Agenda and minutes

Eyres Monsell Community Meeting - Monday, 2 September 2019 6:00 pm

Venue: Eyres Monsell Community Centre, Hillsborough Road, Leicester, LE2 9PQ

Contact: Angela Martin, Community Engagement Officer, Tel. (0116) 454 6571, (Email:  Angie Smith, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: (0116) 454 6354) (Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements. The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Cllr Pantling Chair for the meeting introduced those present.


There were no declarations of interest made.




There were no apologies received.



The Action Log of the meeting held on 4th March is attached, and Members will be asked to confirm them as an accurate record.


The Action Log of the previous meeting held on 4 March 2019 was agreed as correct.



Your Ward Councillors will report on things they have been involved in within the ward and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


Ward Councillors were invited to feedback on ward issues and activities:


·         Music for Rolleston School with the area music teacher had been arranged.

·         Breakfast clubs held on Tuesdays and Thursdays over the school holidays had been really successful, with a lot of families in need attending.

·         MPs had been written to regarding the tv licences for over 75s. It was hoped to have someone in attendance to talk about pension credits, as approximately £32million was not applied for every year. If people qualified for pension credits tv licences are free.

·         Twice a month Councillors’ surgeries were held at the community centre, and on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Pork Pie Library.

·         The Post Office was burgled at the Exchange and the safe towards the end of June. The Post Office was due to reopen, but the building was then burnt down and demolished. Councillors were trying to meet with the pharmacy to have a temporary post office service in the Doctor’s surgery. The post office would be rebuilt in the Exchange during Phase 2. It was know the elderly found it difficult to get to alternative post offices. Councillors offered lifts for residents who found it difficult to get to the post office.

·         Eyres Monsell Volunteers Awards would be held on Friday 4th October, 6.30pm, Eyres Monsell Club and would be 60s themed. Invitations would be going out over the next week – music, food and some trips were planned.

·         Christmas Event at Eyres Monsell Community Centre, 7th December – Santa had been booked and was open to people in the community. The youth club would run a Christmas café held that day from 3.00 – 7.00pm. Leaflets would be circulated in the community.



Feedback on ongoing issues and information on planned works will be given.


Councillors agreed to change the running order of the agenda.


Martin Fletcher, City Highways Director was present and gave the following information:


·         The 20mph zone was in place, and its aim was to reduce speeds. After-surveys would be undertaken of the roads, and further measures may be installed as needed. It was noted there were people that would continue to speed and not abide by the law.

·         In last few weeks work had been undertaken round Rolleston and Eyres Monsell primary schools – bollards and wheelchair access on frontages.

·         Keep clear markings outside Rolleston and Holy Cross schools were enforceable by camera car.

·         The next tranche of Traffic Regulation Orders would include Eyres Monsell Primary and Samworth Academy.

·         November / December three laybys would be constructed as part of the annual programme of layby improvements. Ibsley Way, Monmouth Drive and Whitteney Drive North.

·         Access to Sturdee Road from Saffron Lane was discussed. The Council has drawn up an outline scheme to install a mini-roundabout and widening of the junction approach. Officers are investigating with British Telecom the feasibility and costs of diverting cables. The overall estimated cost for a scheme is in the order of £300k. Officers were looking to submit a bid for funding from the capital programme budget for funding. Further traffic surveys would also be undertaken to understand rat running, as it may have an adverse effect by making the route a more attractive rat run.

·         IT was not feasible to signalise the Glenhills Way junctions with Sturdee Road and Pasley Road without dualling Glenhills Way. This is because the signals would require additional stacking capacity to maintain traffic flow. The cost of such a scheme would be several £ millions. 

·         Parked cars were affecting a bus stop on Sturdee Road. The Traffic Team were looking to see if there were any enforcement issues.


Residents complained about vehicles parking on the grass when wet, which created rivets that people fell over when dried out. It was responded that people parking on grass verges could be regulated and enforced, but noted that if vehicle owners lived on the estate, they had nowhere else to park. Residents reported one of the vehicles was a skip lorry that should be parked in the operator’s yard. It was stated that parking outside of a house was dependent on the weight of a vehicle.


Residents also drew attention to pavement parking, whereby people had to go into the road to pass. Officers said the council could enforce where cars were parked on double yellow line and single yellow line from road to premises borders. If no lines were in place, the police could enforce where there was an obstruction, but would only deal with serious issues. If there were persistent issues, residents could contact the council to request yellow lines be installed which could then be enforced. Other measures could include installing bollards. Any problems could be fed back to Councillors.


Residents reported that the 20mph had made no difference to speeding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.



·         Leicester City Community Football

·         Hillsborough Park Development


·         Leicester City Community Football – Matt Bray, LCFC


Leicester City in the Community is an independent charity which aimed to deliver programmes in the communities of Leicester, including projects around health and fitness, working with young and older people. The charity has 40 full time staff based at King Power Stadium, and had developed hubs in the community. The charity was looking to start programmes in the Eyres Monsell Area. A copy of the leaflet with contact details is attached for information.


One project, ‘Kicks’, was aimed at teenagers to keep them off the streets, and sessions would be held on the ball court, week commencing 9th September. The police and fire service would also attend to deliver educational messages.


Another programme ‘Now and Forever’ was aimed at the over 60s, asking them to share memories of Leicester City Football.


Community Centre Officers requested posters to advertise the events. Residents were encouraged to contact the charity with further ideas for programmes that could be developed in the Ward. Councillors said working with the 8-12 years age groups was good as they were often a forgotten age group.


·         Hillsborough Park Development


It had been noted previously that the park had no play equipment or activities for the under-fives age group, and that a better play area was needed. Residents remarked that anything placed on the park was wrecked by vandals and ruined it for the many. Councillors said all had a responsibility to promote respect. It was noted that the Parkour area was no longer used and should be removed. To brighten up the area, Councillors suggested using artists as in the city centre to brighten up the area and promote positivity in the estate.



A local Housing Officer will provide an update on housing issues in the Ward.


Ian Craig, Service Manager for repairs and maintenance provided the following information:


·         Voids (empty properties) figures included Saffron, and there were currently 25 empty properties. On average it took 58 days to get a void property back into use.

·         Residents asked if there was a policy on age for bungalows, as a lot of them were being let to young people, some of whom had problems that were spoiling the quality of life for older people and causing angst in each complex. The meeting was informed that over the years there had been different policies, and that by listening to residents and through elected members the policy could be changed. Councillor Pantling noted there had been a policy change, but an age limit needed to be put on it citywide. It had been noticed that Eyres Monsell had a big problem, and that Councillors had been talking to social care to ensure care packages were in place and were meeting with various agencies to have a more joined up approach to caring for people in the community with problems, for example, mental health.

·         It was stated that from a council perspective, anti-social behaviour (ASB) was not acceptable, and it was important that issues were reported to enable the Housing Department to take action. Councillors were concerned about ASB on the estate connected to housing, and were trying to organise a meeting with police, housing and the Crime Reduction and Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (CRASBu).

·         Right-to-Buy had had an effect on housing stock, and the council was bidding for money to buy properties back.

·         If people were adequately housed, they would not be able to move to another empty property, as people on the waiting list had priority.

·         If there were any specific repairs residents required, they were advised to speak to the officer following the meeting.




A Police Officer will be at the meeting to provide an update on local policing issues.


PC Ian Lee was present and updated the meeting with the following:


·         He asked that information on vulnerable tenants on the estate be emailed to him. He added that there was an issue for vulnerable people on the estate of ‘cuckooing’ whereby others moved into a vulnerable person’s property and took advantage of them. Members noted there was a system in the County where Housing, CRASBu and the Police used Sentinel to share information, but was not currently used in the city. A meeting would be held with the Council, Police and CRASBu to discuss joined up thinking in the area.

·         Over the past few months over £6,000 worth of drugs, and also weapons had been taken off the streets.

·         Residents noted there were not enough police, and that there had been a 30-40% cut in police over the years. There were seven PCs at Keyham Lane covering part of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland areas – Eyres Monsell had a 2% coverage.

·         It was noted the police were facing an uphill battle and there was little respect from some parents and children for the police on the estate which was very frustrating for the police.

·         Residents raised the issue of motorbikes on the park. The Police could issue a Section 59 warning which would allow the police to confiscate the vehicle if caught a second time within a year. The police though had a no pursuit policy as some drivers had no protective equipment and clothing when riding the motorbikes.



The City Warden will give an update on issues and developments in the Ward.


Noel Cazley, City Warden, circulated a leaflet (attached for information). The following was also noted:


·         Areas covered were Aylestone, Eyres Monsell and Saffron, and City Wardens dealt with environmental issues.

·         The more complaints received about an issue made it easier to approach managers to use resources to target enforcement.

·         Around Eyres Monsell there were not many issues apart from fly tips on local authority properties, mainly van and man picking up and offloading items from households. There had been a change to householder’s duty of care. Individuals have to do checks on waste collectors, and if fly tipped rubbish can be linked to a householder, the householder will be fined. One reason council tax is increased was because of costs of clearing fly tipping.

·         It was noted the Council offered a free collection service for bulky waste of up to five items, and could be used every two months, and was bookable through the Council’s website, or telephone number found on orange bags. Household waste could also be taken to Freemens Common and Gypsum Close tips.

·         People could use the Love Leicester app to take a photo of an item, upload to the App and would include a GPS location for City Wardens to find. People could also visit any council building to report an issue.

·         City Wardens could also get involved with messy gardens, for example, vehicles, weeds, rubbish. One example was when a skip had to be used to remove asbestos. Under these circumstances, the landowner or tenant would be billed.

·         Issues could be reported anonymously, but updates would on job information would not be available.

·         There was a rapid response cleansing team that could be called upon to clean up areas.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget together with a summary of grant applications submitted for consideration since the last meeting.


A total of eight applications had been received to date. Of the application one had been supported at £750 and seven were under consideration.


The total amount available at the beginning of the financial year was £18k. If all other applications were accepted at £3,950 there will be £13,300 remaining.


Residents were told to think about funding applications they might want to put forward for the Ward. Councillors also made a commitment to the Eyres Monsell Volunteer Awards and the Eyres Monsell Christmas Party.


It was noted that the Ward Community Engagement Officer could be contacted for support with the application process.




·         EyresMonsell Multicultural Show – Saturday 14th September. There would be an auction in the afternoon of the produce that people don’t want to take home. Aidey Damon, Radio Leicester will takethe auction with half of the proceeds going to the charity Rainbows.

·         Friday 27th September – 80th High Tea Birthday Party for Pork Pie Library. Tickets were £3 per person (family tickets £5). All money raised from the sale of tickets and raffle for the cake will go to the Macmillan Coffee Fund.



Future meetings at Eyres Monsell Community Centre are:


26th November 2019, 1.00pm

17th March 2020, 1.00pm


26 November 2019 – 11.00am, Pork Pie Library

17 March 2019 – 6.00pm, Eyres Monsell Community Centre


There being no further items of urgent business the meeting closed at 7.47pm.