Agenda and minutes

Spinney Hills Community Meeting - Tuesday, 6 October 2015 6:00 pm

Venue: Spinney Hill Primary School, Ventnor Street, Leicester, LE5 5EZ

Contact: Punum Patel, Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6575) (e-mail:  Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6369) (email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Dr Chowdhury, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


Apologies for absence were received from Shobhana Patel, Community Safety Team.


Councillor Dr Chowdhury declared an interest in agenda item 9 – Ward Community Budget, application 5091 and 5090. Councillor Dr Chowdhury declared for the avoidance of doubt that he was not a member of the organisations/ associations however he had helped many from the Bangladeshi community and had grew up in the area of the constituted applicants.


Councillor Malik declared that he was an employee of the Pakistani Youth and Community Association (PYCA) which was a current partner in the Leicester Ageing Together (LAT) programme.



Councillors will report on their recent activities in the ward.


Councillors informed the meeting on the issues they had been dealing with in the ward for the past few months. The following was discussed:


·         Attendees were informed of Councillors surgery details and cases that had been dealt with from constituents. It was noted that in addition to surgeries, residents could also contact Councillors by phone.


·         It was noted that the traffic issue in front of Coleman Primary School had been raised with the Council in addition to the traffic calming situation regarding one way roads.


·         10-12 new grit bins had been allocated to the ward. Residents could make requests to the Council through the Ward Councillors in regards to where the grit bins would be located.



Mike Pears, Team Leader for Highways Asset Management will provide an update on highways issues in the Spinney Hills ward.


Mike Pears, Team Leader for Highways Asset Management reported on works requested by Ward Councillors for the Spinney Hills ward on 8 July 2015. The following was reported:


·         Traffic issues such as incorrect stopping/ parking, speeding and wrongful driving outside Coleman Primary School on Gwendolen Road and near Crown Hills College – crossing patrol officers at the school requested for the presence of a traffic warden in front of the school for approx. 30 mins during the morning and in the afternoon.


·         Highways Officer Mike Pears was present and would report back to the Traffic Warden team requesting if they could implement some presence outside Coleman Primary School to carry out enforcement.


·         The built-up area located at 100-102 Twycross Street was constructed after the cutting down of a large tree. The removal of this built-up area was requested, to make room for additional car parking and improvement of road scene. Mike Pears gave feedback that this was done as part of traffic calming to encourage drivers to slow down. Councillor Dr Chowdhury requested Mike Pears to look into this further.


·         It was reported that Abney Street, Bonsall Street and Fairfield Street now had LED lighting installed.


·         It was noted that Highways Officers would continue contact with local resident Mrs Allie regarding the request for bollards on Nansen Road.


·         There were requests for a one-way road to be introduced in Gwendolen Road, Nansen Road and Dorothy Street. Mike Pears fed back a response from the Team Leader of Traffic Planning which stated that Gwendolen Road was not recommended as a one-way road as this could increase accidents and other safety issues. Councillor Malik had further concerns regarding traffic congestion in that area and requested something to still be done. Mike Pears would look into this.


·         It was noted regarding previous requests for the installation of a speed camera on East Park Road/ at the corner of Bradbourne Road. Mike Pears reported that there were currently no plans at additional sites for speed cameras; however, the existing sites were being re-evaluated.


·         With regard to requests for a 20mph speed limit to be introduced on Bradbourne Road, Mike Pears reported that the scheme within the Local Environmental Works programme would be looking at 20mph zones this year.


·         Requested works to replace the tree in front of 41 Derwent Street due to the attraction of insects. The Highways Officer reported that the tree was pruned back from the property and in a healthy condition. A new tree would have the same issues with insect attraction.

·         In regards to enforcement of parking regulations at the corner of Gedding Road/ St Saviours road, it was noted that the Parking Team had issued a number of penalty tickets.  The Community Engagement Officer (CEO) Angela Martin informed the meeting that an action plan was previously presented addressing this issue when several Officers met with Spinney Hills Councillors in March 2015. The CEO would contact the relevant Officers regarding this action plan.



Katie Westacott, Living Streets Walk to School Coordinator will give a presentation on ‘Living Streets’ the UK charity for everyday walking.


Katie Westacott, Living Streets Walk to School Co-ordinator gave the following presentation:


·         The project focused on all age groups encouraging people to walk more and enjoy the benefits of walking.


·         Support and resources were provided to schools and encouraged children to walk to school.


·         Some other ways people could get involved would be to join a led walk or become a walk champion.


·         Katie requested people to contact her if anyone had information regarding community groups which could benefit from the support. Katie informed the meeting that she would like to come along to events and give advice/ support. It was discussed that PCSO Lee Williams and Katie would exchange contact details following the meeting, in regards to attending parents’ evening events at schools in the ward.


·         Please see attached document for more information and contact details.



PCSO Lee Williams from the Local Policing Unit will attend the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the ward.


PCSO Lee Williams gave an update on issues in the Spinney Hills Ward. The following was discussed:


·         It was noted that there had been a spate in burglaries/ robberies during August and September months. Several thefts from motor vehicles and taxis were said to be targeted. It was noted that this had suddenly stopped.


·         Councillor Malik reported on the issue in Melbourne Road car park especially during Ramadhan where cricket was being played, loud music and general ASB. PCSO Lee Williams stated that this issue had been tackled and since Ramadhan had ended this had not been a problem.


·         Councillor Dr Chowdhury requested the CEO to look into whether the details of Councillors surgeries, Ward Community Meetings and other relevant information could be advertised on school information boards.



A Community Safety update will be provided at the meeting.


Leaflets from the Community Safety Team were distributed at the meeting. The CEO would also distribute these further.


·         Councillor Dr Chowdhury requested an update regarding the Cork Street alley gate/ keys situation.



The City Warden will provide an update on environmental and enforcement activities in the Spinney Hills ward.


Jamie Stubbs, Spinney Hills City Warden gave the following update on issues in the ward:


·         Fly-tipping was noted as a continued issue across the ward. Investigations were carried out for those responsible, bulk collection leaflets given out and collections booked for several residents.


·         As a result of bird feeding issues, a number of temporary ‘No bird feeding signs’ had been erected around Okehampton Avenue and Fairfield Road. Letters had also been delivered to residents in the area explaining the issues caused by bird feeding and wardens have been regularly patrolling the area.


·         It was noted that there had been 13 unlicensed deposits of mainly building materials such as bricks and bags of builders’ sand on highways/ roads made by local businesses since the last ward community meeting. The City Wardens were addressing this issue.



Sam Larke from the Leicester Ageing Together (LAT) project will give a presentation at the meeting.


Sam Larke from Vista (the charity which leads on the project) Leicester Ageing Together (LAT), gave an insight into the programme.


It was noted that:

·         LAT was a consortium of 24 projects delivered by 16 partners and funded by the Big Lottery Funding.


·         It was a free service, aimed at making it easy for people over the age of 50 years old to get out and about, try new things and to address the issue of social isolation in this age group.


·         The programme was requesting referrals for people over 50 years living in the Evington Ward.


·         Following the meeting, the CEO gave Sam Larke details of contacts in the Cultural & Neighbourhood Services Team. It was also suggested that some of the applicants who applied for the Ward Community fund in relation to elderly group activities could be referred to the LAT programme.


·         Councillor Malik informed the meeting of the Pakistani Youth & Community Association (PYCA) social engagement programme open day which would take place on Saturday 10 October, 11am-3pm at the Pakistan Centre, 58 Earl Howe Street. There would be help and advice for people aged 50 and over plus other activities/ awareness advice.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


The following applications will be considered at the meeting:


Joint Bid: 5085

Applicant: Sharon Frederick on behalf of The Klick

Project Name & Summary: Propose to enter a troupe in the Leicester Caribbean Carnival on 1st August 2015

Amount Requested: £500


Joint Bid: 5098

Applicant: Ilfan Novsarka

Project Name & Summary: To run a cricket team for youngsters on the street

Amount Requested: £600


Joint Bid: 5090

Applicant: Leicester Welfare Association

Project Name & Summary: To organise a Community Eid Celebration July/ August 2015

Amount Requested: £500


Joint Bid: 5091

Applicant: Greater Noakhali Shomiti UK

Project Name & Summary: Eid function and celebration on 18/07/2015

Amount Requested: £800


Bid: 1444

Applicant: Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club

Project Name & Summary: Community/ Social events

Amount Requested: £1,000


Joint Bid: 5093

Applicant: Office of Jonathan Ashworth MP

Project Name & Summary: The Highfields Food Bank – Food Hygiene Training

Amount Requested: £150 – Application withdrawn as Wycliffe ward supported funding request in full


Joint Bid: 5095

Applicant: Highfields Library

Project Name & Summary: Children’s Summer Reading Activities at Highfields and St Matthews Libraries

Amount Requested: £240


Joint Bid: 5096

Applicant: Prem Group

Project Name & Summary: Minibus Hire with driver to provide transport provision for women to attend the group, without the minibus hire half the women would be unable to attend

Amount Requested: £1,500


Joint Bid: 5097

Applicant: Leicester Malawi Association

Project Name & Summary: 51st Independence Day celebration costs

Amount Requested: £230


Joint Bid: 5102

Applicant: Build Community Development

Project Name & Summary: Community event in Spinney Hill Park on 20 August 2015

Amount Requested: £500


Bid: 1466

Applicant: Silver Strand

Project Name & Summary: Seated exercise classes

Amount Requested: £300


Bid: 1471

Applicant: Shree Patel Samaj

Project Name & Summary: Community multi-cultural celebration

Amount Requested: £945


Bid: 1474

Applicant: Office of Jonathan Ashworth MP

Project Name & Summary: Highfields Food Bank

Amount Requested: £1,000


Angela Martin, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) gave an update on the Community Meeting Budget:


5085 - Sharon Frederick on behalf of The Klick - Proposed for £500 to enter a troupe in the Leicester Caribbean Carnival on 1st August 2015 – grant of £500 approved in full.


5098 - Ilfan Novsarka – Requested £600 to run a cricket team for youngsters on the street – grant of £375 approved.


5090 - Leicester Welfare Association – Requested £500 to organise a Community Eid Celebration July/ August 2015 – grant of £500 approved in full.


5091 - Greater Noakhali Shomiti UK – Requested £800 to organise an Eid function and celebration on 18/07/2015 – grant of £500 approved.


1444 - Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club – Requested £1,000 for community/ social events – application was deferred pending further information.


5095 - Highfields Library – Proposed for £240 funding for children’s summer reading activities at Highfields and St Matthews libraries – grant of £240 approved in full.


5096 - Prem Group – Requested £1,500 towards minibus hire with driver to provide transport provision for women to attend the group – grant of £800 approved.


5097 - Leicester Malawi Association – Proposed for £230 funding to support the 51st Independence Day celebration costs – grant of £230 approved in full.


5102 - Build Community Development – Requested £500 to hold a community event in Spinney Hill park on 20 August 2015 – grant of £400 approved.


1466 - Silver Strand – Proposed for £300 funding to support seated exercise classes – grant of £300 approved in full.


1471 - Shree Patel Samaj – Requested £945 funds towards a community multi-cultural celebration – application not supported.


1474 - Office of Jonathan Ashworth MP – Proposed for £1,000 costs towards the Highfields Food Bank – grant of £1,000 approved in full.


It was noted that Monday 11 January 2016 would be the deadline date for applications to be considered for the next Spinney Hills Meeting (Monday 25th January 2016). Ward applications would not be considered after this date until the deadline for the following meeting and fast track applications still applied.


The CEO requested that ward funding applicants showed presence at the meeting to hear the result of their application and successful applicants should give feedback at a meeting following their event.




The next Spinney Hills Ward Community Meeting will be held on Monday 25 January 2016 – venue to be confirmed.





Kamina Rughani, Team Leader for Housing was present at the meeting and informed Councillors that they could request anything specific regarding Council housing issues in the ward.


·         It was noted that the CEO would add ‘Housing Update’ as an agenda item for the next meeting.


·         Councillor Dr Chowdhury requested information on housing applications.




The meeting closed at 7.57pm.