Agenda and minutes

Fosse Community Meeting - Wednesday, 20 January 2010 3:00 pm

Venue: Fosse Neighbourhood Centre, Mantle Road

Contact: Palbinder Mann - 0116 2998814 (ex 39 8814) 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Manish Sood took the Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillor Wann.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillor Sood was asked to declare any interests he may have in the business on the agenda and/or declare if Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to him. He had no declarations to make.



The minutes of the previous Fosse Community Meeting, held on 13 October 2009, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.




The minutes of the Community Meeting, held on 13 October 2009 were agreed as a correct record.



Officers will be present to discuss Highways and Transport related issues in the area.


Mike Pears, Team Leader, Highway Management, gave feedback on issues raised at the last meeting.


He explained that issues with car repairs on Empire Road and cars for sale on Pool Road had been referred to the City Wardens for investigation.  Residents stated that there were congestion problems on Pool Road and Bosworth Street caused by illegally parked cars. Mike said that this should be reported to the police. Taxed and insured cars that were not illegally parked were not causing an offence.


Residents raised concerns about school traffic outside Fosse Primary School. A 20 mile per hour limit was requested and enforcement of parking rules. Pavement extensions and bollards were recommended. It was noted that the school had not benefited from the Safer Routes to School scheme. Mike offered to pass the concerns to the Traffic Impact Team.



Officers will be present to discuss any graffiti issues in the ward.


Hughie Blair, Graffiti Manager explained the work of the graffiti removal team. He showed photographs of how the work was done and some of the sites dealt with. He stated that reports were comparatively low for Fosse Ward, with 29 call-outs last year. In addition, 119 cable boxes had been overpainted in the ward.


It was reported that there was a small charge for the work on private properties, but this was not profit-making. The Community Meeting had previously allocated £1,000 from its funds towards offering free cleaning in the area. This work was ongoing. Improvements were being made on Barratt Street.


Residents asked what could be done about businesses that left graffiti on their buildings. Hughie explained that he would visit them to encourage them to get it done. New laws were being introduced to enforce or invoice for the work.



Members of the Local Policing Unit will be present to provide an update on crime issues in the area.


Sergeant Julie Strong gave an update on policing issues in the Fosse Ward. She explained that antisocial behaviour and parking issues were being targeted through visits to groups and campaigns. She asked residents to report issues and give ideas how they could help the community.


The Police Community Support Officer, explained the latest crime figures, noting that some crimes had increased or decreased, particularly dwellings burglary, which had decreased significantly.


Concern was raised about pavement cyclists on Fosse Road North. It was reported that CSOs were now issuing more tickets. They would focus on Fosse Road North. Residents also expressed concern about poor response to antisocial behaviour, whilst other, less distressing incidents seemed to be prioritised. It was reported that, following the Fiona Pilkington case, priorities were being changed. A specific car was being allocated in the evenings to dealing solely with antisocial behaviour. The policing team were aware of issues on Tudor Road in particular, and they were working with the community to address them.



There will be an update on Environmental issues in the area.


Christopher Nutting, Area Service Manager, Cleansing Services, explained the work of the service in the Fosse Ward. This included tackling dog mess problems, litter, graffiti and fly tipping. He outlined the recently revised cleaning schedule and noted that a recent survey had shown a high level of satisfaction with the service. He noted that residents were concerned about bins being left on streets, and the new City Warden would deal with this once appointed in April.


Residents informed Christopher of a dog waste bin on Pool Road outside the Aapaka Centre, which was loose. It was also reported that these bins were not used and dog waste was being trodden into the centre. Chris agreed to discuss and monitor it. The City Warden would be asked to assist in finding the culprits.


Residents asked for an update on the suggested locations of new litter bins. Chris explained that there was new, strict legislation about placing bins. A request had been made for replacement bins on Tudor Road. It was also reported that more bins or more frequent emptying were needed at Woodgate Adventure Playground and near the library. It was noted that some money was to be allocated from the Community Meeting budgets towards environmental improvements, including bins. Chris agreed to look at costings and viability.





Determine cost and viability of providing new litter bins.

Christopher Nutting

Before next meeting.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel, Members Support Officer will give an update on the Community Meeting Budget.


The following applications have been received:


  • Maya Group Well-Being Project, Maya Group, £2,500     Appendix B1




Anita Patel, Members Support Officer, gave an update on the Community Meeting Budgets and introduced the application that had been received.


The meeting noted that an application that had been deferred from the October meeting, from Paul Saville, Extended Services Co-ordinator, for half-term activities had been withdrawn.


Maya Group – Wellbeing Project

The application from the Maya Group for their Wellbeing Project was discussed, and Dipak Parmar, Manager/Co-Ordinator at the Aapaka Centre, spoke in support of the application, outlining the purpose and benefits of the group. He stated that it was the only group of its kind in the West End, improving health and wellbeing of its attendees and offering friendship for often lonely women. The group was very popular, with a waiting list for membership. It was noted that previous sources of funding had run out and the group may have to close if further funding was not obtained. The requested funding would enable the group to run for six months. The Neighbourhood Policing Team reiterated the good work that the group did.

AGREED: that the meeting supports the funding of  £2,500 from the Ward Action Plan Fund, subject to it also being supported by Councillor Wann and final approval by the Cabinet Lead.


Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

The meeting also discussed further possible funding proposals. Anita recommended that the setting up of a new Neighbourhood Watch Scheme that had been awarded £500 (subject to a pending partnership project with the police) in March 2009 be allocated a further £500, as there were now sufficient interested residents willing to set up up two Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in the ward.

AGREED: that the meeting supports the funding of a further £500 from the Ward Action Plan Fund, subject to it also being supported by Councillor Wann and final approval by the Cabinet Lead.


Meeting for Polish Community

Anita stated that the Ward Councillors intended to hold a special meeting for members of the Polish community, and some of the remaining funds would be allocated towards this.

AGREED: that the meeting supports the proposals as above regarding a meeting for the Polish community.


Environmental improvements

Anita reminded the meeting of a recommendation under the Environmental Services item, that remaining funds were to be allocated to environmental improvements, such as replacing bins on sites such as Tudor Rd area and Woodgate Avenue.  Christopher Nutting, Area Service Manager agreed to carry out inspections of the locations suggested and provide costings.

AGREED: that the meeting supports the proposals to allocate remaining funds to environmental improvements.


Anita asked residents to recommend any other potential projects for funding, as there would be more funds available in the new financial year. Residents suggested refurbishment of the toilets on Woodgate Adventure Playground, and the replacement of noticeboards on The Rally. Anita encouraged residents to submit an application for the toilets refurbishment and agreed to get costings for the replacement of the noticeboards.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Obtain costings for new noticeboards for the Rally

Anita Patel 

For the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.




The meeting closed at 4.40pm.