Agenda and minutes

Spinney Hills Community Meeting - Monday, 27 October 2014 6:00 pm

Venue: Coleman Primary School, Gwendolen Road, Leicester, LE5 5FS

Contact: Ayleena Thomas tel: 0116 454 6369 Email: 

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Dawood – Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


Apologies were received from Ed Kocik, Head of Service Highways and John Thomson, Area Housing.


Councillor Dr Chowdhury declared an interest in agenda item 8 – Ward Community Budget, application 5009. Councillor Dr Chowdhury declared for the avoidance of doubt that he was not a member of the Greater Noakhali Shomati UK organisation/ association however he had helped many from that Bangladesh community.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 66 KB

The Action Log of the Meeting held on 11 August 2014 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record.


Action Log from the meeting held 11 August 2014 was circulated and confirmed as a correct record.


Councillor Dr Chowdhury referred to item 3 of the Action Log for the meeting held on 11 August 2014. It was confirmed that the information regarding the new boundaries had been included in the Boundary Commission final recommendations report published on 12 August 2014 and defined that the existing Spinney Hills Ward would be divided in two wards; Spinney Hills Ward and Wycliffe Ward. The report recommended that each of the two wards would be allocated two Councillors.



Councillors Mohammed Dawood, Dr Shofiqul Chowdhury and Hanif Aqbany will provide an update on issues they have been dealing with as Councillors for the Spinney Hills Ward.


Members of the community were asked to note the Councillors’ Ward Report.


This included the following points:


·         Many requests were being submitted for housing accommodation however there existed a housing problem due to the limited number of houses available within the ward. Some of the reasons for this were due to the increased number of persons who applied for housing and the right to buy schemes.


·         Councillor Dawood expressed his concerns that representatives from the Traffic/ Highways department were not present to give an update and answer any queries. The Chair requested the Neighbourhood Development Manager to raise these concerns with the relevant service department.


·         It was intended that more details on Ward Community Budget applications would be displayed online.


·         It was observed that there had not been as much antisocial behaviour during the month of Ramadan in comparison to last year.


·         Councillor Dawood reported that there had been some issues whereby private landlords had rented properties in a substandard condition to families and residents of the Spinney Hills Ward. Some of the poor conditions included damp walls and rodents however many tenants were reluctant to come forward and make a complaint. Councillor Dawood suggested that he would like to pursue this further as an action.



There will be an update from Highways Officers regarding Traffic concerns on Gwendolen Road.


The Chair led a discussion on Highways issues relating to an independent recycling plant located on Gwendolen Road which recycled electrical equipment. This had become an ongoing problem as the level of activity had increased. Attendees expressed concerns regarding the trucks used for the recycling operation. Some of the concerns were:


·         The number of trucks delivering/ collecting items appeared to be excessive.


·         Noise levels had become quite disruptive to local residents, sometimes from the early hours of the morning.


·         Concerns regarding the safety of children who attended local schools especially as many trucks were reversing and performing other manoeuvres without being directed.


·         Inconvenience was caused to residents where driveways were being blocked and occasionally damaged.


·         Various attempts had been made to resolve the issue but without success. The Chair requested the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) set up a meeting with Directors of the relevant services to discuss further and look into a solution.



Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Spinney Hills Ward.


Sergeant Sanjay Chauhan gave an update on local policing within the Spinney Hills Ward:


·         It was noted that the existing and future budget cuts within the Leicester Police, would result in fewer Police Officers but more Police Community Support Officers. However, the force would remain committed to local Policing and addressing specific issues within the community. There would now be more targeted patrols in areas where Police were required and an increased focus on local services/ issues.


·         The main changes would commence February 2015.


·         The number of Local Police Units (LPU) across Leicester would be reduced from 15 to 8. Spinney Hill Park LPU would now be paired with Keyham Lane LPU.


·         The Police team anticipated that with the new changes, response times would be improved.



The City Warden will provide an overview on environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward.


Alexander Kazmierz, City Warden gave an update on the following:


·         It was noted that fly tipping on Gwendolen Road had been a big problem. Some of the possible reasons for the problem were the language barriers of residents and the lack of understanding on how to dispose and recycle correctly.


·         In order to address the environmental issues, the City Warden had posted leaflets, issued penalty notices, informed residents of disposal methods and worked with shop owners to tackle the problem.


·         Attendees were asked to encourage any neighbours/ residents to use the correct disposal methods where possible and contact the City Warden directly with any issues.


·         A resident expressed concerns that the corner of Evington Valley Road, Gedding Road and Gwendolen Road was often used as a dump site for food and furniture amongst other items. This was private land and the problem had been ongoing for the past few years. The Chair requested that the Community Engagement Officer possibly with a Police Community Support Officer went out to the site and looked into this further.



Housing Officers will give a report on housing issues in the Spinney Hills Ward.


The Chair and attendees discussed local Housing issues:


·         It was noted that as a consequence of fire safety regulations, the Framland House tower block gates at Pluto Close (St Peters estate) needed to be kept open. However, this had resulted in local students entering this area during lunch breaks and evenings and causing anti-social behaviour. In addition, drug users and members of the public were able to gain access as a result of the open gates. Attendees suggested a new locking mechanism or push bar as a solution and requested that Ward Councillors looked into this issue.


·         Councillors requested that an Officer contact the Housing Director and other relevant local organisations regarding a solution to the issue.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


The following bids would be considered at the meeting:


Joint Bid: 5037

Applicant: Build Community Development

Project Name: Community Event in the Park

Amount Requested: £500.00


Bid: 1119

Applicant: Firoza Mulla – Home Start Leicester

Project Name: Family Support Group

Amount Requested: £480.00


Joint Bid: 5038

Applicant: Leicester Twilight Group

Project Name: Leicester Twilight Group Christmas Meal

Amount Requested: £515.00


Bid: 1121

Applicant: Checkpoint Advice and Support

Project Name: Financial Healthcheck Service

Amount Requested: £1,421.71


Bid: 1123

Applicant: The Empowerment Project

Project Name: Community Needs Assessment – St Matthews Leicester

Amount Requested: £997.00


Bid: 1124

Applicant: Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS)

Project Name: Self Development Workshop

Amount Requested: £485.00


Bid: 1129

Applicant: Gandal Media

Project Name: Oggal News Letter

Amount Requested: £980.00


Bid: 1137

Applicant: The Klick

Project Name: Leicester Caribbean Carnival Troupe

Amount Requested: £250


Bid: 1139

Applicant: SportsInU

Project Name: SportsInU & Azad House Exercise Group

Amount Requested: £500.00


Joint Bid: 5039

Applicant: Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club

Project Name: Community Events

Amount Requested: £500.00


Joint Bid: 5043

Applicant: Miss Shephelah Pringle-Bridges

Project Name: Lestas Got Raw Talent (LGRT)

Amount Requested: £600


Joint Bid: 5045

Applicant: Sahid Mamodmia and Altamash Nazirahamed

Project Name: Daman & Diu Youth Cricket Club (DDYCC)

Amount Requested: £800.00


Joint Bid: 5046

Applicant: David Codd

Project Name: Inclusive Sports Programme

Amount Requested: £285.50


Joint Bid: 5047

Applicant: Memon Youth Association

Project Name: Memon Youth Sports Tournament 2014

Amount Requested: £500.00


Bid: 1180

Applicant: Somali Elders Community

Project Name: Eid-Ul-Adha Celebration and Get Together

Amount Requested: £500.00


Bid: 1195

Applicant: IFTIN – Somalia Community Solutions

Project Name: Eid-Ul-Adha Celebration and Get Together

Amount Requested: £800.00


Bid: 1199

Applicant: Jabriil Films

Project Name: Jabriil Films

Amount Requested: £1,917.29



The following bid was deferred at the last meeting:


Joint Bid: 5009

Applicant: Greater Noakhali Shomati UK

Project Name: Eid Function & Celebration

Amount Requested: £800.00







 Angela Martin, the Community Engagement Officer presented an update on the Community Meeting Budget.


The attendees were asked to note:


1119: Family Support Group

Applicant: Firoza Mulla – Home Start Leicester

Amount Requested: £480.00

Result: Grant of £250.00 was SUPPORTED & FAST TRACKED


5038: Leicester Twilight Group Christmas Meal

Applicant: Leicester Twilight Group

Amount Requested: £515.00

Result: Grant of £515.00 was SUPPORTED


1121: Financial Healthcheck Service

Applicant: Checkpoint Advice and Support

Amount Requested: £1,421.71

Result: Grant of £1,000.00 was SUPPORTED


1123: Community Needs Assessment – St Matthews Leicester

Applicant: The Empowerment Project

Amount Requested: £997.00



1124: Self Development Workshop

Applicant: Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS)

Amount Requested: £485.00

Result: Grant of £100 was SUPPORTED


1129: Oggal News Letter

Applicant: Gandal Media

Amount Requested: £980.00

Result: Grant of £500.00 was SUPPORTED


5043: Lestas Got Raw Talent (LGRT)

Applicant: Miss Shephelah Pringle-Bridges

Amount Requested: £600.00

Result: Grant of £400.00 was SUPPORTED


5045: Daman & Diu Youth Cricket Club (DDYCC)

Applicant: Sahid Mamodmia and Altamash Nazirahamed

Amount Requested: £800.00      

Result: Grant of £800.00 was SUPPORTED


5046: Inclusive Sports Programme

Applicant: David Codd

Amount Requested: £285.50



5047: Memon Youth Sports Tournament 2014

Applicant: Memon Youth Association

Amount Requested: £500.00

Result: Grant of £500.00 was SUPPORTED


1180: Eid-Ul-Adha Celebration and Get Together

Applicant: Somali Elders Community

Amount Requested: £500.00

Result: Grant of £500.00 was SUPPORTED & FAST TRACKED


1195: Eid-Ul-Adha Celebration and Get Together

Applicant: IFTIN – Somalia Community Solutions

Amount Requested: £800.00



1199: Jabriil Films

Applicant: Jabriil Films

Amount Requested: £1,917.29

Result: Deferred to next meeting


The following bids were deferred at the last meeting. A decision was given at this meeting:


5009: Eid Function & Celebration

Applicant: Greater Noakhali Shomati UK

Amount Requested: £800.00

Result: Grant of £500.00 was SUPPORTED


5012: Community Support for New Mothers & Babies

Applicant: Mamas Community Breastfeeding Support Project

Amount Requested: £600.00



5014: Family Health & Wellbeing Event

Applicant: Leicester Partnership Trust

Amount Requested: £300.00





1.    A resident who lived on Guthlaxton Street queried if a residents’ parking scheme would be implemented on the street. It was explained by a representative from St Peters Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) and Councillor Chowdhury that an exercise previously had been carried out to identify if residents’ parking was desired. This mainly identified Council tenants in St Peters, however, only a small number of residents’ opted for residents’ parking and the majority were against. Concerns were expressed that the initial survey/ exercise was only carried out on Council tenants, therefore it was requested that officers made contact with all residents of Guthlaxton Street to find out how many were included in the original survey/ exercise.


2.    Concerns were noted that the closure of Highfields Medical Practice was sudden and had now moved to Merlyn Vaz Health & Social Centre. The closure left many patients without a practice and with a problem of joining other practices. A petition was previously sent to the NHS. Residents also wanted to inform the Member of Parliament as they felt their views had not been taken into consideration.


The Chair asked the CEO to send a letter to the NHS regarding the short notice of closure and the issue of where patients should now go.



To note that future Spinney Hills Community Meetings will be held as follows:


Monday 12th January 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed


Monday 2nd March 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed


The dates of future Spinney Hills Community Meetings for the municipal year 2014/15 were confirmed:


Monday 12th January 2015 at 6pm – Highfields Centre


Monday 2nd March 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed




The meeting closed at 7.38pm