Agenda and minutes

Spinney Hills Community Meeting - Monday, 12 January 2015 6:00 pm

Venue: Highfields Centre, 96 Melbourne Road, Leicester, LE2 0DS

Contact: Ayleena Thomas - Democratic Support Officer - 0116 454 6369 

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Dawood – Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


Apologies were received from Inspector Ben Gillard (Police), Priya Thamotheram (Highfields Centre) and Shilen Pattni (NDM).


No interests were declared.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The Action Log of the Meeting held on 27 October 2014 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record.


The Action Log from the meeting held on 27 October 2014 was circulated and confirmed as a correct record.


A meeting was held with the Directors of several services and Ward Councillors to discuss residents’ concerns regarding the issue of trucks causing disruptions on Gwendolen Road.



Councillors Mohammed Dawood, Dr Shofiqul Chowdhury and Hanif Aqbany will provide an update on issues they have been dealing with as Councillors for the Spinney Hills Ward.


Ward Councillors gave feedback on any issues and activities within the Ward.


The meeting passed condolences to the family (who reside in the ward) of the young person who had recently lost his life (and a friend) in a car accident.



Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Spinney Hills Ward.


Sergeant Sanjay Chauhan was in attendance at the meeting. As there were no major issues to be identified, Chair requested the Sergeant to keep watch for some issues which had previously occurred over the summer season and were now generally on the decrease. Some of the issues were said to have been dealt with by residents/ organisations rather than the Police.



The City Warden will provide an overview on environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward.


Jamie Stubbs, the new City Warden for the Spinney Hills Ward gave an insight into activities taking place within the Ward.


·         There had been issues of bird feeding. As a result the Warden had erected several ‘No Bird Feeding’ signs around Arnold Close and Fairfield Road. Residents were also given advice regarding bird feeding and its implications. New permanents signs were anticipated for the future.


·         A number of alleyways and gardens were currently being investigated with the aim for the landowners and residents to keep them cleaned and maintained.


·         Fly Tipping had been a continuous problem in the Ward. Bulk collection leaflets had been given out to residents and some collection appointments booked.


·         The Chair requested that more awareness for various offences relating to the City Warden could be made to residents.


·         Attendees were informed of several methods of communication for City Warden services including; Twitter, Facebook and Love Leicester app.



Housing Officers will give a report on housing issues in the Spinney Hills Ward.


John Thomson, Area Manager for Housing attended the meeting and gave an update on the renovation work for the Tower Blocks in the Spinney Hills Ward.


Tower Blocks

·         It was noted that many of the Tower Blocks on St Peters estate were old. Several had needed to be stripped out in order to replace old heating & drainage systems and remove asbestos etc. As a result residents were being moved out during the renovations to be returned when complete.


·         Works were now being carried out at Clipstone House. Contractors were currently ahead of schedule and were aiming to have Clipstone House completed by spring/ summer 2015. It was also anticipated that the dwellings would also be painted.


·         The next Tower Blocks to be worked on were Gordon House.


·         The lifts in Framland House were being refitted.


Council Homes

·         In regards to the demand for empty Council homes, attendees received information which stated that there were a small number of houses empty however, these were not yet available. The Housing Department were now in the process of refurbishing the properties.


·         It was queried why the refurbishment works had taken so long, as some homes had been empty since March 2014 and were still not ready to house tenants.


·         The Chair requested the Housing Officer to present figures of expenditure for renovating the Tower Blocks.


·         The Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) were in the process of a programme to renew the flooring in the Tower Blocks. It was anticipated for a major patch-walk to take place next summer in order to identify any issues which needed dealing with on St Peters estate.


·         It was requested that the Housing Officer provide information as to what happens to private houses after the lease had ended.


·         The Community Engagement Officer & the Housing Department were requested to arrange a visit for the Young People’s Council to get more understanding of Housing.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


The following bids will be considered at the meeting:


Bid: 1199

Applicant: Jabriil Films

Project Name: Jabriil Films

Amount Requested: £1,917.29


Joint Bid: 5058

Applicant: Solid Treasure Music

Project Name: Viva Africa (Music Video Project)

Amount Requested: £500.00


Joint Bid: 5057

Applicant: Stuart White Chair 50+ Network

Project Name: 50+ Network Leicester

Amount Requested: £250.00


Joint Bid: 5059

Applicant: Adhar Project

Project Name: To celebrate cultural festivals in the Community (Dec 2014)

Amount Requested: £500.00


Joint Bid: 5060

Applicant: Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club

Project Name: Grass Root Cricket Development (Ages 8-13)

Amount Requested: £500.00


Joint Bid: 5062

Applicant: Muslim Khatri Association

Project Name: Centre For All – Youth Strand

Amount Requested: £2,000.00


Bid: 1256

Applicant: Ebrahim Jasat

Project Name: St Peters Youth Council – Wembley Sports Project

Amount Requested: £1,000.00


Angela Martin, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) gave an update on the Community Meeting Budget:


Application 1199 for £1,917.29. Jabriil Films working to establish a creative learning programme that engages Leicester migrant communities. To set up a series of workshops and exploring storytelling, true stories and dramatisations.  Grant of £500 SUPPORT.


Application 5058 for £500. Solid Treasure Music aiming to do a music video project. APPLICATION NOT SUPPORTED.


Application 5057 for £250. Stuart White Chair 50+ network propose a seaside trip to Mablethorpe in March 2015. APPLICATION NOT SUPPORTED.


Application 5059 for £500. Adhar Project to celebrate cultural festivals in the community in December 2014. Grant of £250 SUPPORT.


Application 5060 for £500. Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club programme to develop and flourish grass-root cricket within the local community. Grant of £400 SUPPORT.


Application 5062 for £2,000. Muslim Khatri Association to launch new ‘Centre for All’ youth strand in January 2015. APPLICATION NOT SUPPORTED.


Application 1256 for £1,000. Ebrahim Jasat – project for youth on two estates to receive professional football and multisports coaching at the Apollo Close Ball Court. Grant of £1,000 SUPPORTED IN FULL.


It was noted that the Spinney Hills application deadlines would now close four weeks prior to the Ward meeting date. The CEO agreed to display this information on the website.




Martin Fletcher from the Highways Team provided an update regarding issues with the trucks used for BR Environmental - the recycling operation located on Gwendolen Road:


·         It was noted that the issue with the trucks had said to be creating noise pollution and causing inconvenience to residents. The Planning Team and Environment Agency concluded that the company were not being illegal in their practices.


·         Bollards had now been placed on the corners of Drinkstone Road to stop the trucks from reversing onto pavements and kerbs.


·         Highways would be liaising with the Police for targeted parking and enforcement.


·         The Police were said to be inviting BR Environmental to a discussion meeting for this issue and would be leafleting residents on action proposed.


·         Attendees and residents were encouraged to call and log any complaints with the Environment agency and LCC Noise Team in order to build reports.


·         The aim was to encourage BR Environmental to work with the relevant services to properly manage their delivery arrangements and minimise the impact on residents and road safety.


Erkan Pala, the new Committee Development Worker for the St Matthews Big Local provided information on the works. See attached the information leaflet handed out at the meeting.


·         Councillors requested the CEO to liaise with the new Development Worker to provide updates as to which organisations/ groups were being funded through this programme.



To note that the next Spinney Hills Community Meeting will be held on Monday 2nd March 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed.


The next Spinney Hills Community Meeting would take place on Monday 2nd March 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed.




The meeting closed at 7.06pm.