Venue: Hamilton Library, 20 Maidenwell Avenue, Leicester, LE5 1BL
Contact: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1876 email: ) Aqil Sarang, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 4545591 e-mail: )
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct Minutes: Councillor Dempster was elected as the Chair for the meeting and led on introductions.
There were no declarations of interest. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from the City Warden. |
The Action Log from the meeting held on 6 November 2019 is attached and Members will be asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Minutes: The Action Log from the previous meeting was agreed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK The Ward Councillors will provide an update on ward related matters. Minutes: On behalf of all Councillors the Chair thanked the residents for the opportunity to represent them as it was the last meeting before the elections.
Humberstone Residents Association (HRA) were commended for their contribution and engagement over the years.
Councillor Joshi encouraged more residents associations and suggested collaborations between associations.
The Chair commended Nicole Powell the City Warden for her excellent contributions and commitment to her role.
Officers were also thanked for the contributions.
Councillors commended the activities of Hamilton Library.
LEICESTER ADULT SKILLS AND LEARNING SERVICE An Officer will be present to provide information on the Adult Skills and Learning Service. Minutes: Attendees were asked to note an update from Anna Parr from the Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service. Points made included the following:
· The service operated mainly from the Adult Education College (former old lending library) on Belvoir Street but some courses were also available at a number of local community venues.
· There were a range of courses on offer, including Digital Skills, Skills for Work, English and Maths (level1&2) and English as a Second Language (ESOL). Some of these courses could be accessed for free.
· There were also learning for leisure courses, where participants paid £1.80 per hour.
· Free career development courses were also available.
· Possibilities of merging with the Arts and Textile class that was currently available at Hamilton Library through Hamilton Residents Association would be explored. ACTION: Ward Community Engagement Officer to share details.
· The service welcomed other ideas and information from residents about ways to increase / improve the offer in community locations.
· Thursday Morning advice and enrolment sessions were available at the college on Belvoir Street.
ACTION: Anna Parr to enquire if the Chairs request for an earlier release of the Easter brochure would be possible.
Contact details for Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service are attached for information.
HEALTHWATCH LEICESTER AND LEICESTERSHIRE An Officer from Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire will be in attendance to provide a presentation. Minutes: Gillian Jillett – Healthwatch representative introduced the newly merged Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire:
· Was an independent voice for the people of Leicester and Leicestershire. · Listened, represented people’s views and provided local information and signposting. · Influenced health and social care locally to ensure local peoples voices were heard. · Visited General Practices (GP’s) and care homes, suggesting improvements. A revisit was then made to see if the suggested changes were implemented. · Residents were encouraged to share their experiences, or if they had any issues or concerns relating to Health and Social Care Services across the City. · Contact details have been attached. · Emergency dental services were now available 7 days a week, a leaflet with contact information is attached.
It was also noted that a Question Time, where stakeholders in the health service would be on a panel and members of the public would have the opportunity to raise concerns and issues. Further Information on the event can be found on the Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire website. |
POLICE UPDATE Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward. Minutes: Sergeant Mistry and PC Venables were present at the meeting and gave an update on Police matters in the ward.
6 November 2018 – 12 February 2019
Burglaries 36 residential burglaries - Asian Jewellery - Cash - Car Keys Sandhills Avenue and the Scraptoft area were identified as hotspots. This could be a result of less CCTV cameras in the new estate.
Theft from Motor Vehicles 47 reported thefts from motor vehicles. It was noted that number plate crimes had increased in the last 4 months.
Local statistics were available on
· On liaising with Councillor Joshi the Police had executed 2 warrants resulting in 1 arrest being made.
· It was noted that the Police can deal with obstructive parking.
· Any abandoned vehicles should be reported to the Council.
All information was available on the Leicestershire Police website. |
The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward Minutes: The City Warden was not present at the meeting. An update was provided that was circulated at the meeting and is attached for information. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
An update will be given on the Ward Community budget and recipients of ward funding will be invited to give feedback on their projects. Minutes: Since the last meeting, 6 applications had been supported totalling £4,407.
Leaving the remaining balance at £0,00.
This years Ward Community Budget had been spent. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 19:40 |