Venue: East West Community Project, Wilberforce Road
Contact: Harsha Patel, Community Engagement Officer, (Tel: 0116 454 0169) (Email: Jason Tyler, Democratic Support Officer, (Tel: 0116 454 6359) (Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillors Russell (Chair) and Connolly welcomed everyone to the meeting, and the procedure for the meeting was outlined.
Mr Lee Staniforth (Staniforth Architects), Mr Jamie Lewis, Mr Rick Moore and Mr Andy Ward as representatives for CODE Developments were introduced. Also present at the meeting were Mr Grant Butterworth (Head of Planning) and Mr Willliam Josey (Senior Planner and Case Worker) were present from Leicester City Council to answer any questions residents may have had on planning policy and procedure.
Apologies were received from Sgt. Chris Brown. |
The Action Log of the meeting held on 17 March 2015 are attached for information and discussion. Minutes: Members agreed that the Action Log for the meeting on 17 March 2015 be taken to the next Westcotes Community Meeting for consideration. |
PROPOSED NEW STUDENT DEVELOPMENT ON WESTERN ROAD AND TO THE REAR OF THE WESTERN PUB Representatives from CODE developments will be in attendance to explain the proposals.
City Council planning officers will be in attendance to answer questions about the planning process. This will include how people can make comments and how and when the current planning applications will be dealt with. Minutes: The Chair informed residents the meeting had been arranged as an opportunity for residents to ask questions on the following Planning Applications submitted by CODE developments:
· Application 20151143 – 52 Western Road, and site to rear of Western PH, Briton Street – one fourteen storey and one five storey block to provide 329 studio student flats, and three floors for additional usage for retail, financial and professional services, restaurant/café, office and leisure. · Application 20151144 – 36 Western Road – demolition of existing buildings – one nine storey and one five storey block to provide 252 studio student flats. Those present were informed the meeting was not a decision making planning meeting, but an opportunity for residents to view the new development plans, and to put any representations they wanted to make on record. Residents were informed the consultation period ended 24th July, and those who provided an email address would receive further information following the meeting.
A presentation from Staniforth Architects was given on the new developments, and a question and answer session was held. Residents raised issues with the developer and representatives, and the Council’s Planning Officers present at the meeting.
Key documents and the developers applications could be viewed on the City Council’s website, which residents could view to assist with representations:
· Student Housing SPD · Green Space SPD · Tall Buildings SPD · Applications Representations could be made:
· Online · Addressed to the Planning Team at 115 Charles Street · Liz Kendall, MP
Mr William Josey, Case Officer, could be called on (0116) 454 3032 for queries or advice on making verbal representations at the Planning and Development Control Meeting. Ward Councillors for Westcotes would also be available to answer any questions residents may have.
Representations could be in the form of bullet points, and should be kept to points made on planning grounds, to enable them to be considered as part of the planning process. Evidence could also be produced in the form of letters, photographs, etc.
Developers offered residents the opportunity to visit the CODE buildings on open evenings on Thursday, between 5.00 – 7.00pm for the next few weeks.
Developers said they would produce a ‘fly round’ video of the whole area of the development to enable residents to view realistic elevations of the new development.
The developers said they appreciated the strength of residents feelings, and that points had been made at the meeting that the developers had not given due consideration to. They asked residents to contact them if they required any further information. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 9.05pm. |