Agenda and minutes

Aylestone Community Meeting - Thursday, 18 November 2010 6:00 pm

Venue: Granby Primary School, Granby Road, Leicester LE2 8LP

Contact: Julie Harget. Tel: 229 (39) 8809 Email 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Porter was elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs Chambers and from Brian Davison and Sue Eccle.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillors were asked to declare any interest they had in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate whether Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to them.


Councillor Porter declared a personal interest in minute 62, “Football Pitch Proposals on Aylestone Meadows”, as he was a member of the Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society and had encouraged people to write to the Council with their concerns about the football pitch proposals and had circulated literature about the proposals.


He also declared a personal interest in minute 65, “Community Meeting Budget”, as he had been involved with both the Aylestone Local Action Group and the Gilmorton Development Group.



The minutes of the previous Aylestone Community Meeting, held on 24 March 2010, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



In response to a question, Councillor Porter explained that there had not been an Aylestone Community Meeting since March because Councillor Mrs Chambers had not been well throughout the summer.  (She had hoped to be at this meeting, but was not well enough to attend.)  However, work had continued during this time, (for example, a consultation meeting recently had been held and the planters for which funding was approved at the last meeting had been installed.)


The meeting recognised the reason for the gap, but expressed some concern that this meant that budget applications that had been received since March had not been considered.  Councillor Porter explained that Ward Councillors were able to consider applications for less than £500 and they did not have to be reported to the Community Meeting, (although they often were reported to enable the community to consider as many of the applications as possible).



that the minutes of the meeting held on 24 March 2010 be approved as a correct record.



Representatives will be present to talk about the proposal for football pitches on Aylestone Meadows.


Councillor Porter introduced this item, explaining that a representative had hoped to be present from the Environment Agency, but had been unable to attend.  The following people then introduced themselves:-


·            Neil Croft – Clear Ecology;

·            Ian Hollis – Project Manager (Construction)

·            Mark Laywood – Leicester City Council (Sports Project Manager);

·            Sam Peppin Vaughan – Leicester City Council (Planner – Case Officer); and

·            Mike Richardson – Leicester City Council (Head of Planning Management and Delivery).


a)     Mark Laywood


Mark Laywood explained that the Council had had an on-going sports development project across the City for the last few years.  This already had been delivered on 8 sites and 3 were near to completion, including the Aylestone Recreation Ground.  Aylestone Playing Fields was a site on which the football “family” all agreed that football had been played for a long time, although recently there had been a migration away from it.  This included the use of football pitches outside the City.  It therefore had been decided to try to bring it back in to football use.


It was noted that the Council had been working on this project with various internal and external consultees, including the Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society, and it was now at the stage that only final approval was needed to enable the project to be delivered.


b)     Neil Croft


Neil Croft explained that he had been working with the Council on this since the start of the project.  His company, (Clear Ecology), had been appointed to do ecological scoping surveys of all the sites identified. 


The first of these was a Phase 1 habitat survey.  This gave an ecological overview of the site and considered what protected species were on the site.  However, the limitation of this survey was that it did not consider any inter-relationships, only whether species were protected.  This survey included consideration of species present due to the flooding of part of the site and the potential effect on bats of the proposed floodlights.


Clear Ecology also undertook a feasibility study, to consider the ecological value of the higher ground.  A lot of this study had been desk-based, as well documented evidence already existed from previous assessments of the higher ground.  This found that the higher ground was of low ecological value, due to it having been grazed by horses.


As a result of this work, the company presented a report stating that there were implications from the proposed development for protected species, but that there were various ways of addressing these, (for example, by relocating certain species).


Clear Ecology then was asked to do a full survey of the site, which included consideration of things such as the quality of the site, which protected species were found there and watercourses.  Unfortunately, this survey had to be carried out under sub-optimal conditions, which raised questions about its accuracy.  The survey was subsequently re-done to an optimal time frame and had identified issues that needed to be addressed, such as the presence of grass snakes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62.



Officers from Leicester City Council will be present to provide an update on play facilities in the Aylestone Ward.


Anna Barradell, Play Co-ordinator with Leicester City Council, introduced herself to the meeting.


The meeting drew attention to the open space project that had been undertaken on Aylestone Meadows, near the “pebble beach”.  Assurances had been given that the planting there would be in keeping with the nature reserve status of the area and appropriate for the wildlife in the area.  However, the plants used were “back garden” varieties, which were dangerous to wildlife.  In addition, it had not been watered, so a lot of them had died.


Anna Barradell apologised for this and for the length of time it had taken to resolve the situation.  It had now been agreed that the area would be cleared up and the correct varieties of plant provided.  She further explained that:-


·            An area such as this would only be planted to enhance it;


·            The area had been created to blend in to the natural habitat and to let children and young people engage with the natural environment through activities such as creative play; and


·            This was a new idea, so the area was not greatly used at present, but it was hoped that sessions could be held to show how the space could be used.


It noted that children from Granby Primary School had been involved in planting at the site.  This already was encouraging a greater number of children to use the area, both through the school and recreationally.


It also was noted that it was intended to improve the area with things such as signage.  For example, the hedging needed interpretation to relate it to heritage and crafts.


In response to a question, Anna Barradell advised that she was not aware of any plans to reinstate the children’s play area on Aylestone Meadows.  However, she would advise her colleagues of the interest that had been expressed in this being done.



Representatives from Leicestershire Constabulary will provide an update on policing in Aylestone.


PC Dave Robinson, Leicestershire Constabulary, introduced himself to the meeting and gave an update on policing in Aylestone:-


·            Crime was down by just over 11% in general.  Further statistics could be found on the Police website;


·            The local Police had been working a lot with the community, especially young people, and recorded anti-social behaviour had reduced.  PC Robinson advised that the Police would be interested to hear if this matched people’s experiences; and


·            There had been some issues with licenses for the sale of alcohol in a number of shops.  One shop had had its license revoked, one had received a financial penalty and one had had a condition added to its licence whereby only the owner could sell alcohol.  These actions had led to a reduction in alcohol-related problems.


In reply to a question, Sergeant Andy Partridge, Leicestershire Constabulary, advised that he was unaware of anti-social behaviour issues arising in Gilmorton Avenue.  Police reports did not indicate an increase in anti-social behaviour, or crime in general, in that area, so it would be useful if the Police could be made aware of any issues.


Concern was raised about the number of people turning right out of Old Church Street, which was a prohibited manoeuvre.  There was concern that accidents could be caused, particularly as people often came down Granby Street at great speed, which also made the pedestrian crossing dangerous to use.


PC Robinson advised that the Police needed to see people making this turn in order to be able to take any action against them.  One option could be to target users of this junction in general, as there also had been reports of people turning left and then using someone’s driveway to turn round and travel in the opposite direction.


Other suggestions for how this could be addressed were made as follows:-


·            The height of the kerb could be raised, or the angle of the corner made more severe, to make it harder to turn;


·            Users of this junction could be targeted and the number of people misusing the junction reported in the Leicester Mercury;


·            A post could be placed on the pavement so as to prevent people turning right;


Sergeant Partridge undertook to consider this request and the options suggested, and to report back to the next meeting on what action could be taken.  The meeting agreed that it would be useful for a representative of the Highways Authority present at future meetings, to enable proper consideration to be given to issues such as this.



Officer Identified


Report to be made on what action can be taken to prevent drivers misusing the junction of Old church Street and Granby Street

Sergeant Partridge, Leicestershire Constabulary

Next meeting

A representative of the Highways Authority to be asked to attend future meetings

Jerry Connolly

Next meeting




Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer to the Aylestone Community Meeting will give an update on the Community Meeting budget.


Funding applications have been received as follows:


Act Up Young People’s Theatre Company.


The Speakeasy Theatre Company have submitted a joint funding application to the Aylestone, Freeman and Eyres Monsell Wards, requesting £1436 from each Ward. The funding is to develop the Act Up youth theatre to offer free weekly after school sessions throughout the year alongside intensive project weeks, which will run three times a year during school holidays.  This will allow for targeted and age specific social and theatrical skill development that can also be linked to the school curriculum.  Funding for the project has also been applied for from other organisations, including the Trust House Foundation, the High Cross Community Fund and Children in Need. The funding from the Community Meeting budget has been applied for to meet the costs of planning, staffing, hire costs, the design fee and curriculum skills and development.  £4,000 has already been awarded from extended schools’ services.


Saffron Fete


The Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd have submitted a joint funding application to the Aylestone, Freeman and Eyres Monsell Wards. The event would be a repeat and expansion of the fete of 2009, which was supported by the Committee and was attended by residents of Saffron, Eyres Monsell and Aylestone. £567 is requested from the Aylestone Ward to provide additional professional stewards to complement volunteer stewards and the additional insurance to cover small organisation stalls that will not be covered under umbrella organisations so that they can participate and be inclusive.


The funding application will be discussed retrospectively as the event was due to be held on 21 August 2010.


Committee Start Up Funds


The Gilmorton Development Group have submitted a funding application to start up a new committee. £1292 is requested from the Community Meeting budget to pay for stationary, Gilmorton room hire, refreshments at meetings, seating at the ball park, 3 litter bins and installation of the bins.


Dance Tracksuits


The S.T.A.R.S. Freestyle Dance Academy run a freestyle dance school which is based in Aylestone. They have 45 children (boys and girls age 2- 13 years old) of which 32 are local children. S.T.A.R.S have submitted a funding application to request £480 towards the cost of 32 tracksuits for the children. The children are given a chance to attend competitions regionally and nationally and the tracksuits which children can wear for competitions and classes will give the children a sense of belonging. The tracksuits, from a national dance costume supplier, cost £70 each and a contribution of £15 per tracksuit is requested from the Community Meeting budget. The children are looking for ways of raising the balance of £55 through other means, such as sponsored silences, selling  ...  view the full agenda text for item 65.


a)     Act Up Young People’s Theatre Company



                                that the application for £1,436 from the Act Up Young People’s Theatre Company to develop the theatre be refused.


b)    Saffron Fete



              that the application for £567 from Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd towards the Saffron Fete held on 21 August 2010 could not be considered, as it was not possible to consider applications for funding retrospectively.


c)     Committee Start Up Funds



1)     that a grant of £150 be supported from the Ward Community Fund to Gilmorton Development Group towards the cost of stationery, room hire and refreshments at the Group’s committee meetings; and


2)     that the Gilmorton Development Group be advised to consider other funding sources for the provision of seating at the ball park and the purchase and installation of litter bins, but if no funding is available from other sources, a further application for funding will be considered by this Meeting.



Officer Identified


Gilmorton Development Group to be advised to consider other funding sources for the provision of seating at the ball park and the purchase and installation of litter bins

Jerry Connolly

As soon as possible

If no funding is available from alternative sources, a further application to be made to this meeting if wished by the Gilmorton Development Group

Jerry Connolly

As needed


d)    Dance Tracksuits


The meeting was advised that the S.T.A.R.S. Freestyle Dance Academy had applied to this meeting for funding for these tracksuits as there was a strong representation of young people from Aylestone amongst the group’s membership.  The Academy currently had no venue, so it was hoped that the tracksuits would help establish a sense of identity for the young people involved.  Checks had been made and this was not a commercial organisation.



1)         that a grant of £480 be supported from the Ward Community Fund to the S.T.A.R.S. Freestyle Dance Academy towards the purchase of dance tracksuits; and


2)         that the Academy be asked to confirm whether the track suits will be kept by each member, or whether they will be available for use in the future by other members.



Officer Identified


The S.T.A.R.S. Freestyle Dance Academy be asked to confirm whether the track suits will be kept by each member, or whether they will be available for use in the future by other members

Jerry Connolly

As soon as possible


e)     Carols in the Park 2010



1)         that a grant of £380 be supported from the Ward Community Fund to the Spirit of Aylestone Community Group towards electricity supply costs, the hire of a PA system, a donation to St John’s Ambulance and refreshments for the 2010 Carols in the Park event; and


2)         that the Spirit of Aylestone Community Group be requested to use a more sustainable model for the event in future years, to reduce its reliance on the Ward Community Fund.



Officer Identified


The Spirit of Aylestone Community Group be requested to use a more sustainable  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.




The meeting closed at 8.58 pm