Agenda and minutes

Freemen Community Meeting - Tuesday, 19 June 2012 6:30 pm

Venue: The Linwood Centre, Linwood Lane, Leicester. LE2 6QN

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Shelton was elected Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Andy Keeling, Chief Operating Officer, Leicester City Council and Ann Sturgess.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.




There were no declarations of interest made at this time.



The minutes of the previous Freemen Community Meeting, held on 14th March 2012, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.




that the minutes of the Freemen Community Meeting held on 14th March 2012, as previously circulated, be agreed as a correct record.



Your Ward Councillors will report on things they have been invoved in within the ward and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


The following issues were reported: -


·         Fly Tipping at St. Mary’s Allotments – site now cleared after 18 years of lying derelict

·         Potholes – Windley Way/The Fairway – now filled

·         Recreation Ground, Aylestone – gained access to 3 pitches for use by local people

·         Fete Committee – artificial pitch to be used on day of Fete

·         Surgeries – low turnout being experienced

Councillor Cutkelvin – holding surgery at SureStart during daytime

Councillor Shelton – 3rd Saturday of each month at Aylestone Leisure Centre

Reported that a lot of casework originates from ‘e’ mails and from personal visits.

·         Forest Chimney – fumes and emissions – a further cap on the chimney had now been installed and the level of fumes had been reduced

·         Councillor Cutkelvin stated that she had just been trained to enrol people to the Clockwise Credit Union.


A member of the public questioned when the lower end of Aylestone Recreation Ground would be drained to alleviate the problems of flooding following heavy rain. In reply it was stated that contact would be made with mark Laywood, Project Manager, to find out what progress had been made with the drainage and a report made at the next meeting.



                        that the information be noted.



Officers will be attending the meeting to present the Site Development Guidance for the St.Mary’s Allotments site.


The Ward Councillors reported that they had met with the Head of Planning Management and Delivery and asked him to come up with some designs for the site. Since then officers had attended a meeting of the Aylestone Park Residents Group (APRG) and had presented the Site Development Guidance. Arising from the meeting further ideas had been put forward and these would now be taken back to a future meeting of the APRG.



                        that the information be noted.



To receive an update on the issues around the cladding being installed on Bloomfield Road and of the criteria applicable.


No representative from Housing Services was present at the meeting.


It was stated that the issues that were outstanding related to the cladding to properties on Bloomfield Road and of the contractors not clearing up after they have completed their work, or undertaking the work they were supposed to be doing.


Green Deal, the contractors working in conjunction with E-oN were now looking to work with other contractors.



The Community Meeting to receive a presentation from this group.


It was noted that, prior to the meeting, Angels and Heroes had indicated that they had not got anyone to attend the meeting and sent their apologies.




Scott, the local City Warden attended the meeting to give an update.


It was reported that the ‘Bins on Streets’ procedure was currently under review and it was anticipated that the cost of implementing the procedure would then be reduced.


Incidences of dog fouling in the area had reduced lately.


Work was underway with PCSO’s targeting drivers driving without seatbelts, dropping litter from cars and using mobile phones whilst driving.



                        that the information be noted.




Sgt. Darren Little attended the meeting and gave an update on local policing issues.


It was reported that for the previous month (May) crime overall had continued to fall generally and the following statistics were reported: -


            6 – Burglaries

Burglaries – Other had however seen a massive increase of bike thefts                 in particular

1 – Theft of Motor Vehicle

3 – Theft from Motor Vehicles

0 – Robberies

ASB – reported cases fallen compared to same period in 2011.


It was stated that the main priority for the Police in the area was that of mini motorbikes that were being ridden around the estate by 14/15/16 year olds. Recently a couple of arrests had been made and 4 mini motorbikes had been seized, the bikes would be crushed. There were however issues around identifying the other 6 or so individuals on this estate.


In concluding it was stated that the recently purchased Domestic Violence Tool Boxes had been placed at various locations across the Ward and the relevant training for staff had been carried out.


Community Safety

Louise Lavelle attended the meeting and stated that for people who felt vulnerable Community Safety Team could often help and get various items installed in their houses to make a difference.


Leaflets advertising the services available from Community Safety Team were being revised and would soon be dropped around the estate.


Prior to Saffron Fete the Team would be ordering supplies of bike locks and padlocks for sheds to give away at the Fete.


In conclusion Louise stated that the Team focused on areas where crime figures were high to try and address issues.



                        that the information be noted.



The Community Meeting to receive an update on the 2012 Saffron Fete.


Kelly Bugby reported that arrangements for the 2012 Saffron Fete were well underway with a number of activities themed around the Olympics. Difficulties were being experienced in finding sufficient funding to keep the Fete stable. Local people were urged to come forward and volunteer to help on the day.


The next Saffron Fete Committee would be held at 10.30am on Thursday 28th June, with fortnightly meetings being held until the Fete took place. Additional space had been secured in the Leicester Link to advertise the Fete.


In concluding it was stated that the City Council were looking for ideas for different ways to hold Community Meetings. Any criticisms of the current format, or ideas for improvements would be welcomed.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following applications have been received and approved prior to the meeting:


            1)         Bloomfield Road Street Party                                £377

            2)         Southfields Community Assn                           £500

Diamond Jubilee Celebration

            3)         Diamond Jubilee Street Party -                             £400

                        Richmond Close residents

            4)         Aylestone Library Street Party                               £250


The following applications have been received and are to be considered at the meeting:


1)         Aylestone Library Community Activities                     £938.60

An application has been received to fund the purchase of vital equipment to enable a craft club and a film club, both based at the Library, to continue operating through 2012.


2)         Luncheon Club refit                                                          £1425.87

An application has been received to fund the refit of the kitchen at Southfields Drive Community Centre where a Lunch Club operates five days per week for the benefit of elderly residents of Saffron, Eyres Monsell, Aylestone and Knighton Wards.


3)         Pink Lizard cohesion project                                          £3225

An application has been received to fund the delivery of a community cohesion Arts project, based around music, dance and singing/song writing. The project aims to work with young people in the area who would have the chance to showcase their new skills at the 2012 Saffron Summer Fete.


4)         DV Toolbox                                                                         £310

An application has been received to build on the work previously funded by the Community Meeting that provided training and putting the DV toolbox together at 8 separate locations within the Freemen Ward. This application is to fund the promotion and advertising of the DV Toolbox across the Ward.


Councillors noted the following applications that had been approved since the last meeting, and funded from the 2012/13 Budget: -


            i)          Bloomfield Road Street Party                                            £377

            ii)         Southfields Community Association                               £500

-       Diamond Jubilee Celebration

iii)        Richmond Close residents                                                            £400

-       Diamond Jubilee Street Party

iv)        Aylestone Library Street Party                                           £250

v)         Domestic Violence Toolbox                                               £310


Members considered the following applications that had been submitted as follows: -


1)         Aylestone Library Community Activities                                 £938.60

An application had been received to fund the purchase of vital equipment to enable a craft club and a film club, both based at the Library, to continue operating through 2012.


Deferred until such time as the Library proposals are made clear and it has been demonstrated that wider community use for the equipment has been achieved.


2)         Luncheon Club Re-fit                                                                    £1425.87

An application had been received to fund the re-fit of the kitchen at Southfields Drive Community Centre where a Lunch Club operated five days per week for the benefit of elderly residents of Saffron, Eyres Monsell, Aylestone and Knighton Wards.


Defer for the time being whilst certain internal issues at the Centre are dealt with.


3)         Pink Lizard Cohesion Project                                                     £3225

                                                                                    (To be funded from3 wards)

An application had been received to fund the delivery of a community cohesion Arts project, based around music, dance and singing/song writing. The project aimed to work with young people in the area who would have the chance to showcase their new skills at the 2012 Saffron Fete.


Following discussion it was suggested that the Ward Councillors should meet their fellow Ward Councillors from the respective Wards to discuss whether, or what level of funding should be awarded. The Community Meeting were however minded to award funding should the Ward Councillors reach this decision.


Defer to enable a meeting to be held with the applicant and the Ward Councillors from Freemen, Eyres Monsell and Evington Wards to discuss a way forward.


4)         Horticultural Show 2012                                                               £551.40

            An application received to part fund a horticultural show.


It was noted that the Show was not strictly Freemen Ward based, but rather community wide, and was part funded by Festivals and Events at the City Counil who had suggested that additional funding sources be sought.


Agreed that the application be supported to a maximum of £100.


5)         Safta’s Volunteer Awards Ceremony                                       £1,000

An application received from Saffron Community Health Alliance, as in previous years, to stage a volunteer awards ceremony.


Agreed that the application be supported - £1,000.


6)         Young people making a difference                                           £1,000

            An application received from Saffron Arts Forum to stage an event for        young people in Freemen and Eyres Monsell Wards that will enable    them to showcase what they and their families are involved with.


            Agreed that the application be supported - £1,000.




There were no items of urgent business.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 7.35pm.