Agenda and minutes

Knighton Community Meeting - Monday, 14 March 2011 6:30 pm

Venue: Ovedale Junior School, Overdale Road

Contact: Palbinder Mann, 0116 2298814 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Hunt was elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Adri Cook, a local resident and Pamela Barber, Leicestershire Probation Service.  





The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the previous Knighton Community Meeting, held on 29 November 2010, have been circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.






That the minutes of the Knighton Community Meeting, held on 29 November 2010 be confirmed as a correct record.




Highways officers will consult further on specific proposals to improve road safety around Overdale Infant School, Overdale Junior School and St Thomas More Catholic Primary School. There will also be an update on the installation of road safety signs in these areas.


Robert Bateman, Team Leader, Highways & Drainage Design was present to talk about proposals to improve road safety around Overdale Junior School.


Robert explained that at the previous Community Meeting in January, approval had been given to install a ‘wig wag sign’. This was a sign that would blink left and right informing drivers they were approaching a school. It was noted that the signs had been ordered and would be installed next week. Residents were provided with an opportunity to look at the proposed plans for road alterations and comments were requested.


It was suggested that the wig wag sign should be placed on the corner of Shanklin Drive/Carisbrooke Road rather than on Overdale Road. In response, Councillor Grant stated that the sign would be placed on the first lamp column. He added that this was not ideal however would be next to where the current school sign was. Councillor Grant stated that he had visited the sites for Overdale school and St Thomas More school and agreed that the placing of the signs could go ahead as consideration of any other traffic calming methods would have involved lengthy discussions and the possibility of nothing being installed. It was also noted the funding for the sign was paid out of the Community Meeting budget and it was not known whether this funding would be in place in the next municipal year.


Concern was raised that there were no plans to reduce speed and it was stated that this should be seen at the most sensible and cheap option. It was requested that a 20mph limit be introduced on Overdale Road. In response to this Robert stated that an introduction of a 20mph zone would be a larger and more expensive project and road humps would have to be installed. Robert added that the sign was to help children cross the road. Councillor Grant stated that the Council had taken a view that the 20mph zones needed to be self enforcing. It was explained that previous traffic calming proposals had been rejected and a compromise was being worked on however there were funding issues. Residents were informed that the Council had adopted a policy for a 20mph limit on non main roads however it was unlikely this would be achieved everywhere. It was commented that removing cars on Overdale Road by installing double yellow lines would lead to more cars speeding.


Concern was raised regarding the proposal to narrow the roads and it was stated that drivers parking inappropriately was causing problems. It was noted that there were zig zag lines outside the school and the Police on occasions had ticketed drivers who had parked on them however concern was raised that the Police were not present on a regular basis.


Comments were made that the zig zag lines outside the school were used by buses for school outings. A representative from the infant school stated that the idea was for vehicles to come through one entrance and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106.



The Neighbourhood Policing Team will inform residents of the latest developments in tackling crime in the area.


Sergeant Darren Little and PC Jim McGovin provided an update on the some of the work being done by Police in the area.


Sergeant Darren Little informed residents of a road safety project undertaken with children in the area. Sergeant Little reported that children had accompanied the Police on a visit looking at road safety issues. It was stated that this project would help children learn about crossing safety and it was aimed to get a message to drivers to inform them where they should be parking. During the visit, an operation with a speed gun had been conducted and when someone had been caught speeding children had been given the opportunity to ask drivers why they were speeding. Sergeant Little stated that when cars were parked on the roads, speeding was not a problem however enforcement in the area was still conducted.


PC Jim McGovin provided a crime update for the area for the last 60 days. It was noted the policing area covered all of the Stoneygate ward and all of the Knighton. Some of the information provided included:


  • There had been 20 burglaries with 7 being in dwellings.
  • There had been 4 anti social behaviour incidents.
  • There had been 6 drug incidents.


It was noted that there were problems with burglaries in the Knighton Church Road area and extra patrols had been increased in this area including night patrols. Residents were encouraged to lock everything away securely as it was reported cars had been broken into in the area. A resident queried if there was any support residents could give to Police as he believed Police had not been fully engaging residents in the area. PC McGovin commented that residents on Knighton Church Road were aware of the issues however the vehicle crime issues were an ongoing problem.


With regards to the traffic proposals mentioned earlier in the meeting, it was explained that if there were yellow lines installed, these would have to be enforced by the City Council.


With regards to the statistics of 20 burglaries, Sergeant Little stated that if there was a high number reported such as in this case then tackling it would be made a priority and officers would be out in plain clothes.


Concern was raised about the crossing on Welford Road near the Knighton Post Office and that there was a high risk someone could be injured. Sergeant Little commented that the Police were aware of the problem and stated that it would be tackled.


It was queried how the national cuts to the policing budget would affect the Police. Sergeant Little commented that around £12m would be lost from the budget however the Chief Inspector of Leicestershire Police had stated that neighbourhood policing would not be affected.



There will be information provided on this scheme which assists people whose health is at risk from the cold to improve and install home heating.



Milo Cereghino, Home Energy Officer informed residents of the Health through Warmth scheme. Residents were informed that if they suffered from a long term illness they could apply for assistance with issues such their boiler, insulation or any other heating related improvements.



There will be information provided on the Community Payback scheme which exists to provide opportunities for offenders to pay back to the community by placing them on supervised community projects. Residents will also be able to suggest projects in their neighbourhood which would benefit from this scheme.



This item was not considered due to the relevant officer not being in attendance.




Residents will have the opportunity to find out more about the progress with the Lottery application on this project and how they could get involved.


Liz Mason provided an update on the Knighton Park Outdoor Gym Project.


Residents were asked for their support on the project. Liz explained that a request for funding from the Lottery fund had been submitted and informed residents that the equipment that would be installed in the park would be robust and vandal proof. It was aimed that the park would be really well used. The Community Meeting was in support of the proposed Gym.



The City Warden for the Knighton ward will be present to provide information on how they are tackling environmental issues in your area and on the latest One Clean Leicester initiatives.


Nick Krneta, City Warden for Knighton, gave an update on his work in the ward.


Nick informed residents that there had been an issue with bins on streets in the ward particularly on Aber Walk where there had been a number of bins which no one had taken responsibility for. It was reported that the bins had now finally been removed after two months. Nick informed the Community Meeting that he had been doing a lot of work with school educating children about littering.


Nick also informed residents about the One Clean Leicester initiative. Residents were informed that they were able to install an application on their mobile phone to report environmental problems they witnessed.


Concern was raised regarding problems in Baldwin Walk. Nick stated the litter had been reported in the area and that he would be conducting late night patrols with the Police to monitor the problem. Further concern was raised regarding the amount of litter outside the shops on Shackerdale Road and people parking on pavements on Knighton Church Road, in particular delivery lorries. Nick commented that this problem would be reported and passed onto the relevant department. A resident stated that they had seen vehicles with expired tax discs in the area in Freemens Common. Nick commented that the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) could be contacted and agreed to check the problem.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


James Schadla-Hall, Members Support Officer will be present to provide an update on the budget. Please find summaries of applications received for consideration below. Full application forms can be accessed by contacting Democratic Support on 0116 2298814 or by visiting the Council’s website at


·        100% Best Attendance Project, Police and Community Support Group - £500                                                                                   Appendix A1


·        Bike racks for shopping parades in the Knighton Ward, Carol McGowan - £2000                                                                                          Appendix A2


Additional documents:


James Schadla-Hall, Members Support Officer presented the Community Meeting budget. The following applications had been submitted for consideration:


1)     100% Best Attendance, Police and Community Support Group - £500


The applicant explained the application and informed the Community Meeting that the project was to improve school attendance. Work would be done across four wards and with 11 primary schools. It was hoped to take the children to a pantomime or show.



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated from

the Ward Community Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet

Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods

and the Leader of the Council.


2)     Bike racks for shopping parades in the Knighton Ward, Carol McGowan - £2,000


It was explained that the application was for bike racks to be installed in front of shopping parades in the following public areas:


  • Meadvale Road
  • Aberdale Road
  • Allendale Road/Francis Street
  • Knighton Post Office



that the application be supported and £2,000 be allocated from

the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet

Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods

and the Leader of the Council.


3)     Road Safety Signs, Knighton Ward Councillors - £3,000


It was explained that the funding was for the ‘Wig Wag’ signs mentioned earlier in the meeting.



that the application be supported and £3,000 be allocated from

the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet

Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods

and the Leader of the Council.


4)     Beacon Site for Tennis, Leicester City Council Sports Regeneration on behalf of Leicester City Tennis Development Group - £500 


It was explained that the application was to develop a comprehensive program of tennis activity on three City Council parks, these being Aylestone Hall Gardens, Knighton Park and Evington Park.



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated from

the Ward Community Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet

Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods

and the Leader of the Council.


5)     Disabled access to Bowling Green at Knighton Victoria Bowls Club, Honorary Sectary of Knighton Victoria Bowls Club - £1,500


It was explained that the application was for making an access onto the playing green for disabled people including wheelchair users. This would be achieved by constructing a ramp from the paved area bordering the Clubhouse down onto the green itself which was approximately four feet lower.   


It was explained that the price of the paving slabs had been queried. Residents were informed that non slip slabs were needed due to bowling shoes being used. It was stated that the price of £8 a slab could be obtained rather than the currently stated £12 a slab. Members agreed to support the application however stated that it should be aimed to secure the of £8 per slab



that the application be supported however it was stated that if

the lower price for slabs could be obtained then the revised

figure be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112.




A resident raised concern that they had received two envelopes concerning their council tax. One had contained the council tax letter and the second had contained a standing order. It was stated that previously these had been sent together and that considering how many people lived in Leicester, two lots of postage were a waste of money.  




The meeting closed at 8:22pm.