Agenda and minutes

Westcotes Community Meeting - Tuesday, 21 September 2010 6:30 pm

Venue: Main Hall, East West Community Project, 10 Wilberforce Road, Leicester LE3 0BG

Contact: Elaine Baker, Democratic Services Officer, and Peter Cozens, Member Support Officer, 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Connelly was elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies for absence were received from Malcolm Unsworth of Trinity Hospital.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillors were asked to declare any interest they had in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate whether Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to them.


Councillors Connelly and Russell both declared personal interests in agenda item 6, “Oxjam”, as it was likely that they both would be attending this event.  (See minute 15 below)



The minutes of the Westcotes Community Meeting held on 16 June 2010 have been circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



a)      Minutes


The minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2010 were approved as a correct record.


b)      Matters Arising


Councillor Russell advised the meeting that an article had been included in the City Council’s Link magazine on the Residents’ Parking Scheme, (minute 3(a), “Minutes of Previous Meeting – Residents’ Parking Scheme”, referred).  This had included information on how the success, or otherwise, of the scheme would be assessed.


Councillor Russell also reminded the meeting that, as a result of the closure of the Manor House Neighbourhood Centre, a large action group had been formed and was very interested in working with the Council to determine the future of the Centre.  (Minute 4, “The Manor House Neighbourhood Centre”, referred.)


A report was due to be made to the Council’s Cabinet on 4 October 2010 recommending that the Centre be re-opened, although a decision on how long it would remain open would be made when usage rates were known.  The other proposals for the Centre, such as the creation of five-a-side football pitches, also would be considered, but no decisions on these would be made until the Centre’s future had been decided.  Councillor Russell therefore urged everyone to use the Centre as much as possible.


In response to a question, Councillor Russell advised that the notice boards for which funding previously had been approved had been ordered and would be erected when permanent sites had been identified.  It was likely that, initially, one would be located in Bede Park and one near the bus stop at the bottom of Hinckley Road.  Locations for the other two would be identified when it was known how well used they were.  The boards could be used to advertise events and services at venues such as the Manor House Neighbourhood Centre, the West End Centre and local churches.



Officers from Parks and Green Spaces, Leicester City Council, will be present to discuss with residents various issues in relation to Bede Park.


Adrian Edge (Play and Youth Development Officer), Dave Flavelle (Area Parks Manager) and Anita Robinson (Parks Officer) were present at the meeting.


Councillor Russell advised the meeting that current financial restrictions meant that funding would not now be available to install the proposed fencing around Bede Park.


Anita Robinson advised that the cleaning schedule had been increased since last summer.  Cleaning was carried out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings by the Parks Services grounds maintenance team and, since June, the Park had been litter picked and the litter bins emptied in the evenings, at approximately 4.00 pm, by the Blitz litter team.  Regular patrols also were undertaken, with visits to the Park made by Parks Officers and the City Warden team.  Dave Flavelle noted that single litter bins throughout Bede Park had been replaced with double-sized bins, to increase disposal capacity.  However, despite this, the amount of litter being left on the grassed area did not appear to have decreased.


Councillor Russell reminded the meeting that, when large scale developments were approved, the planning permission also could include a requirement on the developer to provide facilities of benefit to the community.  This could include providing additional facilities in parks.


Adrian Edge explained that three options currently were being considered for the provision a multi-use area (ball court) in Bede Park through developer contributions.  However, what could be provided would depend on how much funding was provided by the developer.  At its most basic, it would be a tarmac area, with three metre high fences to keep the balls in.  If more funding was available, it could be possible to also provide things such as floodlighting, or a better grade artificial surface.


Councillor Russell suggested that, alternatively, the developer could be asked to provide a skateboard area.  For example, there was land at the rear of the former Key Pub, which currently was owned by Everards Brewery, that it was hoped could be brought in to community use, but it was recognised that the ability to do so was dependent on a lot of different factors.


The meeting welcomed both of these suggestions, noting that floodlighting could have the added benefit of discouraging people from meeting there to drink and agreeing that a skateboard park would be a good facility for local young people to use.


It also was suggested that De Montfort University could be asked to create a recreational square on its side of the canal, as there was a lot of spare land there and it could ease pressure on Bede Park.  Officers recognised the advantages of this, but noted that a lot of the land there was not owned by the University and it was not known who the developers were.  This was further complicated by the fact that developers could submit planning applications for sites before they owned them.


The Chair advised the meeting that, when an application to turn the former Equity Shoe factory in to student accommodation was considered by the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.



The meeting will receive a presentation in relation to the Oxjam Music Festival which is to be held in the Westcotes Area.  


Samuel Taylor, Regional Manager for Oxfam, gave a presentation on the Oxjam Leicester Takeover festival to be held on Saturday, 23 October 2010.


Samuel Taylor explained that:-


·            This was a family-friendly multi-event programme, being held to raise money for Oxfam and increase brand awareness;


·            Venues in Braunstone Gate would be “taken over” during the day and various bands and artists would perform there during the day, between 1.00 pm and 11.00 pm.  After 11.00 pm there would be other events on in the City, showcasing local talent;


·            Entry to the event would be by purchasing a wrist band, which would give access to all of the events being staged.  These would cost £7.00 in advance, or £8.00 on the day.  Children under the age of 10 would be admitted free when accompanying a paying adult;


·            Other City festivals and carnivals had been invited to Oxjam to provide street dancing, such as Bollywood dancing by the Mela and dancers from the Caribbean Carnival;


·            Some entertainment would be provided for children, such as gospel choirs and dance crews, but not all venues were licensed for families;


·            Negotiations were being held with the Council to enable Braunstone Gate to be closed for 24 hours, to enable the event to take place.  It was recognised that this could cause inconvenience for some people and businesses; and


·            An application had been submitted to this meeting for a grant to cover the cost of public liability insurance for the event, (see minute 19, “Ward Community Budget 2010/11”, below).


Councillor Russell advised the meeting that City Gallery staff would be running craft activities at the festival, which it was hoped would increase the family focus of the day.  An application for funding for this had been submitted to this meeting, (see minute 19, “Ward Community Budget 2010/11”, below).


Samuel Taylor confirmed that:-


·            Oxfam had been working with the Council to keep noise levels down and ban drinking on the street;


·            The event was being advertised through various local and social media.  A press launch would be held on 2 October 2010;


·            Businesses on Narborough Road were involved in selling tickets for the event and take-away food businesses were putting flyers in their bags;


·            Parking for the event would be available in the MFI car park, but all publicity encouraged the use of public transport; and


·            During the period of the road closure, buses would use the routes used during recent road works.



Olivia Bowles, the City Warden, will be present at the meeting to give an update on issues in the area.


Barbara Whitcombe, (Team Manager, City Wardens), introduced Olivia Bowles, the new City Warden for Westcotes, to the meeting.


Barbara Whitcombe then updated the meeting on dog fouling, explaining that:-


·            Changes to the rules meant that it now was possible to use any bin to dispose of properly bagged dog waste;


·            A campaign against dog fouling had been launched on 20 September 2010 with the slogan “There’s no such thing as the Dog Pooh Fairy”;


·            People who were seen disposing of dog waste correctly would be rewarded and would be entered in to a prize draw; and


·            The City Wardens were encouraging people to let them know where problems with dog fouling were being experienced, so that the areas could be monitored and appropriate action taken.


Olivia Bowles explained that there were not many issues with dog fouling in Bede Park.  However, there currently were not enough rubbish bins around Great Central Way, leading people to leave bags of dog waste by lamp posts.  More ordinary litter bins therefore would be put along this route.


In addition, as litter was a problem along Great Central Way, it was hoped that a litter pick of the area could be held.  The opportunity would be taken to educate people on the problems that litter could cause.


Graffiti also was a problem in the Ward.  This tended to be low level tagging and photographs of examples were circulated at the meeting for information.  This graffiti could be removed free of charge.  Barbara Whitcombe explained that funding had been made available for the provision of small graffiti removal kits and larger community graffiti removal kits.  Both sorts could be obtained free of charge from the City Warden, who also would train people in how to use them.


It was recognised that cleaning an area could stop graffiti returning.  However, some areas were difficult to clean.  For example, to clean the area around where the bowstring bridge had been would require the road to be closed.



Local Police officers will be present to discuss policing matters in the Westcotes Ward.




Sergeant Dave Shields, Leicestershire Constabulary’s Neighbourhood Sergeant for the Westcotes and Western Park neighbourhoods, reported that crime statistics for the Westcotes Ward continued to go down.  A detailed breakdown was available on the Leicestershire Constabulary website and could be accessed via the following link:


Sergeant Shields then drew attention to the following:-


·            The reduction in crime had been helped through the use of the anti-social behaviour car, in which plain clothed officers patrolled the area;


·            The Police were working very closely with the City Wardens, with issues regularly being passed from one to the other for resolution.  They also were working closely with the university on crime prevention matters;


·            Consultation currently was being undertaken to establish what issues currently were of concern to residents.  This would include visits to properties and street surveys;


·            Graffiti would no longer be a priority for the Neighbourhood Team, as the City Warden Service was promoting a campaign to reduce and remove graffiti across the City.


·            The Neighbourhood Team’s current priorities were:-


  • Anti-social behaviour – in particular, certain premises along Narborough Road; and


  • Match day parking – in particular, the possibility that the new residents’ parking scheme would move the problem to the north side of Narborough Road.  Work to stop anti-social parking, such as across driveways and on corners, would be undertaken with civil enforcement officers;


  • Sometimes the Police used personnel carriers to transport the beat team, so on occasions the carriers could be seen parked on the street; and


  • The Neighbourhood Team could be contacted through the Leicestershire Constabulary website, on telephone number 0116 222 2222, or were happy to be stopped in the street.


A resident raised concerns that a Police car had been seen driving the wrong way up a one-way street, then parking while the officer left the vehicle to buy food at take-away food premises.  Sergeant Shields asked that any such incidents be reported to him, as this was an abuse of the car.


Concern also was raised that, when people parked badly and then left their vehicles, the Police did not take any action.  In response, Sergeant Shields explained that the Police had to wait for the person to return to their car and drive away before they could act, so it could be difficult to be in the right place at the right time.  However, if this was happening persistently at certain addresses the situation could be monitored.


The Police also reported that they currently were carrying out checks on taxis and were taking action against taxis parking badly, (for example, double parking), and turning in the Braunstone Gate area.  If they persisted, they would be prosecuted through the City Council.


Councillor Russell suggested that, if people had a suggestion for where taxi ranks could be located, they could speak to the Ward Councillors.  The need to ensure that any such locations could be used safely was stressed.



Peter Cozens, Members Support Officer, will provide an update on the Westcotes Ward Action Plan.


Peter Cozens, (Members Support Officer), circulated the draft Westcotes Ward Action Plan 2010/11.


In view of the lateness of the hour, it was



i)        that consideration of the Westcotes Ward Action Plan 2010/11 be deferred to the next meeting; and


ii)      that, in the meantime, any suggestions for priorities and, where possible, suggested ways of addressing these priorities, be passed to the Members Services Officer.


WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 435 KB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Peter Cozens, Members Support Officer, will give an update on the latest position with the Community Meeting budget.


The following applications for grants have been submitted for consideration:


Application 1          


Applicant:       Application form completed by Lisa Jacques, Learning Officer, Contemporary Visual Art, Leicester City Council Arts and Museums Service.


Amount:          £450


Proposal:       Family and Children’s Art and Craft Activities at Oxjam Festival, Leicester 2010


Summary:       We provide art and craft activities from 1:00pm – 5:00pm at The Oxjam Leicester Takeover Festival taking place on Braunstone gate and surrounding venues on Saturday 23rd October 2010.


Our activities will focus on working with children and family groups to engage them with creative making activities which are themed to the festival.  The pieced made would help to create ‘mini’ musicians by creating sounds and rhythm and encourage engagement with the music in the surrounding venues.


We will employ 4 casual workshop facilitators to prepare, clear and deliver the activity.  An event folder will be provided for our activity that includes all Health an d Safety information required for the activity, ensure that all risk assessments are completed and adhered to (LCC standard) and COSHH data is provided.  All staff hold a current CRB certificate and are fully experienced at leading practical creative workshops at festivals and at off site venues for all ages.


Our activity will help to promote a family friendly atmosphere by encouraging the whole family to be creative with their making skills and generate music together.  The event will also provide the opportunity for us to engage with new audiences and help to create a community experience to the event. 


Application 2


Applicant:       Michael Robinson, Westcotes Resident


Amount:          £500

Proposal:       Installation of alleygate at end of the alleyway near the corner of Danvers Road and Narborough Road. 


Summary:       There has been ongoing anti-social behaviour in this alleyway and the installation of an alleygate will prevent this.


The meeting was reminded that applications for funding for art and craft activities at the Oxjam Festival and an alley gate near the corner of Danvers Road and Narborough Road had been circulated with the agenda.


It was noted that, since the agenda had been circulated, the number of hours for which the workshop facilitator at the Oxjam Festival would be charging had been reduced from 16 to eight.  As such, the amount requested had been reduced to £375.44.


It also was noted that, since the agenda had been circulated, an application for funding had been received for the Oxjam Leicester Takeover Event.  A grant of £612.50 had been requested to cover the cost of public liability insurance for the fundraising event Oxjam Leicester Takeover.  The application was tabled at the meeting and a copy is attached at the end of these minutes for information.


The meeting was advised that it had been proposed to install a gate at the entrance to the alley near the corner of Danvers Road and Narborough Road, as anti-social behaviour by people using the take-away food outlets in the area was adversely affecting local residents. 



1)     that funding of £375.44 from the Ward Community fund be supported for the provision of art and craft activities at the Oxjam Festival;


2)     that funding of £612.50 from the Community Cohesion Fund be supported for the purchase of public liability insurance for the Oxjam Takeover Event; and


3)     that funding of £500 from the Ward Action Plan budget be supported for the installation by residents of an alley gate near the corner of Danvers Road and Narborough Road.



a)      Dates and Venues


Further Westcotes Community Meetings will be held as follows:-


Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


The Information Fair at each meeting will start at 6.30 pm and the main meeting will start at 7.00 pm.


All of these meetings will be held at the East West Community Project, 10 Wilberforce Road.


b)      Publicity and Despatch Arrangements


Members of the community are invited to consider if current publicity arrangements and arrangements for the despatch of agendas and minutes can be improved.


a)     Dates and Venues



1)         that further Westcotes Community Meetings would be held on Tuesday, 30 November 2010 and Tuesday, 8 March 2011;


2)         that the Information Fair for both meetings would start at 6.30 pm and the main meetings would start at 7.00 pm; and


3)         that both meetings would be held at the East West Community Project, 10 Wilberforce Road.


b)     Publicity and Despatch Arrangements



                  that minutes of Westcotes Community Meetings be published on the Council’s website as soon as they are available and that paper copies be circulated with the agenda for the next meeting.




a)     New Sports Centre at De Montfort University


The meeting noted that De Montfort University was due to be submitting a planning application shortly for a new sports centre.



that, if it is received in time, the application by De Montfort University for a new sports centre be presented to the Joint Castle and Westcotes Community Meeting on 27 October 2010 for discussion.



Officer Identified


If it is received in time, the application by De Montfort university for the development of a new sports centre to be included on the agenda for the Joint Castle & Westcotes Community Meeting on 27 October 2010

Elaine Baker / Peter Cozens

18 October 2010



b)     Development of De Montfort University


Some concern was expressed that there did not appear to be a strategy for controlling the development of De Montfort University.  As a result, development was piecemeal, with no cap on the amount of student accommodation being provided.  There was not a wish to stop the expansion of the University, but the meeting felt that any such development needed to be balanced against the needs of the area.


It was noted that these issues would be discussed at the Joint Castle and Westcotes Community Meeting on 27 October 2010.  The meeting suggested that this discussion could include issues relating to the transient nature of the local population and the number of To Let signs in various roads.  To facilitate this, representatives of the Empty Homes / Private Lettings team could be invited to the Joint Meeting.


The Ward Members stressed that the Council wanted to help develop a greater sense of community in the area, especially now the number of families in the area was increasing.  However, some people felt that it could be difficult to raise a family in the area if you lived next door to rented accommodation, as some tenants did not show consideration for their neighbours.


The meeting also suggested that it could be useful for the City Council to develop a tourism strategy.  This could help things like local architecture to be highlighted, encourage the development of facilities such as artisan workshops and prevent the universities from taking over large areas of the City.




The meeting closed at 9.12 pm