Venue: Gateway College, 17 Colin Grundy Dr, Leicester LE5 1GA
Contact: Randeep Singh Mattu, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1835 email: Aqil Sarang, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 4545591 e-mail: )
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct Minutes: Councillor Ali as Chair led on introductions.
There were no declarations of interest. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Thomas, Nicole Powell the City Warden for Humberstone and Hamilton and from Glenda Terry, a representative from the EU Settlement Scheme. |
The Action Log from the meeting held on Wednesday 7 August 2019 is attached for information and discussion. Minutes: The action log from the previous meeting was received and the Chair was pleased to announce that following the last ward meeting where residents were encouraged to apply for funding from the ward budget. Hamilton Residents Association had had their application for a Christmas event approved.
The Hamilton Residents Association will be hosting a Christmas Carol event at Sandhills Avenue shops on 6 December from 6:30pm and all were welcome to attend.
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the ward. Minutes: Sergeant Kevin Mistry from the Local Policing Unit provided an update to the meeting.
It was noted that there were 2 PC’s and 2 PCSO’s allocated to the area.
Latest statistics were presented to the residents and more details were accessible through the Neighbourhood Link.
·There were 5 vehicle thefts a reduction in numbers from the previous year and 33 thefts from vehicles. This had a rise in number compared to the same time last year. ·There were 47 burglaries from residential dwellings scattered across the ward. ·It was noted that during a burglary patrol held on 25 October 2019 there had been 38 arrest made resulting in two regular local offenders being remanded into police custody. Residents were informed that a few of the items had also been recovered. ·The anti-social behaviour car was on patrol every night and residents were informed that police were aware of hotspots. Residents were encouraged to keep the police informed and report on any ASB. ·The police had conducted a raid on a property on Cardinals Walk, where 3 arrest were made.
Residents were informed that the Police would be conducting Crime Prevention Days at Tesco Hamilton on 7 December 2019. The Fatal Four Operation would also be held near Tesco, this operation would see police conducting checks on cars.
Sergeant Mistry commended residents from the ward for their support to the police which had helped bring the number of crimes down.
LOCAL HIGHWAYS UPDATE An Officer from the Highways Team will provide an update on highways matters in the ward. Minutes: Rupert Bedder form the Highways Team was in attendance and provided an update on highways related matters in the ward.
It was noted that following the last ward meeting, Rupert and the Chair had been out and visited areas of concerns that were raised. Actions that were raised at the last ward meeting had been addressed by the Highways Team or had been passed onto the correct departments.
Residents raised their concerns on the following:
· Vehicles were parking over and around bus stops on Ivychurch Crescent making it very difficult for bus users to board or dismount the bus. · Footways and grass verges were being parked on resulting in muddy conditions for pedestrians. · The location of the road sign on the junction of Aldfield Green and Brompton Road was confusing and needed adjusting. · Paving blocks on the road and humps on Sandhills Avenue were becoming loose. The hump near the Leicester Nirvana Football Club was considered to be the worst affected. · Concerns were raised with the condition of the road at the junction of Brompton Road and Shipton Road. · Suggestions of a one-way system would address residents’ concerns with road safety around Fern Rise and Chestnut Avenue. Residents were informed that this would not be something that would immediately be actioned but would be added to the list of schemes and were encouraged to continually raise this scheme and gain Ward Councillors support. · Concerns were raised with the condition of public footpaths on Armadale Drive and reports were made of several alleged falls.
Rupert informed the group that he had noted their concerns and would pass back to the Highways Team to action. |
HOUSING UPDATE Housing Officers will be at the meeting to discuss housing related matters in the ward. Minutes: Marlene Blake the Housing Team Manager was in attendance and provided an update on housing related matters on the ward.
Marlene noted that she managed the Social Housing in parts of the city including some of which was on the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward.
It was noted that there were 22 voided properties in the Humberstone area 6 of these were on the Netherhall Estate. Residents were encouraged to report any abandoned properties to 0116 4541007.
There were no confirmed emerging issues with anti-social behaviour. Residents were encouraged to report any ASB or criminal activity to 101.
Neighbour Disputes were to be reported to 0116 4541007, for issues with domestic noise and nuisance residents were encouraged to call 0116 4543141 during office hours and ask for the Duty Officer, (alternatively email: Residents were encouraged to avoid emailing or calling officers directly as if absent, the messages go unseen. Reports on noise pollution went to Noise Team and it was reported that they react to the number of calls they receive.
The Housing team were working alongside the Highways team to identify any areas where parking improvements could be made. Briarfield Drive was being considered as an area where additional parking facilities could be introduced.
The Environmental Budget had given the team the option to make improvements to the housing stock that would directly benefit the tenants or the locality. Some of this budget would be used to paint the bridge and on the parking improvements. Residents were encouraged to forward any ideas they could have for areas of improvement.
Residents reported that the ramp outside the Netherhall Road shops which gave access to the housing upstairs, was not working and had been reported. ACTION: Send to Repairs Team.
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward Minutes: The City Warden Nicole Powell was not in attendance and no update was provided.
The Chair was very pleased with Nicole and the work she does on the ward. |
LEICESTER CLIMATE EMERGENCY CONVERSATION The Climate Emergency Project Manager will be in attendance to speak on this item. Additional documents: Minutes: The Project Manager for the Climate Emergency was in attendance and delivered a presentation (attached for information).
The consultation had been launched and was in progress until the 9 February 2020. An event, Leicester’s Climate Assembly will be held on 18 January 2020 and The Young Peoples Climate Assembly will be held on 27 January 2020. Groups could also request a conversation pack where they can conduct their own assembly workshops. |
EU SETTLEMENT SCHEME A representative will be in attendance to provide an overview on the EU Settlement Scheme. Minutes: The representative for the EU Settlement Scheme was not in attendance.
Leaflets are attached for information. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
An update will be given on the Ward Community budget and recipients of ward funding will be invited to give feedback on their projects. Minutes: The Ward Community Engagement Officer delivered an update on the ward budget.
Since last Ward Meeting on 7 August 2019
Ward Applications Received – 12 Ward Applications Approved – 7 Ward Applications Not Approved – 1 Ward Applications To be Assessed – 4
Remaining Budget - £7727
It was noted that Ward Funding Advice Sessions would be held at Hamilton Library on Wednesday 15th January 2020 from 10am-12noon. Other sessions were also arranged at various locations around the city (details attached). |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: The City Developments Team would provide an update on Netherhall Community Centre. ACTION: Neighbourhood Services would provide feedback to the next meeting.
Attendees from the Armadale Centre were in attendance and requested an update on the situation of the Community Asset Transfer. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 8:25pm. |