilton Library, 20 Maidenwell Avenue, Leicester LE5 1BL
Contact: Randeep Singh Mattu, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1835 email: Aqil Sarang, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 4545591 e-mail: )
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES AND DECLARATIONS The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct Minutes: Councillor Ali as Chair led on introductions.
There were no declarations of interest.
No apologies for absence were received. |
ACTION LOG OF LAST MEETING The Action Log from the meeting held on 27th November 2019 is attached and Members will be asked to confirm it as an accurate record Minutes: The Action Log of the previous meeting held on 27 November 2019 was confirmed as a correct record.
The Chair agreed to a change in the running order of the agenda items taking the City Warden update first, to be followed by Ward Councillors Feedback which would include a presentation from the Chair and then on to the Local Police and Fire Update .
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The local City Warden will present information on environmental works within the Humberstone & Hamilton Ward. Minutes: The City Warden gave an update on matters relating to the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward. It was noted that: · Dog fouling was still an ongoing problem in the area. All dog fouling reported had been removed from the highway. It was noted that Leicester City Council couldn’t remove dog fouling from private land · Posters or banners should not be attached to any of Leicester City Council’s Street furniture, (lampposts & railings) without prior consent from Leicester City Council. · There was an increased number of bins and orange recycle bags being left out on the highway/public paths after they have been emptied. Residents were reminded to fetch their bins off the public paths following collections and warned that leaving their bin out after collection could attract an £80 Fixed Penalty Notice for every person over the age of 18 in the household.
In relation to specific issues around Armadale Drive it was noted: · In 2020 there were 47 fly tipping incidents, and 9 fixed penalty notices were issued. · In 2021 there were 49 fly tipping, and 12 fixed penalty notices were issued. · In early 2022 there had been a significant reduction in fly tipping. · Warning letters and advice was given in all other instances where a fixed Penalty notice was not issued. · Residents were reminded they could report any issues relevant to the City Wardens Team by email : or online at
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK Minutes: Councillor Ali gave a presentation updateon recent Ward related activities. It was noted that: · The Ward Councillors were working closely with the Police and Fire Departments. · That the bus stops were being updated across the city and works in Humberstone, Hamilton and Netherhall were still to be completed . · Knife crime awareness sessions were being held at Gateway and Orchard Mead academies. · Councillor Ali had met with the head of Adult Education College and Women’s Education College to discussnew courses starting in September 2022 to help support unemployment and education issues in the Ward. · Councillor Ali was working with local business owners to help local residents find work. · The Youth Club in Netherhall had started, 30 young people aged between 13-19 were in attendance. · 1000 goody bags had been given to schools supported from community ward funding. · Hamilton Residents Association had a cook for the homeless scheme to help vulnerable families. · Hamilton Church had organised a litter picking group. · Tesco Hamilton donated toys at Christmas for sick children in hospital. They had also supported the food bank with food and baby clothing etc. · The Vaisakhi parade went well and Councillors indicated their support and willingness to attend all religious events. Residents and Community Groups were encouraged to contact the Community Engagement Officer if ward funding was required. |
LOCAL POLICING AND FIRE UPDATE The local Police Teams will be present to provide a Policing update. Minutes: Inspector Yakub Ismail was present and introduced himself as the new inspector in the area as well as his fellow officers , PC Danielle Preston, PC David Benjamin and PSO Reece Jerram.
Residents were advised they could raise any concerns with the inspector by direct email –
PC Danielle Preston gave an update on ward related matters which included the following: · There was a high level of crime and theft relating to motor vehicles, averaging 12-13 reported incidents per month during the months of February and March, however this had significantly reduced in April with one report of motor vehicle theft. · The Police were aware of known criminals acting in the area, 2 arrests had been made and thefts had come down as a result. · There were 12 burglaries in the area in April and 4 people had been arrested. · Anti-Social behaviour continued to be an issue with motorbikes, and the Police continued to gather intelligence and were using Section 59 powers, that enabled the bikes to be seized under a two strike rule. Seven Section 59 notices had been issued so far. · Residents were urged to continue reporting incidents to 101 or online at · Residents were assured that Police were continuing dedicated patrols in plain clothes, as well as high visibility and on foot, .
Fire Service update: James Dawes and Joe Rolleston were present from Hasting Road, Fire Station.
· There had been 61 accidental dwelling fires, in terms of prevention 700 home safety checks had been undertaken and around 1000 smoke alarms fitted by the Fire Service. · Residents were informed they were entitled to have their smoke alarm fitted for free by contacting the station. The smoke alarms cost around £25 to purchase from B&Q. · Open days were being planned for later in the year at the station. · Members of the public could book the Fire Service for events e.g. fire safety, seeing a fire engine and for use of VR headsets. by email to – · Fire Service were also on social media – Facebook – Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service Eastern Station. Twitter - @LFRSEastern
HIGHWAYS UPDATE An update on Highways works in the Humberstone & Hamilton ward will be given. Minutes: Rupert Bedder (Highways Network Asset Manager) was present to provide a general update on upcoming highway schemes 2022-23 , noting all schemes were carriageway resurfacing works: · Thurmaston Lane - KFC/Porsche Roundabout – This proposed work area was split between two wards (Troon and Humberstone & Hamilton). Estimated Cost £430k (Roughly 25% of the works would fall on the Humberstone and Hamilton ward). Work programmed August · Scraptoft Lane - City Boundary to Nursery Rd – Estimated Cost £90k. (Note: Road Safety Team looking to install Zebra Crossing Subject approvals from Consultation Estimated Cost £45k) = Total Estimated Cost for the scheme - £135k. Work programmed in October · The public consultation was currently underway for the proposed Scraptoft Lane zebra crossing between Bowhill Grove and New Romney Crescent. Consultation ends on Monday 23rd May and can be completed via e-consultation · Main Street - Steins Lane to Lower Keyham Lane - Includes work on the footway outside shops on the Humberstone Village (Resin Bounded). Estimated Cost £131k. Likely to be in February 2023 · Bellflower Road - Just off Sandhills Avenue up to Jasmine Close - Estimated Cost £18k
School Run Parking
· After feedback from residents, the LCC Officers were looking to develop a school run parking plan that would contain some of the proposals suggested and would be a measured and appropriate response. · St Joseph’s school on Armadale Drive – looking to convert the temporary one-way system brought in during Covid in to a permanent one-way
Humberstone Village Scheme · In August 2020 - April 2021 a zebra crossing was installed outside the school on a raised platform. Speed cushions were also installed on Steins Lane and Main Street close to the shops and on the one-way section. · As part of those works the layout of the junctions at Vicarage Lane with Main Street and Stanley Drive with Tennis Court Drive were altered and the junction of Main Street with Humberstone Drive narrowed to one lane to reduce the number of one-way contraventions and provide a contra flow cycle lane. · Since these measures have been installed, the LCC Officers have also commissioned another survey to monitor the effect of these changes (Sep 2021). That data was currently under review to see if any further alterations are required. · In addition to this Main Street would be resurfaced and looking to install new surfacing outside the shops. 20mph Schemes The St Joseph’s 20mph Zone was programmed to be designed this year and officers would also be looking at options to convert streets to 20mph between Netherhall Rd – Scraptoft Ln as well ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
HOUSING UPDATE An update on Housing works in the Humberstone & Hamilton ward will be given. Minutes: It was noted that: · The Councillors are aware of housing and parking issues in the area. Please contact them for support. Contact details can be found on: · Councillors were aware of speeding issues on Sandal Avenue. Residents encouraged to take photographs or details of number plates and keep reporting to the police. · Councillor Crewe had posted social media update over the past 12 months of what has been happening across the ward including Boxing club, Knives down Gloves Up. · Councillors had been speaking to bus companies about direct bus services to other areas of the city including the Thurmaston Shopping Centre. This would allow residents to move around the city without having to travel into the city centre. · the Thurmaston Shopping Centre. This would allow residents to move around the city without having to travel into the city centre.
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
An update will be given on the Ward Community budget. Minutes: The Ward Community Engagement Officer gave an update.
It was noted that: · The funding pot for each ward was £18000 per financial year (April to April). Any funding received was not required to be paid back. · All applications are assessed for certain criteria and are sent to Ward Councillors for approval. · The cut off dates for applications are the end of January, May and October. Residents and Community groups were encouraged to plan ahead and submit applications in good time for their events. For example anything for the Christmas period would need to be applied for by the end of October. · If residents have any questions regarding the ward budget please contact Randeep Singh Mattu by email:
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: It was noted that: · The Fitness Factory Leicester, Tara House, Hilltop Rd, Leicester LE5 1TT, were holding a Queens Jubilee Party. · Nirvana FC held its annual presentation on Saturday 21st May. · The proposed plan to build houses on Moorefield’s, Netherhall was still under consultation. · There was a parking issue at the Community Centre, residents were being encouraged to walk where possible.
With there being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm. |