Venue: Hamilton Library, 20 Maidenwell Avenue, Leicester, LE5 1BL
Contact: Randeep Singh Mattu, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1835) (e-mail: Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6369) (email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS & DECLARATIONS The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Joshi, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
No declarations were declared. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Mike Pears – Highways, Charlotte Glover – City Warden, Kate France – Walk to school initiative, Allan Gratrix and Marion Waddington – local residents.
Councillors and attendees requested for best wishes to be passed on to Allan Gratrix – an unwell resident. |
The Action Log of the Meeting held on 1 March 2016 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: The Action Log from the meeting held on 1 March 2016 was circulated and confirmed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK The Humberstone & Hamilton Ward Councillors will provide an update on the activities they have been dealing with in the ward. Minutes: Humberstone and Hamilton Ward Councillors provided an update on the issues they had been dealing with in the ward.
Councillor Dempster reported on the patch walk which took place, whereby several issues were highlighted including: · Sandhills Avenue (at the bottom) - speeding traffic. · Hope Hamilton CofE Primary School and Humberstone Infant & Junior School - parking issues. · It was noted that Councillors would soon have further information regarding the draft parking strategy.
· Councillor Joshi had a request from Netherhall Road residents for parking bays to be installed near the shop precinct. This had been requested to Highways and the City Mayor and was being looked into. · Topaz Way – near to the children’s play area, had an issue of overgrown trees. The matter had been passed onto the relevant team. · Councillor Joshi had a meeting with residents of Keyham Lane regarding a substation development issue which was taking place. · It was noted that Portcullis Road had Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) concerns this had been reported to the Police and ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) unit.
Residents concerns: · A resident reported that 3 wheelchair accidents had taken place at Maidenwell Avenue due to vehicles parking completely on pavements and causing obstruction to mobility access. · Councillor Joshi informed attendees of the public consultation for dog control enforcement. Please see further information attached to this action log.
ACTIONS: · The issue of un-adopted roads in the ward was discussed and Councillors requested that information go out to residents explaining the current situation. · The memorial footpath near Hamilton College – it was requested for Highways to confirm whose duty it should be to clear the footpath. · Several residents had concerns that one of the two bus shelters that were recently installed at Maidenwell Avenue was initially planned for installation at Carty Road. It was queried as to why the Carty Road installation was not carried out as this bus stop was reported to be well used. Highways Officers to look into the above actions. · It was noted that from January 2017 all Humberstone & Hamilton Councillors surgeries would be held every Saturday morning at Hamilton library. · Following a residents query to Councillors regarding whether any developments would take place with Humberstone Village; the Ward Councillors, City Mayor and residents would do a walk about in that area. Residents would be informed of the details. |
HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT UPDATE An update will be provided on a number of transport and highways issues in the Humberstone & Hamilton Ward. Minutes: Robert Bateman – Team Leader for Highways & Traffic Design discussed the following:
· Highways Officers had contacted developers and encouraged them to complete the road and sewage adoption processes. The developers provided Leicester City Council with a plan. · It was noted that residents had been informed by post of the proposed 20mph zone on Keyham Lane and had the opportunity to reply back with comments. This was noted to also be part of the Keyham Lane West road widening development. · Several schools in the ward including Kestrels’ Field Primary School and Hope Hamilton CofE Primary School were reported to be part of the City wide parking strategy study.
Residents & Councillors concerns/ ACTIONS for Highways: · Residents raised a number of potential improvements for Hamilton circle. Councillor Dempster requested Highways to provide a short briefing note of costs for resolving the issue and reasons for the costs. · Chestnut Avenue/ Fern Rise - it was reported that when many drivers turned the corner they were not aware of the 20mph zone. A resident requested larger signage or road paintings. Robert discussed the legislative restrictions with this suggestion, but would feedback to his team. · A resident requested a white line to be drawn at the top of Chestnut Avenue/ Keyham Lane. · Gypsy Lane (near Emerald Centre) – water was reported to be leaking and running down the hill. Robert would feedback to his team. · Councillor Joshi requested that the zebra crossing be repainted at Hope Hamilton CofE Primary School as it had eroded. · Residents requested bus services to/ from Hamilton via Belgrave Road. The Chair requested that the Arriva bus company be invited to the next meeting. The Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) to action this. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward. Minutes: PC Alex Catlow and PC Kath Burnham were at the meeting and gave the following update. All to note:
· Findings from some operations carried out by Police with the fire service highlighted Hope Hamilton CofE Primary School as a priority due to vehicle obstructions. · The Police encouraged residents to report any criminal or suspicious incidents.
Residents’ concerns/ requests: · Concerns that there was drug selling activity at the back of Hamilton gym on Friday’s and Saturdays.
ACTIONS: · Off road motor bikers near Maidenwell Avenue were causing ASB especially on Friday and Saturday evenings. The Police suggested they could look at options with Highways to restrict areas. However, it was debated that restricting bikers access also restricts other mobile vehicles such as wheelchairs, pushchairs etc. · A high number of burglaries last month led to suspects being imprisoned and since then the ward had seen a burglary reduction. A representative from Hamilton Residents Association (HRA) requested the Police to email her this information to help reassure residents. · A resident requested the Police visit Kestrels’ Junior School Annex area due to bad parking/ vehicle obstructions. |
HOUSING UPDATE Housing officers will be present to give a presentation on housing matters. Minutes: Tracy McAllistair, Team Leader for Housing, gave an update on environment improvements taking place in the ward during 2016/17. All to note:
· The continuation of knee high fencing installation at Netherhall Road and Tolcarne Road. · New Romney Close – works to the communal gardens including turfing and new trees to be planted in the Autumn.
ACTION: · The WCEO confirmed that the previous community meeting request for housing associations to be present, would be aimed for the next meeting. Tracy stated that she had a housing association contact which would be passed onto the WCEO. Tracy would also find out which officers dealt with private rent and inform the WCEO. |
There will be an update on the environmental and enforcement activities in the ward that the City Warden has been dealing with. Minutes: Randeep Singh Mattu - WCEO presented and distributed printed material on works the City Warden had been involved in since the last meeting. The update can be found attached to this action log. |
WALK TO SCHOOL INITIATIVE There will be an update on the ‘walk to school’ initiative. Minutes: Randeep Singh Mattu - WCEO discussed the walk to school scheme. Please see leaflet attached to this action log. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update on the Ward Community Budget will be provided at the meeting. Minutes: Randeep Singh Mattu - WCEO provided an update on the Ward Community Budget; the budget sheet is attached to this action log for information.
Councillor Dempster advised applicants to apply as early as possible for funding consideration. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: Transforming Neighbourhood Services (TNS) programme – attendees were provided with information regarding the consultation and process for the Council’s current review of how neighbourhood services are run in the city. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.23pm. |