Agenda and minutes

Fosse Community Meeting - Thursday, 21 February 2019 6:00 pm

Venue: Fosse Library, Mantle Road, Leicester LE3 5HG

Contact: Anita Clarke, Community Engagement Officer, (Tel: 0116 454 6576) (Email:  Ed Brown, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: 0116 454 3833) (Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Cassidy as Chair led the introductions and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Transport Projects Manager John Dowson and Neighbourhood Relationship Officer Vicki Chapman.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 877 KB

The Action Log of the previous meeting held 22 November 2018 is attached for information and discussion.


The Action Log of the previous meeting held 22nd November 2018 was confirmed as correct.



David Beale will provide draft guidance on Repton Street.


Senior Project Manager David Beale and Graduate Project Officer Helen Livingston gave an update on plans for the development of the Repton Street area.  Points included:


·         The development had been discussed with the Environment Agency, and it was proposed to raise the ground level by one meter to protect new and current houses from flooding and to make it easier for residents to obtain flood insurance.  The overall development would take 3-4 years.


·         Residents suggested better river and drain management would reduce the risk of river and flash flooding.

Action: David Beale to ask the Environment Agency to attend a future meeting to discuss flood risk.


·         A cycleway on the river side starting at Rally Park would run for the length of the site, with the eventual hope of linking with the cycle path from Abbey Park.


·         The amount of parking required to service the development had been tested and would be accommodated in the area. Access to the development would be off all existing streets.


·         Apartment buildings of up to six storeys around The Rally Park area, with two-three storey houses nearer to Repton Street were planned.  It was hoped that the overlooking buildings would improve security and safety in the park.


·         People were directed to the website:


·         Boards outlining the development plans would be available for viewing in the Fosse Neighbourhood Centre, and Woodgate Resource Centre in a few days.


In response to an enquiry asking whether there would be charging points for electric cars in the development, David Beale agreed that this was a good idea.  Action: David Beale to enquire.


It was noted that under City Council policy 15% of housing developments must be affordable rent, and that the council would assess the need for affordable housing in the area. 


David Beale assured that prolonged noise and disruptions from the construction works would be managed.


In response to a question over whether any of the development would be student accommodation it was noted that waterside guidance discouraged student accommodation in the proposed development area.



There will be an update on the progress of the recovery plan following the incident at Hinckley Road in February 2018.


It was noted that the 25th February would be the first anniversary of the explosion on Hinckley Road. Councillor Cassidy gave an update on Hinckley Road Recovery.  Points included:


  • The Community Recovery Group would be meeting again soon now that the trial was over. It was noted the defendants had been sentenced.


  • There would be an information session on 19th March from 3-6pm at the Charles Napier Pub.


  • The demolished properties were all in private ownership and no planning applications had been made.  It was stressed that Leicester City Council wanted a unified approach rather than multiple developers. Residents were requesting a permanent memorial.


  • Banners were going up in the Hinckley Road Parade business area in order to promote the area and get it open for business again.


·         Councillor Cassidy praised the way all groups involved in the recovery had worked together.



There will be an update on progress concerning Waterside Primary.


Community Engagement Officer Anita Clarke read a written update from Vicki Chapman on the development of Waterside Primary School.  Points included:


·         The project was currently on hold due to ground contamination.  Making the land safe would add up to £5 million to the £13 million project.


·         The original plan aimed to see Fosse and Slater primary schools brought together into a new school.


·         Legal notices were already in place to close Slater Primary School and expand Fosse Primary School.  A statutory notice has been published to modify this with an implementation date of September 2021. Fosse and Slater Street schools would remain open for the foreseeable future.


·         Attendees were directed to the website


·         Dependent on the outcome of the statutory notice, parents of first-time admission children could make a retrospective application to Slater Primary School.


·         Parents of children in these schools or due to start school in September 2019 have been contacted to explain the situation.


It was asked where the building on the new site would be located. 

Action: Councillor Cassidy to enquire.


It was asked for it to be minuted that they felt that objections to the project had been ignored and asked the council to listen more to local residents.


·         Residents asked that the site was kept tidy and free from rubbish to make it less of an eyesore.

Action: Christopher Nutting of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services to bring this up with the team leader. 


It was noted that specialised contractors would be used to de-contaminate the site.


Concerns were raised about a drainage problem on the site.  Action: Councillor Cassidy to enquire about drainage issue.



Highways officers will give an update on highways issues in the Ward, including progress on the Five Ways project.


Anita Clarke read out a written update regarding Highways issues including the Five Ways project.  Points included:


·         Work at the Ravensbridge Drive/St Margaret’s Way junction was progressing with night working taking place with road closures.  There would be a full road closure in March to complete the resurfacing of the junction.


·         Work at the Blackbird Road junction was progressing but there were delays due to a gas main incident.  Officers were working to get this resolved as soon as possible.


·         Five Ways junction works were removed from the scope of current works but were still being considered for the next phase of works. 


·         The design of the junction and funding for the works were still a subject of discussion.  It was hoped that more would be known by the time of the next ward meeting so that a more informative update could be given.


Residents drew attention to a report in the Leicester Mercury that the Five Ways junction was the most polluted area in Leicester, and could the problem be resolved as soon as possible.




An officer will be present to provide information on the Adult Skills and Learning



A presentation on Leicester Adult Skills and Learning (LASALS) was given by Kathryn Birks. 


Courses offered by the programme at Fosse Neighbourhood Centre included:


·         ESOL Qualifications.

·         English and Maths courses.

·         Arts and Crafts courses.

·         Qualification courses for work.

·         Leisure courses (such as languages) at 1.80p/h.

·         An access course for business administration.


For people on low income and on benefits there was usually no cost (other than for leisure courses as indicated above).  It was noted that prices were not set to change, and the courses would continue for the foreseeable future.  Information was available on the walls in the Neighbourhood Centre.



Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward.


Sergeant Simon Walters gave an update on police issues in the ward.  Points made included:


·         The new station on Norfolk Street was open between 10am-4pm Monday-Friday.  There were no set times for police to be present at the Fosse Neighbourhood Centre as it was difficult for PCs and PCSOs to remain in one place.  People were asked to either make an appointment or to go to the Hinckley Road station where a civilian member of staff would be on duty.


·         There were 3 PCSOs and 3 PCs in the ward. At any one time there were at least 2 PCs on duty.


·         Speed tests on the 4th January on Brading Road, showed the average speed of motorists was 25mph.  One person was caught speeding on this occasion.


·         Six parking tickets had been issued outside Fosse Primary School.  More visits were planned.


·         Police have been gathering evidence to get a closure order for properties on Kate Street due to drugs issues.


·         Three properties had been closed down recently due to drugs issues and there was ongoing work on the issue in Swannington Road where one family had been moved out.


·         Those present were made aware of the local police Facebook page.


With regards to the issue of speeding on Brading Road, Councillor Alfonso stated that this had been ongoing for at least three years, and it had previously been suggested that traffic calming be installed in the road and surrounding area.   She noted that average speeds could be deceptive and those speeding were going dangerously fast and that there was less speeding during rush hour due to congestion, and those factors could have affected the police operation.

Action: Sgt Walters to liaise with Traffic Management to get rumble strips to monitor speeds.


Regarding parking issues around Fosse Primary School, the possibility of getting a CCTV camera car to monitor the situation and catch perpetrators was enquired about.  Sgt Walters replied that the responsibility for parking was with Leicester City Council, not the police, and it would be council money that would pay for such a vehicle.


Concerns were also raised about school-run cars blocking the road and measures such as the zig-zags on the road were not enforced.  Action: Councillor Cassidy to pass on this information to the headteacher.


Concern was raised about parking on single and double yellow lines on Woodgate, also noting a car that was parked completely on the pavement. Sgt Walters replied that the police only had powers to address obstruction of highway (which included pavement) by issuing tickets, but cars parked on yellow lines was a council issue, not a police issue.


Concern was expressed about vehicles from City Van Hire parking around and outside their compound and a street cleaner vehicle blocking Central Road.  Sgt Walters repeated that the police had no specific powers on parking issues but suggested that if it was safe to do so to take pictures of inconsiderately parked vehicles so that the police could take them in to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward.


Charlotte Glover, City Warden, gave an update on issues across the Ward.


·         A leaflet drop project had been undertaken to reduce fly tipping, however no reduction was observed.


·         There had been 971 fly tips in Fosse Ward in the last year, more than any other ward in the city.


·         Due to the high number of Eastern European residents in the buildings where fly-tipping was occurring, a leaflet had been produced in Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Romanian explaining how to dispose of waste properly and the consequences of fly tipping.


·         Throughout February booklets were produced, and posters were distributed in shops, on lampposts and in parks.


·         Throughout March Community Protection Warning Notices were to be produced, giving people 24 hours to remove waste.  If this was not done then a formal notice giving a further 24 hours was to be issued, and if the waste was still not removed a £100 fixed penalty was to be issued.


·         Residents were reminded that they needed to bring their bins back in on bin-day (Thursday or Friday) or potentially face a fine.


·         The City Warden was working with land owners on Mostyn Street in order to clear business waste.


·         One person on Beatrice Road had received a fixed penalty notice for fly tipping and was now going to court over the matter as they had not accepted the ticket.


·         ‘Environmental crime’ tape was being put around fly tips along with signs about fly tipping, in order to bring it to people’s attention.


Concern was raised that in terraced housing with shared entrances it can be difficult to bring bins in if the neighbours have blocked the way.


The City Warden responded that this was an issue for landlords rather than the council, however as these entrances were also fire exits the landlords did have a responsibility to keep them clear.


Cameras were requested to be installed around fly tipping hotspot areas. Action: City Warden to ask council to get cameras for hotspots in Fosse ward.


A hotspot on Balfour Street outside Fosse Primary School sports hall was reported. Action: City Warden to act on this report.







There will be an update on the Ward Community Budget.


Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications



The Community Engagement Officer gave an update on the ward community budget and informed those present of applications supported since the last meeting as follows:


·         African Network Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland for the Community Networking & Awards to Local Young People. £350

·         Magic Roots for the Mini Roots Music. £552

·         Councillor Alfonso for the Grit Bin Placement on Whitwick Way. £295

·         Woodgate Residents Association for the Purchase and Upgrading of their Computer, Including Back Up System. £250

·         Brightsparks: Arts in Mental Health Group for Health & Wellbeing at the Riverside Festival 2019. £500


It was also noted that ward funding had been contributed to tackling fly tipping.


£2197 had been spent in total, there was no money left in the budget.  New applications would be considered after the local elections in May 2019.


The Community Engagement Officer stated that the ward usually received £18,000 per year to spend on community projects.




It was noted that this was Councillor Alfonso’s final Ward Community meeting.  Councillor Cassidy thanked her for her service to the ward.


Councillor Cassidy made those present aware that a Park Officer would be on Fosse Recreation Ground on 7 March between 1:30 and 3PM in order to talk to people about planned improvements to the park.  PCSO Sarah Barker stated that she would also be present.


The meeting closed at 7.40PM