Agenda and minutes

Fosse Community Meeting - Wednesday, 25 March 2009 6:00 pm

Venue: Fosse Neighbourhood Centre, Mantle Road

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Manish Sood was Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillor Wann.



The first main item on the programme is Declaration of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything in the programme they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


No declarations were made.



The Minutes of the Fosse Community Meeting held on 26 November 2008 are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.


The Chair reported that the planning application for Fiveways House, Tudor Road has been refused.



that the minutes of the meeting of the Fosse Community Meeting, held on 26 November 2009, be confirmed as a correct record.



Neil Canham, Manager, Leicester Anti-social Behaviour Unit and Sergeant Will Cheshire will be providing a presentation on tackling Anti Social Behaviour in the area.


Tom Smith, Supervisor, Renewal and Grants Service will also be present to provide information on Security and Alley gates in the area.


Neil Canham, Manager, Leicester Anti Social Behaviour Unit provided a presentation on tackling anti social behaviour in the area. Neil commented that the unit provided a city wide anti social behaviour service and tackled all elements of anti social behaviour. The Community Meeting were informed that there were 600 referrals taken by the unit a year however there had been a low number of complaints received from the Fosse ward.


A member of the public queried whether there was any intervention before complaints were made against someone. Neil commented that the youth service were responsible for intervention before a complaint had been made however the Anti Social Behaviour Unit aimed to intervene as soon as possible after a complaint had been made.  


A member of the public raised concern that there was not enough provision for young people in the ward. He requested that resources be provided for long term solutions in the area. He added that there was a group called ‘Street Vibes’ that ran activities for young people however it was voluntarily run and had limited funding. Neil commented that ‘Street Vibes’ were being funded in other wards and he was very supportive of the person that ran the group. Neil agreed to talk to the individual about youth provision outside of the meeting. The Chair stated that youth provision was an area, which needed more work.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Neil to speak to the individual about youth provision

Neil Canham

After Meeting



PC Anton Wilson and a representative from the City Wardens will be providing feedback on the recently held Fosse Clean up Week of Action.


PC Steve Reeves reported on the recently held Fosse Clean up Week of Action.


Steve commented that he was new to the ward and had moved over from Hinckley Road. He stated that consultations with residents in the ward had been held, and the concerns that had been raised included youth behaviour, fly tipping and parking problems. Steve informed the Community Meeting that parking enforcement was currently undertaken by the City Council. There had also been concerns raised with regard to bin fires. Residents had been recommended to remove their bin off the street.


A member of the public raised concern that once problems were reported there was no progress made on solving the problems. Steve commented that there had to be a starting point to get an idea of the problems and there had been great work done by the City Wardens in the ward. There needed to be continuous work done on the concerns raised.


Concern was raised by residents that illegally parked cars were not getting parking tickets. Steve stated that cars would get tickets if they were parked on double yellow lines, on the corner or causing obstruction.


Adrian Russell, Service Director, Environmental Services commented that the current policy with regard to city wardens was that they would come along and listen to concerns of residents. He added that currently the Fosse ward did not have a city warden however it was covered by the spare city warden responsible for covering gaps in the city. The Community Meeting were informed that by 2010 the Fosse Ward would have one. Adrian agreed to pass on the concerns about parking to the Director of Transportation at the Council.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Pass on concerns to the Director of Transportation regarding Parking problems in the area.

Adrian Russell




David Snelders, MAGIC (Motivation, Assertiveness, Goal Setting & Achievements, Initiative, Confident Communication) Coach and registered member of the European Coaching Institue will be present to provide information on the MAGIC Programme designed to help people between the ages of 11 and 24.


A representative from the City Council’s youth service will also be present.


David Snelders, Personal Development & Stress Management Consultant was present to provide a presentation on the on the youth services provided by the company ‘Routes to Success’.


David commented that the company were trying to set up youth schemes in the different wards in Leicester.  He stated that every ward in Leicester had similar problems with regard to youth provision. There were centres in the city that could be utilised. ‘Routes to Success’ was a small local company that had been helping young people for 70 years and had helped people across the world. David commented that he wanted to help young people in the ward and needed funding for the service. A member of the public queried whether the service was similar to that which Connexions offered. David commented that Connexions advised from an academic perspective while his company would be able to advise with regard to finding employment and understood what employers wanted.


A member of the public queried why there was a cut off point with regard to the age group to whom the services were offered. David commented that it was difficult to go to a wider age range as they did not have enough resources. He added that they were trying to help the young people in the area. In response to a query the Community Meeting was informed that there was no payment needed for the service as the funding came from the funding applications submitted in the respective wards


Concern was raised that there was insufficient youth provision in the ward. Residents stated that long term solutions were required and questioned why Fosse was designated as a non poverty area and therefore didn’t get as much funding as other wards.



A representative from the Rally Park project will be present to provide an update on the project.


Mark Rose, Capita Lovejoy Landscape Architects was present to provide an update with regard to the current situation with Rally Park.


Mark commented that all ideas that had been received at the consultation stage had now been taken through a design development process.


Mark commented that one of the main problems with the park was the shape. This led to opportunities for anti social behaviour. He commented that new developments would mean introducing facilities such as a communal garden and the park having a local community focus. There would also be a development of the adventure playground, which would be incorporated into the multi use games area. This would include facilities such as a football pitch, bmx track and a skate park. There would also be a option with regard to water sports.


Mark explained that the Soar Meadows area of the park would be opened up and there would be a bridge to connect it to the rest of the park. The City Council were keen to extend the park, make it a more visible space and provide a larger central area.


A resident queried when the project was likely to be completed. Mark commented that the funding part of the project was an ongoing process and it could be two to three years before the project was completed.



Adrian Russell, Service Director, Environmental Services will provide an update on Environmental issues in the area.


Adrian Russell, Service Director, Environmental Services provided an update on environmental issues in the area.


Adrian provided an update on the work being done with regard to derelict buildings in the area. The following updates were given:


St Augustine’s Church, Fosse Road North


A meeting had been held with the owners of the building on 19 January 2009 however there had been no developments. The matter had now been referred to the Council’s Legal Services department.


A.E. Charlesworth’s, Rugby Street


There had now been metal grilles fitted on the windows to prevent falling glass.


The Old Robin Hood, 7 Woodgate


Fly posting was still problem on this building and the City Council’s City Wardens were now investigating the problem.


Friar Tuck Tavern, 4-6 Woodgate


The problem with regard to the loose chimney pots had now been fixed however fly posting was still problem on this building and the City Council’s City Wardens were now investigating the problem.


Premier Screw and Repetition, Woodgate


The site was recently occupied by travellers and work was still being done to improve the appearance of the site.


Kwik-Fit Garage, 1-3 Littleton Street


The site had now been tidied up.


Car park adjacent to 125 Bonchurch Street


There was still working being done to remove the remnants of fly tipping.


The Vicarage, 8 Pool Road


The site had been made secure.


88 Woodgate


There was still working being done to remove the remnants of fly tipping.


12 Littleton Street


The fencing problems that had been reported at the last meeting had now been fixed.


Land adjacent to 10 Ravensbridge Drive


It had now been discovered that the City Council did own the site and they were working to improve it.


A resident raised concern that there were cars being sold on the highway outside Tesco Express on Poole Road. Adrian commented that there were rules brought in to deal with problems such as the selling of cars. He added that if it was found to be part of a business then action could be taken.



Anita Patel, Members Support Officer will be providing an update on the priorities agreed for the Fosse ward.


This item was not considered at the meeting.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel, Members Support Officer will be providing an update on the Fosse Community Meeting budget. The following budget application has been received:


Epworth Methodist Church, Blackbird Road – Exterior Noticeboard and Replacement Floor - £3062.81                                                      

Additional documents:


Anita Patel, Members Support Officer reported that there had been five applications submitted for funding. Anita commented that as the membership of the Community Meeting was not quorate as Councillor Wann was not present the funding applications could not be approved and only a view from the Community Meeting could be taken.


Anita went through the applications and gave details of the bids. The following bids were submitted:


1)     Epworth Methodist Church – Replacement flooring and Noticeboard,



Anita commented that the application was for the replacement of the floor and the noticeboard.



that the application be supported and £1,200 be allocated from the Ward Community Fund subject to approval from Councillor Wann and final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods


2)     Woodgate Adventure Playground – Woodgate Adventure play ground

refurbishment, £6412.55 plus £745 for labour costs.


Anita commented that the application was for the refurbishment of the Woodgate Adventure play ground.



that the application be supported and £5,000 be allocated from the Ward Community Fund subject to approval from Councillor Wann and final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods


3)     Environmental Services – Environmental Improvements, £3,000


Anita commented that the application was for environmental improvements to the Fosse Ward such as clean up events, installation of litter and dog bins and security improvements such as alley gates.



that the application be supported and £3,000 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to approval from Councillor Wann and final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods


4)     David Snelders, Routes to success – Training/Coaching Programme for Young People, £2,500


Anita commented that the application was for a training and coaching programme designed to help young people.



that the application be supported and £1,500 be allocated from the Community Cohesion Fund subject to approval from Councillor Wann and final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods.


5)     Police/Residents – Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, £500


Anita commented that the application was for the setting up of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to approval from Councillor Wann and final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods.




The meeting closed at 7:58pm.