Agenda and minutes

Abbey Community Meeting - Tuesday, 11 June 2013 6:00 pm

Venue: The Tudor Centre, Bewcastle Grove

Contact: Jason Tyler (ext 39 8816) 


No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Byrne was elected Chair for the meeting.  She asked the meeting to note that she would be leaving before the close of the meeting and it was agreed that Councillor Riyait would then take the Chair.



Additional documents:


There were no apologies for absence.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest made at this time.



The Minutes of the previous Abbey Ward Community Meeting held on 19 February 2013 are attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.


Additional documents:



That the Minutes of the Abbey Ward Community Meeting held on 19 February 2013 be confirmed as a correct record.



Additional documents:


Sgt Michelle Zakoscielny reported on the crime statistics for the Ward and made particular reference to the dramatic fall in burglaries.


Michelle reported that two PCSOs had recently been appointed who would be working beats in the Ward.


Michelle asked residents to be vigilant during the summer months and referred to crimes involving minor theft.  She gave examples of thefts undertaken at parks and reminded residents of the availability of ‘purse bells’ which provided a deterrent.


Michelle was thanked for her attendance and update.



Additional documents:


Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Team Manager, reported on Matt Davinson’s activities in the Ward as he was unable to attend the meeting.


She referred to the Police report and also commented on the increased work undertaken in the Council’s parks during the summer months.


Increased patrols to combat the problems of dog fouling had also been agreed recently.  It was noted that statistically the Ward suffered from a comparably high number of dog fouling offences.  Barbara asked for any intelligence information to assist the Warden in enforcing the bye-laws.


In respect of Matt’s other activities, Barbara reported on his additional work to increase litter patrols and commented on the initiative across the City to control the use and operation of licensed skips.


Barbara was thanked for her attendance and update.



Officers from Trading Standards will inform the meeting of their recent activities within the Ward.

Additional documents:


Ben Proctor, Trading Standards Officer, presented an overview of the work undertaken by the Council’s Trading Standards department and made particular reference to current initiatives to prevent doorstep crime.


He reported that crimes involving theft from properties had been suffered by residents where bogus traders had visited homes to offer services.  He also reported on the ‘SCAM’ initiative which had warned residents of criminal activity including false lottery opportunities.


In all cases and examples reported, Ben commented that the advice given to residents was never to enter into business arrangements on the doorstep and that any approaches by doorstep traders should be ignored.


The use of the Fraud Act to achieve prosecutions was clarified together with the rapid response procedure which was undertaken when incidents were reported.  In this regard, Ben urged residents to report any incidents to Trading Standards stating that the problems would be exacerbated if residents failed to make reports.  Sgt Michelle Zakoscielny supported this view and commented on the Police activities undertaken in partnership with Trading Standards.  Ben also circulated publicity material warning residents of the dangers, which included contact information.


Ben was thanked for his attendance and report.



Officers from the Youth Service will inform the meeting of Summer activities which have been organised for children and young people in the Ward.

Additional documents:


Angela Thompson, Youth Services, presented details of the Council’s Summer Youth activities in the ward.  She referred to the bid process where voluntary groups and organisations wishing to hold youth events had been encouraged to apply for funding.  It was noted that following the bid process a series of events would be programmed. 


In reply to questions, Angela clarified that the events and activities would be aimed at youths aged 13-19 years and that the bid process involved events across the City.  Angela also reported on the publicity posters which would advertise the events.


Angela was thanked for her attendance and report.


Councillor Byrne left the meeting at 6.30 pm and Councillor Riyait took the Chair.



Officers from Transport Services will be present to inform the meeting of current transport initiatives.

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Mike Pears and Rupert Bedder, Highways Services, reported on the Department’s ongoing road maintenance work in the ward.


The procedure for inspecting defaults was explained and the regular reporting of defects, such as potholes, was noted.  The criteria for repairing defects to lessen the likelihood of insurance claims being made against the Council was reported together with the types and numbers of repairs undertaken in the Ward.


Rupert also reported on an inspection ‘patchwalk’ to be held which would help to identify problem areas.  Other initiatives included road safety training, which included sessions for pedestrians and cyclists.


In response to questions and comments, the Officers agreed to survey the problems caused by parking on pavements, where it was considered that regular revisits to repair broken slabs could be avoided by better parking enforcement.  The increased provision and use of parking bays in areas of the Ward was encouraged.


Officers also agreed to investigate the delays with resurfacing works which had been included on approved lists of forthcoming works but had not been undertaken to date.


In conclusion it was also reported that the concrete slab construction of road surfaces in the Ward caused noise problems to residents where these had not been adequately maintained.


Mike and Rupert were thanked for their attendance and report and confirmed that they would submit an update to a future meeting.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The Members Support Officer will present the latest position with regard to the Abbey Ward Community Budget.



The following applications have been received for consideration:


Application 1           (1292)


Applicant:      Leicestershire Constabulary and LCC - Housing


Amount:         £2,096


                        (Total £4,596 - This application was approved in the sum of                          £2,500 at the previous meeting - It was agreed that the                                   application be reconsidered in the current financial year with a                        view to further funding being approved).


Proposal:       A remote mobile CCTV camera to assist in solving issues of                         anti-social behaviour. Amount bid includes estimated cost of                   the annual GPS contract in addition to the portable CCTV                                  camera.


Application 2           (1298)


Applicant:      LCC Parks Services


Amount:         £ 1,000


Proposal:       Litter bins


Summary:     Installation of three litter bins at the Abbey Road and                                      Corporation Road areas of the river Soar.


Application 3           (1306)


Applicant:      The Banks Residents Group


Amount:         £ 575


Proposal:       Seaside Daytrip


Summary:     A seaside daytrip for residents of The Banks sheltered                                   accommodation and other elderly people from the community.



The following applications have been approved under the Fast-Track procedure since the previous meeting :


Application (1296)


Applicant:      Tudor Centre


Amount:         £ 500


Proposal:       Easter Arts and Crafts Workshops


Summary:     Community Arts and Crafts Workshops.


Application (1300)


Applicant:      Tudor Centre


Amount:         £ 500


Proposal:       Nintendo ‘Wii’


Summary:     Wii games console and screen for community use.


Application (1301)


Applicant:      Stocking Farm Centre


Amount:         £ 500


Proposal:       Dance/Tone Sessions


Summary:     Keep fit dance and tone sessions.


Application (1302)


Applicant:      Stocking Farm Centre


Amount:         £ 500


Proposal:       Summer Art/Craft Workshops


Summary:     Workshops and activities running for 6 weeks.


Application (1303)


Applicant:      Kathleen Chantrill


Amount:         £ 84


Proposal:       Taxi Expenses


Summary:     Taxi fares to allow attendance at consultative meetings.


Application (1304)


Applicant:      Cornerstone PCC


Amount:         £ 500


Proposal:       Community Fun Day


Summary:     Event at grounds of Alderman Richard Hallam School.



The following application (retrospective) was not supported :


Application (1305)


Applicant:      Mowmacre Hill Primary School


Amount:         £ 4,250


Proposal:       The 2013 SPARK Festival


Summary:     The Mowmacre Hill SPARK Festival – Community activities for                    children and families.




Additional documents:


The following applications for Ward Community funding had been received for consideration, and were determined as indicated:



Application 1           (1292)


Applicant:      Leicestershire Constabulary and LCC - Housing


Amount:        £ 2,096


                                    (Total £ 4,596 - The application had been approved in the sum of £ 2,500 at the previous meeting).


Proposal:       A remote mobile CCTV camera to assist in solving issues of anti-social behaviour.



                                    that the application be supported in principle and payment be authorised, subject to clarification of the proposed terms of use of the mobile camera.



Application 2           (1298)


Applicant:      LCC Parks Services


Amount:         £ 1,000


Proposal:       Installation of three litter bins at the Abbey Road and Corporation Road areas of the river Soar.


Mr Adrian Lane, Senior Riverside Officer, was invited to address the meeting on behalf of Parks Services in support of the application. 



                                    that the application be supported.



Application 3           (1306)


Applicant:      The Banks Residents Group


Amount:        £ 575


Proposal:       A seaside daytrip for residents of The Banks.



                                    that the application be supported.



Application 4           (1307)


Applicant       Leicester City Ladies Juniors Football Club


Amount         £ 1,750

                        Joint bid with Beaumont Leys Ward (£1,750 to each Ward)


Proposal        Continued promotion of the Club, provision of a soccer academy and replacement equipment.


Mr John Kavanagh was invited to address the meeting on behalf of the Football Club in support of the application. 



                        that the application be supported.



Application 5           (1308)


Applicant       Unity Amateur Boxing Club


Amount         £ 400


Proposal        Promotional leaflets to gain sponsorships and funding, which would be used to provide and replace specialised equipment.



                                    that the application be not supported.



Application 6           (1309)


Applicant       Seniors Community Society


Amount         £ 500


Proposal        Seaside daytrip for members of the Seniors Community Society


Mr Gurmel Singh was invited to address the meeting on behalf of the Seniors Community Society in support of the application. 



                        that the application be supported.



It was reported that the following applications had been approved under the Fast-Track procedure since the previous meeting:



Application (1296)


Applicant:      Tudor Centre


Amount:        £ 500


Proposal:       Easter Community Arts and Crafts Workshops.



Application (1300)


Applicant:      Tudor Centre


Amount:        £ 500


Proposal:       Nintendo ‘Wii’ games console and screen for community use.



Application (1301)


Applicant:      Stocking Farm Centre


Amount:        £ 500


Proposal:       Dance/tone keep fit sessions.



Application (1302)


Applicant:      Stocking Farm Centre


Amount:         £ 500


Proposal:       Summer art/craft workshops and activities.



Application (1303)


Applicant:      Kathleen Chantrill


Amount:        £ 84


Proposal:       Taxi fares to allow attendance at consultative meetings.



Application (1304)


Applicant:      Cornerstone PCC


Amount:         £ 500


Proposal:       Community Fun Day event at grounds of Alderman Richard Hallam School.



It was reported that the following application (retrospective) had not been supported:



Application (1305)


Applicant:      Mowmacre Hill Primary School


Amount:         £ 4,250


Proposal:       The Mowmacre Hill 2013 SPARK Festival



Additional documents:


The meeting closed at 7.25 pm