Agenda and minutes

Spinney Hills Community Meeting - Thursday, 19 April 2018 6:00 pm

Venue: Spinney Hill Primary School, Ventnor Street, Leicester, LE5 5EZ

Contact: Angela Martin, Ward Community Engagement Officer: 0116 4546571 (email:  Robert Parkinson, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 3400) (e-mail:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any necessary declarations as required by the Councillor’s Code of Conduct.


Councillor Malik was appointed as Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Dr Chowdhury declared an interest in Agenda Item 7 – Ward Community Budget application 306171.




Apologies were received from the Darren Evans (City Warden), Highways Officers and Catherine Stretton (Spinney Hill Primary School Headteacher).


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 70 KB

The Action Log of the meeting held on 9 November 2017 is attached for information and discussion.


The Action Log of the previous meeting held on 9 November 2017 was approved as a correct record.



There will be an update on traffic highways issues including those previously reported around the Spinney Hill Primary School site.


A.        Spinney Hill Primary School


The Chair asked Simon Wheeler (Deputy Head) to provide an update in respect of traffic issues.  Mr Wheeler referred to the apology for absence received from Catherine Stretton (Headteacher), who had campaigned for improvements to the situation in the vicinity of the school site.


Mr Wheeler referred to the school’s recent consultation with Councillors and reported that their joint aspirations had been met and it was considered that suitable proposals had been agreed.


The expected traffic improvement measures included: advisory 20mph zones, one way road systems, enhanced school patrol teams, the re-painting of yellow parking prohibition road marking and the installation of pavement bollards.  Mr Wheeler shared an advisory implementation date for these measures to begin in 3 weeks’ time.


The safeguarding of children was highlighted as being of paramount importance.  These measures were promoted as being of greater importance due to the expected increase in pupil admissions potentially in the coming school years.  Thanks were given to all parties involved.


B.        Traffic Update – other issues


Councillor Dr Chowdhury raised concerns regarding pot holes over several road sites in one area of the Ward.  Councillor Malik updated the meeting and advised that the pot holes due for repair had been marked. 


Councillor Malik also informed the meeting that a former scheme to introduce one way streets was undergoing a feasibility assessment, and a report back to the Councillors was expected by the end of the year.



The Police will give an update on activities in the Ward.


PC Neil Patel, (the Beat Officer for the Ward) provided an update on the following:


·                Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).  Measures to prevent ASB, particularly in the vicinity of the St. Peters Road flats were noted.


·                Reported crime.  It was noted that reported crime in the Ward had reduced recently particularly in respect to thefts from motor vehicles and burglary.  The numbers of officers currently in the team was confirmed and information on their patrols, including PCSOs was provided.  It was reported that there was a high visibility of the beat team in the ward, compared to other policing areas.  The named officers for schools and religious establishments in the Ward could be made available  The use of social media is having a positive effect on the reporting of crime.


·                101 number.  The non-emergency phone number of 101 and the availability of phone interpreters were shared.


·                Licensing.  Alongside colleagues from the City Council’s Licensing Team, a number of licensed premises had been visited to ensure compliance.


PC Patel was thanked for his report and update.


In response to questions PC Patel commented on the following:


·                Hate Crime.  It was considered that the perceptions of hate crime were higher than actual reported crime.  Reference was made to a recent national letter which had been circulated promoting a hate crime day.  In response to this, additional Police patrols had been arranged to ensure public safety and to gather intelligence.


·                Knife Crime.  Councillor Malik requested an update on the success of knife crime prevention strategies.  PC Patel explained the difficult environment the Police were working in, where there had been a normalisation of carrying knives in some groups.


·                Sparrow Park.  PC Patel referred to ASB in Sparrow Park, where a known group of repeat offenders were being monitored.


·                Untaxed Vehicles And Road Side Sales.  The proliferation of road side sales of cars and increased problems of rough sleeping in cars had led to consultation with the fire service, particularly concerning potential problems of emergency access.


·                Neighbourhood Watch. It was reported that information and advice was available to any residents interested in establishing Neighbourhood Schemes in the Ward.


In conclusion, PC Patel informed the meeting that there were new Police Officers in the Ward on account of officers being placed on secondment to other areas of the force.



The City Warden will provide an update on environmental and enforcement issues in the Ward.


It was noted that the City Warden had sent an apology for absence.


Councillor Malik asked if there were any issues that needed passing onto the City Warden via Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) Angela Martin.


Issues raised included:


·           Concerns at the time spent in and between Wards by City Wardens, noting staffing levels had reduced considerably in recent years. 


·           High levels of reported littering in the grounds of St Stephen’s Church.


·           Enforcement remits between the Police and City Wardens were questioned and debated. 


·           Pavement parking was raised, and the different levels of enforcement were reiterated.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community budget.


The Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) Angela Martin, gave an update on the budget for 2017/18 (financial year ending on 31 March 2018).


It was reported that of the £18,000 available to each Ward, £16,800 had been allocated and the £1,200 of unallocated funds had been carried over to 2018/19.


The WCEO advised that a list of approved and rejected bids would be made available.  Not all bids had been approved by the point of the Ward meeting.


It was noted that Councillor Dr Chowdhury had declared an interest in application 306171.




Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Unit


Fatema Burani (Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Unit) introduced herself, and encouraged people to ring (0116 454 0254) if they had any reportable issues.


It was noted that there are three officers from the ASB Unit covering the east of the city, including the Spinney Hills Ward, who would deal with any issues that were reported.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 7.05pm.