Contact: Angela Martin, Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6571) (email: Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6369) (email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES & DECLARATIONS The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 223 KB The Action Log of the Meeting held on 6 October 2015 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting. |
GRIT BIN CONSULTATION The Ward Engagement Officer will provide information regarding the Grit Bin consultation. |
HELP - MULTI CULTURAL ORGANISATION PRESENTATION A representative from HELP – Multi-cultural organisation will give a presentation on their community organisation. |
HIGHWAYS UPDATE Highways Officers will give an update on highways issues in the Spinney Hills Ward. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in Ward. |
CITY WARDEN/ COMMUNITY SAFETY UPDATE A Community Safety/ City Warden update will be provided at the meeting. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
The following applications will be considered at the meeting:
Joint Bid: 5117 Applicant: Leicester Mammas CIC Project Name & Summary: Mammas Baby Massage. Amount Requested: £820
Bid: 1531 Applicant: St Peter’s Community Centre Management Committee Project Name & Summary: Replacement of broken equipment and advertising materials for St Peter’s Lunch Club. Amount Requested: £497
Joint Bid: 5119 Applicant: Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club Project Name & Summary: Junior Cricket Development within the local community. Amount Requested: £500
Bid: 1538 Applicant: East Midlands Housing Group – Scarborough Court. Project Name & Summary: Seated Exercise Sessions Amount Requested: £625
Joint Bid: 5122 Applicant: Leicester Twilight Group Project Name & Summary: Leicester Twilight Group Christmas meal Amount Requested: £585
Joint Bid: 5125 Applicant: Highfields Play Action Project Name & Summary: Social occasions for getting to know neighbours. Amount Requested: £485
Joint Bid: 5126 Applicant: Leicester City FC Community Trust Project Name & Summary: Extension and expansion of the Premier League (PL) Kicks project to support ASB issues in 3 wards. Amount Requested: £1500
Bid: 1581 Applicant: Kulan Point SomUK Project Name & Summary: Helping youth to improve health, reduce anti-social behaviour and integrate through sport. Amount Requested: £900
Joint Bid: 5128 Applicant: The Friends Hub Project Name & Summary: Tackle Anti-Social Behaviour through sports. Amount Requested: £500
Bid: 1591 Applicant: St Peters & Stoughton Street Tenants & Residents Association Project Name & Summary: Provision of multi sports activities at Apollo. Amount Requested: £1,000
Joint Bid: 5139 Applicant: Community Advice and Law Service (lead agency for the Advice Leicester Partnership) Project Name & Summary: Advice in Schools Project Amount Requested: £700 |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Spinney Hills Ward Community Meeting will be held on Tuesday 29 March 2016 – venue to be confirmed. |