Agenda and minutes

Freemen Community Meeting - Monday, 30 June 2014 6:00 pm

Venue: Linwood Community Centre, Linwood Lane, Saffron Lane Est, Leicester LE2 6QJ

Contact: Anita Popper (0116 4546358, 376358) Email: 

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors Code of Conduct.


Cllr Cutkelvin – Chair welcomed everyone and led introductions.

Apologies – Herbert Hepple. Alan and Anna Sturgess

No interests were declared.


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The Action Log of the last meeting held on 19th March 2014, is attached and Members are asked to confirm it as a correct record.   Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.


Agreed and Noted

Matters arising

·       Item 52/13 – Ian Stapleton Housing Manager to give a report under Neighbourhood Housing Update

·       Item 60 – the planning application for 18 Lothair Road had been before the committee and was approved.

·       Item 61 – The Richmond Library building was now publicly advertised for lease.

Item 66 – re: concerns about car parking were raised in particular on match days when cars were parked on both sides of the road by the Velodrome site.



Councillors will give a report on matters relevant to the ward.


It was reported that:

·       The Saffron Fete would take place on Saturday 9th August 2014 – more information to follow under that agenda item.

·       St Mary’s Allotments, Councillors continued to meet Officers from Planning, to discuss the site’s future. The project would include a mixture of housing and open space and there had been some progress.

·       Foodbank, a recent collection in Waitrose had a fantastic response from the public who donated 2 full trolleys of food. Unite trade union continued to regularly donate food too.

·       Councillor Shelton had opened a Cricket Tournament that had been hosted in Leicester and included teams from across the UK.

·       The Linwood Centre would close in January 2015. It was confirmed the Xmas event would take place as planned.

·       There was a door knocking session along the Fairway with the local MP, issues raised mainly concerned housing and those would be passed to the relevant officers.

·       There were plans to set up a Cycle Forum. Anyone interested was invited to join.

·       Councillors were still seeking a comprehensive cycle lane to be introduced along Saffron Lane.

A meeting of Fire, Housing and Police officers took place in Neston Gardens regarding issues with the installation of the security gates that had been installed.



Adrian Edge, Landscape Development Manager, will provide an update on the “Tic Toc” Park ward funding application for play equipment.


Adrian Edge, Landscape Development Manager explained that at the last meeting a bid had been approved for £10,000 to purchase play equipment for Tic Toc Park. The equipment would be purchased once the issue of the costs of installation had been addressed. Over the next 6 weeks local residents and users of Tic Toc Park would be consulted to establish what equipment should be bought. It was hoped that the equipment would be installed by September 2014.

Councillor Cutkelvin said the installation costs should be considered in more detail, there was a significant underspend in the Housing Revenue account for the area that should be explored as an option to fund the installation.

Members of the Youth Council should be engaged in the consultation and Councillors kept informed of the consultation results.

A concern was raised about the amount of litter on Tic Toc Park. The meeting was informed that new bins had been installed but that didn’t guarantee usage. Councillor Cutkelvin would chase park services on how regular parks were visited and litter cleared.



Simon Walters and Karen Pickering will give information on the upcoming fete.


Simon Walters, Community Engagement Officer presented information on the upcoming Saffron Fete to be held on Saturday 9th August 2014.

Highlights of the event to be:

  • a fancy dress parade with a football theme to mark the City’s promotion to the Premier league
  • 50 goody bags for the 1st 50 children in fancy dress taking part in the parade.
  • A mixture of stalls that could be booked through Karen Pickering.
  • a talent show, music & gospel singers
  • a fun fair.

Publicity material had been printed. Posters and leaflets would be distributed in the coming weeks.



Neil Hodgson will provide an update on the Saffron Resource Centre and Acres project.


There was no-one present to provide an update. Councillor Cutkelvin informed the meeting the intention had been for someone to inform about the project to install 50 new Eco homes.

The Community Engagement Officer to invite a representative to the next meeting to provide information on the project.



A local Housing Officer will provide an update on housing issues in the Freemen Ward.


Ian Stapleton provided an update on Housing Developments in the area:

  • 9 new homes to be built at Westley developments on the Fairway, the site had been cleared, new fencing installed and the homes should be built and handed over to the council by February/March 2015. Nearby residents had been consulted and assurances given about access. The housing officer would continue to review situation.
  • Housing at the old Velodrome site was being built in partnership with ASRA Housing Association. The development was progressing well and Leicester City Council would have first nomination rights for tenants on completion. In relation to the new traffic signals Councillors asked to be kept informed of any issues e.g. hotspot times for traffic build up or other traffic calming issues.
  • Neston Gardens – work was underway to remove shrubs which had overgrown and caused a place for litter to accumulate.  Residents were pleased with the improvement.
  • Bike racks/storage – funding was being sought to introduce bike racks into some areas in response to residents’ concerns about not having storage for bikes. On a wider note officers were looking at improving all bike facility provisions & a suggestion to convert some of the drying rooms into bike stores would be considered.
  • Neston Gardens – Fire Gates, these were being left open and that was an issue that needed to be addressed.

A resident raised a concern about flats being built at the Cricket Ground – he was informed that was in the Aylestone ward and his enquiry should be directed to the Councillors in that ward



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Freemen Ward.


Caroline Walsh, the City Warden for the area gave a brief update on progress made in the area since the last meeting and distributed information leaflets to those present.

If residents had any issues they could contact the City Warden whose contact details were on the leaflets distributed.



To receive an update on local Policing and Community Safety issues in the area.


Sgt Little gave an update on local policing issues and reported crime statistics were noted.

  • Residents were asked to ensure properties were kept secure especially during warmer weather when windows were sometimes left open.
  • Residents were also reminded to ensure vehicles were locked and items of value not left on display.
  • There had been an increase in bike incidents, 4 people had been identified and each verbally warned and the situation would continue to be monitored.
  • A resident raised concerns about speeding cars and recent car crashes, it was suggested a speed camera might make a difference. Councillor Cutkelvin agreed to feedback to the Highways team.
  • Concerns about parked cars were raised. Sgt Little reminded the meeting unless it caused an obstruction the police had few powers to tackle it. Councillor Cutkelvin advised the findings of the recent pavement parking consultation were being considered and would go before a scrutiny commission who would look at the options available to deal with the city wide problem.



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Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget. A summary of grant applications submitted for consideration is attached.


Applications Fast Tracked since the last meeting

·         Community Events (1008) – Application for £256.66 - Grant of £256.66 Supported for Chris Festorazzi.

·         Let’s Get Planting (1025) – Application for £380 - Grant of £380 Supported for Christine Herbert, Homestart.

Applications Considered at the meeting

·         Saffron Fete (1027) – Application for £1000 - Grant of £1000 Supported for Saffron Neighbourhood Management Board.

·         Special Olympics Multisport Club (5006 Joint bid with Aylestone and Eyres Monsell) – Application for £500 from each ward - Grant of £500        Supported for Maura Farnish.

Late Bids Considered at the meeting

·         Youth Support for Leicester Fencing Club (5030 Joint bid with Aylestone Ward) – Application for £4847 - Deferred until next meeting.

·         Mothers in Music (1093) – Application for £1300 – Deferred until next meeting.

·         Tic Toc Park Play Equipment installation (..) – Application for £7000 – alternative funding options to be considered.

·         The Edge Project (..) – Application for £300 – Grant of £300 Supported for Alison Roche.





·         Patchwalks were discussed; Police no-longer had the resource to do them on a large scale but did monthly “knock on doors” in a few roads of the ward. Residents were reminded that if issues were reported the agencies would get together to tackle that. Councillors to be kept informed of any patchwalks that were organised.

·         Concerns were raised about the sub-station area of Marriott Road – Ian Stapleton/Sgt Little to discuss with Louise Cox. Councillor Cutkelvin to be kept informed of outcome.




To note that future Community Ward meetings will be held as follows:-


Tuesday 21st October 2014 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed. 


Tuesday 20th January 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed.


Thursday 19th March 2015 at 6pm at the Church of the Nativity, Cavendish Road, Leicester, LE2 7PL.  




The next meeting will be on Tuesday 21st October 2014 at 6pm - a venue to be confirmed.


Future meetings will take place on:-

Tuesday 20th January 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed

Thursday 19th March 2015 at 6pm in the Church of the Nativity, Cavendish Road, Leicester.


The meeting closed at 7.40pm