Venue: East West Community Project, Wilberforce Road, Leicester, LE3 0GT
Contact: Anita Clarke, Community Engagement Officer, (Tel: 0116 454 6576) (Email: Jason Tyler, Democratic Support Officer, (Tel: 0116 454 6359) (Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Russell, as Chair for the meeting, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
There were no apologies for absence or declarations of interest.
It was noted that low attendance could have been due to the football match being on the same day of the meeting, the Chair noted that further clashes would be avoided where possible. |
Attached for information and discussion. Minutes: The Action Log of the meeting held 10 May 2016 was agreed as a correct record.
Action Log Update: · A resident expressed concern on a previous minute regarding an application submitted in a similar name as another organisation. The Chair requested that an addendum* (see below) be added to this action log for clarification. · Application 3261 ‘The Westcotes’ – which was planned to be the production of a ward newspaper. Councillor Russell noted that the applicant was unable to carry out the production and the funding was therefore requested back. It was requested for the Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) to look into and confirm the status of that funding grant. · In regards to the newspaper production, a resident expressed willingness to write articles if the applicant decided to ever go ahead with the newspaper.
*Westcotes ward had two separate organisations ‘Westend Traders’ Association’ and ‘West End Association’. The West End Association applicants applied for and were granted ward community funding in this name for the purpose of holding a community music and street fare called Westival. |
BEDE PARK UPDATE Officers will be at the meeting to give an update on the development of Bede Park. Minutes: Adrian Edge – Landscape Development Manager gave an update on the Bede Park developments.
· It was noted that the installation of the new outdoor gym and purpose-built parkour area would be completed this week. Westcotes Ward Councillors would be officially opening the new works on Saturday 24th September 2016, 2pm at Bede Park. Equipment specialists would be present on the day to demonstrate how to use the equipment. · Adrian displayed and discussed three bespoke options for new developments to the play area in order to replace areas of decay and add better play value. The options ranged between £18,000 - £24,000 and residents expressed ideas of collaborating various aspects of the designs together. · Adrian noted the residents’ ideas and would request the manufacturer to produce a fourth design/ option. · Most attendees agreed that the high rope bridge option would be difficult for children. Adrian discussed other options of lowering the height of the rope bridge with two entrances. · This was noted as the starting point of the process whereby all options were open and further residents views were requested. It was suggested that targeted consultation with children in nearby schools could take place. In addition, Councillor Russell requested resident Val Smalley to inform the ‘Park User Group’ for further feedback. In addition a link to play area options could be placed online.
Residents’ views/ concerns: · A resident requested information regarding the amount of Section 106 funds which remained. Adrian confirmed that there was a sufficient amount of funds for the play area but would need to look further into the total amount. · The time scale for the play area was requested. Adrian noted that in addition to one month’s consultation, the specialist build would take approximately three months which would determine the project’s completion by spring/ summer 2017. · It was noted that prior to the last election a resident had spoken to parks in regards to spending an allocated fund on planting new trees, however there had been no further developments. Councillor Russell would chase this with parks to see the current situation. · Another resident requested whether some of the funds could go towards a memorial plaque for a deceased resident who was involved in establishing the ‘City Challenge’ programme. It was suggested that the plaque could be placed on one of the trees, if this were to go ahead. |
BRAUNSTONE GATE PLACES FOR PEOPLE UPDATE Minutes: (This item was in addition to the published agenda and agreed by the Chair prior to the start of the meeting.) Charlotte Jones from the Braunstone Gate Places for People project gave a presentation on updates since the last meeting. The group had been looking at ways to improve Braunstone Gate, the following was discussed;
· A community mural and mini garden had been installed with the help of several residents. · Pedestrian/ courtesy crossings proposals – traffic/ design engineers were responding to the community forum. The proposal was currently with safety auditors, if a trial was to take place it would be next year. · 29 September, 5.30pm at Walshy’s Sportspad - Winter Westival meeting. · 5 October, 5.30pm – 7pm at Natterjacks – Community Forum/ Design workshop. Focus: Try designing a one-way Braunstone Gate. · 26 & 27 November on Braunstone Gate - Winter Westival event - carol singing, fair, slide plus more activities. More volunteers were requested. · 13 October, 5.30pm at Little Tokyo - Extended funding from ‘People’s Health Trust’ had been awarded to continue the project for a further year. The community were invited to decide what the funds could be spent on.
Residents’ concerns: · The wall jointly owned by Sowden Group & Jamie Lewis opposite the DMU Leisure Centre (at the end of Braunstone Gates railway arches) was reported as not being in a good state. Charlotte noted that she had been talking to the companies throughout the process. · It was requested for Braunstone Gate to be a shared road between traffic and pedestrians (like Jubilee Square). Councillor Russell discussed the change in behaviour required from the public for this type of system to work. |
PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MATTERS An update on planning and development issues in the Westcotes Ward not covered elsewhere on the agenda will be given at the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Russell provided an update on Planning and Development matters in the ward.
· It was noted that a further CODE student accommodation hearing had now been scheduled for 29 September, City Hall (Charles Street), 9.30am start. It was confirmed that residents could attend, however it was preferred that attendees stayed the full duration of the hearing. · The Chair was chasing progress with the following sites; former nursing home on Westcotes Drive and former doctor’s surgery on Ashleigh Road in relation to planning and development matters. |
CITY WARDEN The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Westcotes Ward. Minutes: Alex Kazmierz (City Warden) reported on his environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward:
· 34 notices had been issued for bins on streets and 14 fixed penalty notices issued. · It was noted that this was Alex’s last meeting serving the Westcotes ward as he would be leaving. Thanks were given to Alex for his service to the ward. Residents would be kept updated with information as to who would be the new City Warden for the ward.
Resident’s concerns: · An overfilled bin was reported at the corner of Shaftesbury Road/ Ridley Street. The Chair would report this to the Cleansing Team. |
POLICE ISSUES UPDATE Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in Westcotes Ward. Minutes: There were no Police officers present at the meeting.
· The Chair reported that three areas including; Linkway Gardens/ Cherryleas Drive, a sector of Upperton Road and Eastleigh Road were being supported to set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. A successful neighbourhood watch scheme had been set up on Westleigh Road. · It was noted that the Sergeant with responsibility for the ward would be changing. · A resident had reported a concern to Police regarding drinkers in the Merry Monarch car park. However the issue still remained. · A request was made by residents for the Police to address at a future meeting what their current priorities were. Councillor Russell would request this from the Police. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications
An update will be given on the Ward Community budget Minutes: Anita Clarke - the Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) gave an update on the Ward Community Budget and applications received since the last meeting.
The following applications were considered at the meeting:
New Walk Creatives applied for funding towards holding a lantern procession and exhibition of illuminated structures – grant of £500 approved.
Westleigh Road Neighbourhood Watch Group requested funding towards a gardening/ hanging basket project – grant of £200 approved.
· The WCEO informed the meeting of the next application deadline which would be 30 September 2016. Any applications submitted after that date would be considered for the following deadline which would be 31 January 2017. · A representative from the African Catholic Chaplaincy Leicestershire gave thanks for the funds received in order to provide children with cultural and educational trips. It was noted that the children were taken to the national history museum which was enjoyed by all. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: · A resident congratulated the diversity street TV feature which presented several residents of Narborough Road. · Charlotte Jones discussed her intentions to co-ordinate a lantern parade on Braunstone Gate. Councillor Russell would forward Charlotte the contact of an organisation that had done a similar activity in the past. · Councillor Connelly discussed intentions to contact Tesco’s superstore due to the number of abandoned trolleys found in Westcotes and the City Centre. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.15pm. |