Venue: The Linwood Centre, Linwood Lane, Saffron Lane Est, Leicester LE2 6QJ
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Cutkelvin, in the Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Councillor Shelton was also present.
The Action Log of the previous meeting held on 21 October 2014 is attached and Members are asked to confirm it as a correct record.
Any updates on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: The Action Log of the previous meeting held on 21 October 2014 was agreed as a correct record.
The following updates were noted:
· Foodbanks The foodbank would be relocating to either the Southfields Library or Saffron Resource Centre, if the service could be linked to the existing foodbank operated by Eyres Monsell Community Group. Councillor Shelton clarified that the foodbank at Waitrose was operated by a national service provider and some discussions had been held to determine whether a separate foodbank service would be allowed to operate at the site, but outside of the store itself.
· Neston Gardens A meeting had been held with Housing Officers concerning the security gates at Neston Gardens with positive results.
· Whittier Road Housing Project The planning application for the development had been approved and the traffic calming proposals were to be discussed later on the agenda.
· Pavement Parking Review It was confirmed that the Ward had not been included in the pilot for the introduction of experimental areas for controlled pavement parking zones, as recommended by the recent scrutiny review.
· Dog Walking Clubs Enquiries had been undertaken with a local dog club and dog owners concerning the possibility of introducing specific dog walking times in parks, but it had not been possible to agree a viable proposal.
COUNCILLORS REPORT Councillors will give a report on matters relevant to the ward. Minutes: Councillor Shelton reported the following:
· Foodbank A large donation of food items had been received at the Linwood centre from UNITE Union and was being made available to people in the Ward.
· Christmas Event The success of the Christmas event was noted and organisers were encouraged to submit a repeat funding bid to ensure a similar event in 2015.
· Heathcott Road – Affordable Housing It was confirmed that the recent planning application for affordable rented housing on Heathcott Road had been approved.
· Outdoor Gyms Funds had been made available for the installation of further outdoor gyms following their success across the city. It was suggested that a meeting be convened to discuss the suitability if equipment at Tic-Toc Park or at Aylestone Recreation Ground.
· Parking on Verges Funds had been allocated from the housing revenue account to provide hard-standings and parking bays at locations where parking on grass verges had caused damage.
Councillor Cutkelvin reported the following:
The success of the Christmas event was endorsed with around 450 children enjoying the festive activities. The organisers were thanked and congratulated for their efforts.
· ‘Saftas’ Awards Nominations were encouraged for anyone who had worked as volunteer in the ward and was deserving of recognition and a ‘Saftas’ award.
· Defibrillator – Aylestone Recreation Ground A Defibrillator had been located in the pavilion at Aylestone Recreation Ground adjacent to the artificial pitches.
· Saffron Young Peoples Management Board It was reported that the Saffron Young Peoples Management Board were undertaking many activities in and around the ward and young people were encouraged to take part.
· Whittier Road Site Having regard to the earlier report it was noted that the construction period would soon commence and residents could expect some disturbance from heavy plant and lorries using local roads.
· ‘Southfields’ Library Arrangements for the relocation of community services and groups to the Library were ongoing. A meeting was being held with the appropriate Director to ensure that groups would benefit from adequate facilities following the closure of the Linwood Centre.
The debate concerning the possible revised naming of the library was also continuing.
· Adventure Playgrounds The procurement processes being undertaken to ensure the continuation of the Council’s Adventure Playgrounds was noted.
· St Mary’s Allotment Site The future use of the site, including possible community use was discussed. It was suggested that a meeting be convened to discuss options with representatives of community groups, Ward Councillors and Council officers as a bidding process for the use of the land had begun with a deadline of 30 January 2014. It was confirmed that Mr Herbert Eppel and Mr Andy Brooks would be invited to the meeting.
PLAY EQUIPMENT AT TIC TOC PARK Officers from Parks Services will update the meeting on the above project. Minutes: Ade Edge (Landscape Development Manager, Parks Services), reported on the consultation being undertaken to select play equipment for Tic-Toc Park.
He circulated images of the types of equipment available for the 2-6 age group and the 6 and over age group. One piece of equipment would be purchased for each age group. The consultation included children for Marriott Primary School and residents of the adjoining streets.
It was expected that the equipment would be installed in April 2015.
The consultation was noted.
In respect of the park generally, Ade confirmed that other improvements were proposed and further separate consultations would be held. Some issues concerning broken glass, and youths riding mini-motorbikes and quad bikes were reported and noted by the Police and Wardens.
It was suggested that a small area of housing land at Neston Gardens would benefit from play equipment. Ade agreed to consult with Housing colleagues to determine the viability. Ian Stapleton (Area Housing Manager) reported that money could be made available and would be happy to discuss options for the installation of appropriate play equipment.
In respect of outdoor gym equipment as reported in the Councillors’ report earlier in the meeting. Ade circulated information on the types of equipment and reported that details would be displayed in public buildings in the ward with a survey form for people to identify their preferences.
Meadow Gardens had been suggested as the most appropriate location for an outdoor gym, with equipment being ordered following the survey and installed in June or July 2015. Ward Councillors encouraged officers to also consider Aylestone Recreation Ground for the outdoor gym equipment.
TRAFFIC CALMING AT HEATHCOTT ROAD To consider the proposed traffic calming measures at Heathcott Road and to respond to the consultation process accordingly. Minutes: It was reported that a meeting had been held with Highway Management Officers concerning the opportunity to design a traffic calming scheme in Heathcott Road, arising from planning contributions received associated with the recent housing development.
The sensitivities relating to the reasons for the installation of bollards approximately 20 years ago were discussed at the meeting and acknowledged. It was also recognised that the bollards prevented rat runs and assurances would need to be sought if their removal was proposed as part of any future scheme.
It was suggested that in order to properly assess all options and public attitude to the schemes, a public meeting/event should be held, possibly at the Kingfisher Centre close to Heathcott Road. The Community Engagement Officer agreed to investigate the possibility of convening such an event/meeting.
Further traffic calming measures and proposed 20 mph zones in the Ward including those at Bloomfield Road were also discussed.
It was confirmed that a meeting was being held with Highways Officers, Ward Councillors and the MP to discuss safety improvements at the junction of Saffron Lane and Knighton Lane East following the recent fatality.
NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSING UPDATE A local Housing Officer will provide an update on housing proposals. Minutes: Ian Stapleton (Area Housing Manager) reported on the following issues:
· The 9 units at the Fairway Depot site development had been completed and would be handed over to tenants in February 2015.
· The environmental improvement works to provide hard-standings and prevent parking on grass verges were continuing, the current programme of works included Helmsley Road and Aylestone Fields. In response to a question; the areas at Heathcott Road, Bloomfield Road, Saffron Lane and Coppinger Road could be included in the list of areas being considered for future works.
· Improvements to the play provision included the possibility of equipment being installed at Neston Gardens, as referred to in the earlier report by Parks Services.
· Residents had been consulted on the storage of cycles, to ensure that they did not obstruct communal corridors and storage areas. The suitability of a solution involving the installation of cycle sheds was being investigated.
· Reports of ASB had reduced following increased community engagement and liaison with LASBU.
· In response to a question; it was reported that a second phase of housing works was expected at the velodrome site.
· In response to a question; Ian agreed to consult residents with the assistance of the City Warden on the need to ensure that communal bin areas and recycling areas were kept in a tidy condition. It was noted that at some housing areas it was difficult to define a process as the existing bin storage areas were inadequate.
NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING AND COMMUNITY SAFETY UPDATE To receive an update on local Policing and Community Safety issues in the area. Minutes: PO Andy Brett reported on the following:
· Crime statistics for the period were reported and it was noted that there had been a significant reduction in domestic burglaries and only three Burglaries ‘non-domestic’ had been reported.
· A rise in reports of thefts from vehicles and thefts of vehicles had caused concern. It was noted that this was a trend being experienced across the city.
· Improvements to the operation of the CCTV system continued.
· In reply to a question concerning mini-motorbikes; it was reported that two offenders had been dealt with and no recent reports had been received.
CITY WARDEN - UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on environmental enforcement issues. Minutes: Caroline Walsh (City Warden) circulated details of her recent environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward.
Following the debate earlier in the meeting concerning Tic Toc Park, Caroline confirmed that she would investigate the problems of broken glass in the area with Parks Services and Cleansing Services colleagues.
In respect of new developments in the Ward, it was reported that the City Warden Service did not visit each new property with any information material. Cards with contact details were produced which were handed out to residents on request.
In conclusion and in response to a question, Caroline reported that she was also the City Warden for the Knighton Ward and that all City Wardens had responsibility for the City Centre. There had been a significant reduction in the numbers of Wardens covering the city following a recent review.
NEW WARD BOUNDARIES To discuss the Ward boundary changes following the Electoral Commission’s Review. Minutes: An update was provided on the new Ward boundary (Saffron Ward) following the Boundary Commission’s review.
It was confirmed that the new boundary defined the Ward to be contested at the City Council elections on polling day, 7 May 2015. Copies of plans showing the new Ward boundary were circulated.
The loss of the Linwood Centre as a polling station was discussed and it was suggested that the polling stations to be used on 7 May be confirmed at the next Ward meeting.
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET PDF 60 KB Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
Details of any applications that have been received and approved by Councillors under the ‘fast track’ scheme (applications with a value of £500 or less) will be reported to the meeting.
Any further applications received will be considered at the meeting.
A summary of the budget for 2014/15 is attached at Appendix B. Minutes: The following applications for ward funding were received and determined as indicated:
· Volunteer Celebration Event Saftas £749 SUPPORTED on condition that publicity for the event refers to the Council’s sponsorship/funding
· Room Hire Aylestone Park Residents Group £200 SUPPORTED previously as a fast-track application.
· Rugby World Cup Events Saffron Arts £3000 SUPPORTED in the sum of £1000.
It was agreed that the balance of remaining funds at the end of the municipal year to be offered, to allow other organisations to apply for funding at the next (final) Ward meeting.
· Summer Football and Multi Activity Camp AFC Andrews £1300 SUPPORTED
· Christmas Fete May Jones £500 SUPPORTED
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: Richmond Road Library It was confirmed that expressions of interest including a business plan for a pre-school nursery had been submitted for the future use of the building.
S.106 Planning Contributions It was suggested that the community should be consulted to a greater level on the use of Section 106 planning contributions. It was noted that significant contributions would be received from housing developments in the Ward.
Cycling on Pavements - Enforcement An incident was reported to the police where a cyclist had failed to stop after colliding with a pedestrian. The issue of cycling on pavements was being considered by the police who were targeting offenders. The issue would also be discussed at the next Aylestone Park Residents meeting
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Community Ward meeting will be held on:-
Thursday 19th March 2015 commencing at 6.00 pm
at the Church of the Nativity, Cavendish Road, Leicester, LE2 7PL.
Minutes: Noted as 19 March 2015 commencing at 6.00 pm at the Church of the Nativity, Cavendish Road. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 8.10 pm. |