Agenda and minutes

Knighton Community Meeting - Monday, 30 November 2009 6:30 pm

Venue: Stoneygate Baptist Church, 315 London Road

Contact: Palbinder Mann - 0116 2998814 (ex 39 8814) 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Hunt was elected as Chair for the meeting.




There were no apologies for absence



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



No declarations were made.




The minutes of the previous Knighton Community Meeting, held on 17 August 2009, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.





A resident stated that under the budget discussion at the last meeting, the following amendment should be made, “There had been £13, 9000 allocated by the Committee and this had helped pay for various pieces of play equipment such as a Skateboard area” should be changed to “There had been £13,900 allocated by the Committee and this had help pay for final pieces of play equipment”.


A resident stated that a query had been raised about the consideration of a tarmac path to the Wash Brook Bridge however it had not been mentioned in the minutes. It was noted that a query had been raised on the issue and that Steve Letten, Members Support Officer was looking into the issue.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Obtain an answer to the query of consideration of a tarmac path to the Wash Brook Bridge.

Steve Letten, Members Support Officer

As soon as possible.



that the minutes of the meeting of the Knighton Community Meeting, held on 17 August 2009, be confirmed as a correct record.




Satish Shah, Head of Transport Systems will be present to feedback on Highways and Transportation issues that have been previously raised at the Community Meeting.


Satish Shah, Head of Transport Systems was present to talk about how the highways and transport issues raised at previous meetings were currently being dealt with.


With regard to the issues raised, the following discussion took place:


Introducing 20mph limit on Guildford Road


It was reported that subject to approval from Cabinet, a programme of works for the introduction of 20mph zones on unclassified roads would be prepared. This would initially include roads where traffic calming had already taken place and where the 85th percentile speed was 24mph or less. The Community Meeting was informed that Guilford Road had an 85th percentile speed of 35mph which would make it ineligible for a 20mph zone.


Speeding on in the Meadvale Road Area


It was reported that Meadvale Road was ranked 41st on the traffic calming priority list and therefore, given its low priority, a traffic calming scheme was not proposed for the road. It was noted however that the traffic calming priority list would be revised in 2010.


Speeding on Overdale Road


It was reported that a petition had been received regarding road safety in the Netherhall Road area following an accident. In response to this, the Cabinet Lead Member had asked officers to assess the Netherhall Road area and evaluate the priority of both Netherhall and Overdale Road with regard to taking a scheme forward.


A resident stated that congestion was also an issue on Overdale Road. Concern was also raised that parents parking on the road were ignoring the zig zag markings around Overdale School. A resident stated that complaints had been received that people were speeding on Shanklin Road and Shanklin Drive. Concern was also raised that people were parking and driving selfishly. A Member stated that the Zig Zag road markings around the school were advisory and were not legally enforceable. Concern had been raised by Teachers when they had tried to talk to people who had parked on the markings that parents had got abusive when the issue had been raised.


A resident queried whether speed humps could be introduced. A Member stated that due to Overdale Road being classed as an emergency road to allow emergency vehicles to pass, it would be difficult to introduce speed humps. Members stated that there had been an initial scheme designed for the area around Meadvale Road however they had asked for it to be redesigned.


Residents queried whether there would be consultation if a scheme was introduced. A Member stated that consultation was required.


Satish stated prior to any scheme, it would be made sure that there was proper consultation on any proposals. With regards to the parking enforcement, Satish commented that he would be speaking with the parking enforcement team and the Police.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Speak to the Parking Enforcement team and the Police regarding the enforcement of parking on Overdale Road.

Satish Shah, Head of Transport Systems

As soon as possible.


Crossing on Welford Road


A resident  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 917 KB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer will give an update on the Knighton Community Meeting Budget.


There will be a report back on the Cinema at Holbrook Hall which has previously received funding from the Community Meeting


The following budget applications have been received:


·        Ray Clarke, Expenses to Set Up Sponsored Walk, £50.       Appendix B1


·        Stoneygate Baptist Church, Equipment for Youth Work,        Appendix B2



·        Stoneygate Baptist Church, Repairs to Roof Prior                 Appendix B3

To Kitchen Refurbishment, £3,466


·        Knighton Parochial Church Council, Holbrook Hall                 Appendix B4

Repairs, £1,500 - £9,100.


·        Knighton Park Sensory Garden Project, HorticulturalAppendix B5

Training Project, £250.


·        West Knighton Senior Citizens Group, Outings for                 Appendix B6

Forthcoming Year, £580.


·        Knighton Church Rooms, Cost of Transport for                       Appendix B7

Outings and Subsiding Outing, £600


·        Local Young People, Goalposts on Chiltern Green,               Appendix B8


Additional documents:


Steve Letten, Member Support Officer presented the budget for the Community Meeting.


Steve reported that there had been eight applications submitted for funding. He went through the applications and gave details of the bids. The following bids were submitted:


1)     Stoneygate Baptist Church, Equipment for Youth Work, £608.99.


A representative from the Church was present to explain the application. He commented that equipment was needed for the use of indoors. There was currently a youth worker that was being employed by the Church who would be running the services. Members were in support of the application and felt it would provide a good service for the area.



that the application be supported and £608.99 be allocated from the Ward Community Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


2)     Stoneygate Baptist Church, Repairs to Roof Prior to Kitchen Refurbishment, £3, 466


Members agreed to support the application in principle however the level of support was not agreed as they felt more information such as quotes were required.



                        that more information on the application be obtained. 


3)  Knighton Parochial Church Council, Holbrook Hall, Repairs, £1, 500 -  

     £9, 100


A representative from the Church explained that the money was needed for urgent repairs to the roof. He stated that a feasibility study had been undertaken for the medium term and there were plans to refurbish the building. The access ramp to the building was currently not meeting the current standards and therefore needed investment. Members were in favour of entering into a partnership with the Parochial Church Council (PCC) over the next two years to see how community funding could be made available to support the scheme. Members said they would like a partnership approach with the PCC and would like to see plans of the development and an opportunity to meet the PCC. They also said they would need an undertaking that the hall would remain open in the medium to long term. In this way if the hall were closed for any reason e.g. for property development on the site, then the Council could ask for any money provided to be reimbursed.



that the application be supported and £1500 be provided initially subject to the conditions above from the Ward Action Plan Fund and subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


4)     Ray Clarke, Expenses to Set Up Sponsored Walk, £50


Steve stated that the application was for the cost to administer the sponsored walk. Members felt that they could not agree to funding the application as it would set a precedent of supporting running and administering costs of charities however they recognised the work and agreed that it be looked into whether funding could be provided for items such as equipment which would help sustain activities in the longer term.



that the application  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59.




The Community Meeting was informed that there would be Christmas carols taking place on Friday 4 December, 7:30pm at Stoneygate Baptist Church.


The Community Meeting was informed that there would be an event on Saturday 12 December, 7:30pm at St Mary Magdalen, Parish Road, Brinsmead Road where a brass band would be playing and raising money for charity.


A resident queried how his group could advertise for new Members. She stated that they currently advertised through methods such as placing adverts in Church Magazines, Radio Leicester and through word of mouth. It was also recommended that adverts could be placed in Link Magazine. Steve Letten, Members Support Officer stated he would be able to assist in getting the group advertised as well.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Help in advertising new Members for the local group.

Steve Letten, Members Support Officer

As soon as possible.


Residents raised concern that there was no youth provision in the area. Steve stated that over the next three months ideas needed to be developed as the theme for Community Meetings in the next year would be based around Youth Services. He commented that the issue had been identified in the Ward Action Plan.







The meeting closed at 8:14pm.