Venue: Hamilton Library, 20 Maidenwell Avenue, Leicester LE5 1BL
Contact: Punum Patel, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6575) (e-mail: Robert Parkinson, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 3400) (e-mail:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Dempster, Chair for the meeting led introductions and welcomed everyone.
There were no declarations of interest. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Action Log from the meeting held on 17 January 2018 is attached and Members will be asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Minutes: The action log of 17th January 2018 was agreed as an accurate record. |
COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK Councillors will provide an update on ward matters. Minutes: It was noted that Emma Taplin from Avanti Fields School was unable to attend following a request from the last Ward meeting.
Councillor Joshi: · Asked the meeting that if school parking concerns on Bessingham Close raised at the previous Ward meeting had been addressed. Residents and the Police Officer confirmed the highlighted issue had been resolved satisfactorily. · Reiterated his thanks for the outcome of bus shelter installation on Sandhills Avenue. · Thanked the Hamilton Residents Association for organising a Spring time event in the Ward and for fund-raising towards planting bulbs. Constituents had approached Councillor Joshi asking for information regarding Ward funding to carry on the scheme elsewhere in the Ward.
Councillors acknowledged issues from the public regarding the cutting of grass verges. Members of the public were asked to inform the Councillors or the Ward Community Engagement Officer of any specific issues.
All Councillors shared thanks to the Police for keeping them informed of a recent suspected case of child abduction in the Ward.
A resident requested Councillors to investigate the possibility of installing seating in bus shelters in Sandhills Avenue. Councillor Dempster informed the room that she was taking the matter up with the City Highways Director.
Councillor Dempster asked the residents to contact the Ward Councillors if they wanted a patch walk to take place in their area. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on local policing issues in the ward. Minutes: PC Stuart Venables from the local neighbourhood team shared latest crime statistics with the meeting of crime in the Ward since the last Ward Meeting: 29 incidents of burglary. 35 incidents of car theft. 5 incidents of robbery.
The Police Officer shared further updates in the Ward: Police Coordination. Police teams across the East of Leicester are coordinating the targeting of offenders and the generation of intelligence. Reporting Crime. The meeting was reminded to report any crime if they come across it, including through the 101 non-emergency number and attending beat surgeries.
In response to questions regarding parking on Topaz Way and safe crossing places outside of schools, PC Venables shared: Parking complaints. A school pupil had been recently injured by a driver outside a school in the Ward. Police are consulting the city council about the installation of a crossing outside the school. Speeding Surveillance. On the 10th May and 6th June Police will be out on speed patrols in the area.
After questioning from the Chair, PC Venables agreed to bring to future ward meetings leaflets advising residents over keeping their homes safe in the summer time. |
HIGHWAYS UPDATE An officer from Highways and Traffic will be present to give an update on highways matters in the ward. Minutes: A Highways Officer (Robert Bateman) informed the meeting of recent developments in the Ward: · Keyham Lane widening scheme was now complete. · Kestrels’ Field 20mph zone proposal had been received by the City Mayor, approved and would be completed in the summer time. · Several unadopted roads in the Ward had now been adopted. · After investigation, the Sandhills Avenue shops are entitled to request the installation of signs promoting the local shopping area through the Highways Department, at their own cost. Rough cost of £1000 per sign was suggested. The signs should be placed so as to guide motorists towards the shopping area. · Through the Living Streets Initiative parents are being approached to change their behaviour towards parking. Highways Officers will continue to work with schools to change attitudes to parking outside schools. · Residents are entitled to express interest in the installation of village banners on lampposts. · Robert Bateman had been to sites where complaints were raised about parking on splitter islands. He had not witnessed the issues raised, but he invited residents to contact him directly on, preferably with photo evidence. |
HOUSING UPDATE A local Housing Officer will provide an update on housing matters in the ward. Minutes: It was noted that the Housing Officer was not in attendance. The Chair requested for a representative of the Housing Department to talk about the issues related to private rented homes in the Ward at a future meeting. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the ward. Minutes: Nicole Powell and Charlotte Glover from the City Warden Service gave a presentation on fly-tipping which covered the following: · The city council alongside neighbouring local authorities were working jointly to coordinate a response to recent high levels of fly-tipping in the city and wider area. · CCTV installed in Armadale Drive had caught fly-tipping offences. · City Wardens had made a request to the city council for a mobile camera vehicle to visit the Ward. · Residents of Netherhall Road are encouraged to report suspected fly-tipping offences. City Wardens reassured residents that their details are not shared whilst allegations are being investigated. · Residents should be wary of social media adverts for waste disposal. The authenticity of waste disposal firms should be checked by residents, as residents could be fined if their waste was not disposed of legally. The public can consult the Environment Agency public register of licensed waste carriers. · Wardens reminded the meeting that donated charity bags and other donations if left outside charity shops were regarded as fly-tipping and should look to avoid this practice. · The meeting was reminded that fly-tipping sites should not be approached by the public and ought to be reported online through the city council’s website. · Reports should include: time and date, descriptions of suspected offenders and their vehicles and types of waste that have fly-tipped. Photographs of fly-tipping sites were appreciated in online complaints.
City Wardens shared with the meeting the success of a schools litter pick in the Ward in March, and thanked all schools involved. A further litter pick with local schools is planned.
Hamilton Residents Association were due to have a litter pick event on the 20th May, meeting at Hamilton Library. All were invited to join.
City wardens reiterated the waste disposal service available to residents (Post-meeting note: for information 15 bags of green waste can be collected every 2 months. This can be arranged via the bulky collection service, details of which can be found on the Leicester City Council website).
Residents raised concerns regarding the lack of cutting of grass verges in the Ward. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
An update will be given on the Ward Community budget and recipients of ward funding will be invited to give feedback on their projects.
Minutes: The Chair thanked the Hamilton Residents Association (HRA) for their recent work with community funds.
The Ward Community Engagement Officer informed the meeting that: · Since the last ward meeting 9 applications had been supported including - Nirvana FC, St. Mary’s Church, Humberstone skate park and the HRA. · £1542 left over community funds would be carried over to join the £18,000 set aside for next municipal year. · Residents may apply online at or call the Ward Funding Helpline on 0116 454 1940 for further information and guidance. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: Following from questions from residents: · Councillor Dempster requested the Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) arrange for an officer from the Transforming Neighbourhood Services initiative of the city council be invited to the next ward meeting to explain the scheme. · The Chair to seek through the WCEO to invite representatives from Hope Hamilton and Kestrels’ Field Schools to attend future ward meetings.
The Chair requested that the WCEO email the three ward councillors regarding progress in arranging speakers and representatives from local schools. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: Meeting closed at 8pm. |