Agenda and minutes

Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting - Thursday, 16 March 2023 6:00 pm

Venue: Netherhall Neighbourhood Centre, Armadale Drive, Leicester, LE5 1HF.

Contact: Randeep Singh Mattu, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1835 email:  Adam Kagzi, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 4544115 e-mail: )

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct


Councillor Ali as Chair led on introductions.




Apologies for absence were received from the Hoousing Team.




Members noted that:

·         Following concerns raised about Fly-Tipping at various locations on the ward, Members had been on a patch-walk with the City Warden. It was noted that some of the sites were on private land and these were in the process of being cleared

·         Future highways works around school were being considered, with additional zebra crossings and 20mph zones around schools

·         Residents were requested to continue to report on the ongoing issue of inconsiderate parking outside schools during the peak times

·         It was noted that the consultation on the Local Plan had now closed and a meeting had taken place with the Netherhall Community Association in presence and no decision had yet been taken.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 309 KB

The Action Log from the meeting held on 10th May 2022 is attached and Members will be asked to confirm it as an accurate record


Residents from the Netherhall Community Association noted that at the previous meeting, language used seemed to suggest that the local Ward Councillors supported the proposals on the Local Plan to build on Moorefields and this was not reflected in the Action Log of the last meeting.


Ward Councillors took the opportunity to reiterate that they were not supportive of the plans to develop on greenspaces and did not support the proposals.


In light of the discussions, residents proposed to not support the Action Log of the previous meeting.




Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward


PCSO Lawrence Hill provided an update of recent activites.


Recent beat reports suggested there had been:

·         60 reports of violence

·         19 thefts

·         15 robberies

·         11 burglaries.


It was further noted that the local policing unit were focussed on ASB concerns at the McDonalds on Netherhall Road and the issues with off road motorcycles on Thornborough Way.


As part of the discussions, it was noted that:

·         Residents were concerned with the drug related activities on Armadale Green and noted that the Housing Team and CrASBU had been notified

·         Additional beat patrols were requested around the Netherhall area including at the Neighbourhood Centre

·         Residents requested that additional cameras be installed around the Armadale Green and Upper Hall and Upper Hall Green as they were blind spots for the existing cameras in place.


In response to resident’s query on how hotspots were identified, PCSO Hill noted that Sentinel Reports suggested which areas were targeted and requested that residents continue to report crime in the area either via phone or online.


In further discussions local residents suggested that recent increase in crime and ASB in the area was linked to the people that were being housed in the area which was predominantly an elderly demographic who were now terrified and restricted to the indoors. It was further noted that the Local Housing Team, CrASBU and the police had already been notified and that the elderly residents of the area were waiting on action to be taken.



A Highways Officer will be present to give an update on Highways matter in the ward.


The Highways Officer provided an update on local highways works.


It was noted that:

·         The Thurmaston Lane roundabout had been resurfaced and works were now complete

·         Works on Scraptoft Lane and the introduction of a new zebra crossing and speed cushions had been completed

·         Resurfacing works on Hamilton Lane, New Romney Crescent and Main Street had been completed

·         10 additional parking spaces had been created on Ivy Church Crescent

·         On going works were in place in the Cardinals Walk and Parkstone Road area where Cadent Gas were carrying out maintenance works

·         Installation of bollards outside schools

·         Ongoing works to repair 98 potholes and 173 defects to the footway across the ward.


Additionally it was noted that there was ongoing work supporting local schools to promote a national walk and cycle to school competition with the event launching on 20th March which would be supported by Monks Rest Gardens to facilitate.


As part of the discussions, residents raised their concerns with inconsiderable parking outside schools and zig zag markings not being enforced. The Highways Officer noted that legal rulings now allow for all zigzag markings outside schools to be enforced by the camera car which automatically issues penalty notices.


In further discussions residents requested the following be considered:

·         Bollards to be installed at the entrance of the alleyway on Upper Hall Close

·         Request for knee high railings to be installed around grass verges outside the Kestrel Fields Primary School

·         The consideration of a one way system on Chestnut Avenue and Thurn rise as the streets were used as a rat run

·         Bus stops to be remarked on Netherhall Road to avoid inconsiderate parking

·         The introduction of traffic calming measures on Parkstone Road, Wigley Road, Grantham Road, Armadale Drive and Moorefields.


It was suggested that there was going to be a comprehensive project launched around traffic calming measures and the information provided could be part of the planning process for the local area.



A Housing Officer will be present to give an update on Housing matters.


Apologies for absence were received from the Housing Officer.


As part of the discussions, residents took the opportunity to voice their concerns with the allocation of the new tenants in housing which was surrounded by vulnerable elderly people and questioned what was the vetting process before new tenants were housed and suggested that this was something that the Housing Team should consider.


Residents from the Upper Hall Close area and surrounding streets noted that they had vulnerable elderly neighbours that were petrified to come out of their homes for a walk and also could not use the communal gardens for fresh air as they were terrified of the new tenants and suggested that the bungalows in the area should remain as housing for the vulnerable elderly.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward


The City Warden provided an update and circulated a leaflet highlighting the recent works carried out in the area.


Contact details were shared with the residents that could be used for reporting of local environmental issues.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


An update will be given on the Ward Community budget and recipients of ward funding will be invited to give feedback on their projects.


The Ward Community Engagement provided an update.


It was noted that 36 applications had been received and 27 of which had been supported from applications across the ward. It was further noted that there would be no carry over of funds at the end of the year and the new budgets will start following the elections in May.


The Ward Community Engagement Officer noted that there was a timeframe in which the outcome of the application email was sent out followed by which the funds were committed and that all applications were supported fairly. Support on applications was available and contact details were provided as part of the agenda




It wass noted that a resident from Burnet Close, Hamilton had requested information on if there were any planning proposals on the street on the green space and in response it was noted that none of the Members had been made aware of any such applications.


Representatives from Leicester Nirvana were in attendance to welcome the  local community to the Presentation Day taking place at Leicester Nirvana on Sandhills Avenue on 20th May from 10am onwards.


There being no items of urgent business the meeting closed at 8:00pm.