Agenda and minutes

Aylestone Community Meeting - Monday, 30 July 2012 6:00 pm

Venue: Aylestone Baptist Church, Lutterworth Road, Aylestone, Leicester LE2 8PE

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Nigel Porter was elected as Chair and welcomed everyone to the Aylestone Community Meeting.




No apologies for absence were received.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillors were asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate whether Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to them.


Councillor Clarke declared a disclosable interest in the business of the meeting in respect of the community meeting budget as he had been involved in approving the funding bids listed and he had also been involved in the discussion involving Sharplands.


Councillor Porter declared a disclosable interest in the business of the meeting in respect of the community meeting budget as he had been involved in approving the funding bids listed, and also his family members used the meeting premises for dance lessons.



The minutes of the previous Aylestone Community Meeting, held on 22 March 2012, have been previously circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



Councillors were asked to agree the minutes of the previous Aylestone Community Meeting held on 22 March 2012.



that the minutes of the Aylestone Community Meeting held on 22 March 2012 be agreed as a correct record.



To receive a short presentation from the City Mayor on the findings from the consultation exercise.

Additional documents:


The Chair invited Mr Mick Screaton to address the meeting as he was largely responsible for starting the campaign to address the traffic issues in Sharplands.  Mr Screaton stated that he had originally raised the issue in February when it had been reported in the Leicester Mercury.  He had been involved in the site meeting and was disappointed that he had not received any results of the traffic survey.  He hoped that the City Mayor would have good news arising from the consultation.


The City Mayor gave a presentation on the findings from the consultation exercise he had carried out to address the concerns of local residents that were outlined to him at the last meeting in March.  A copy of the City Mayor’s presentation is attached as an appendix to the minutes.


Following the last meeting he had canvassed 261 properties for their views.  These properties are shown on the map in the appendix.  He had received a 36% response rate (96 properties) from the consultation exercise which he considered to be a high level of response for such an exercise.


65% of responses (62) considered that vehicles using Sharplands as a rat run were a big problem.  27 of the responses came from properties in Sharplands.  54% of the respondents (52) thought that closing the road to through traffic would be the best action.  25 of the responses came from properties in Sharplands.


48% of responses (46) favoured closing the road at Sharplands on the Glenhills Way side of the junction with Spring Close.  This would mean that people travelling from Montrose Road South and Spring Close would have to use the Aylestone Drive entrance and others would only be able to use Glenhills Way.


With the exception of Aylestone Drive the matter was classed as a big problem by all the streets surveyed.  Very few opinions had been expressed concerning the traffic lights on Aylestone Road.


Depending upon the views received from the meeting the City Mayor was minded to go ahead with the formal consultation process to make an experimental order for a 12 months road closure.  Although consultations had been carried out by the City Mayor these did not constitute the statutory consultation that was required as it did not involve statutory consultees such as the emergency services.


Community members were asked for their views and the following points were raised:-


·         The City Mayor’s proposal was welcomed but in the interim more needed to be done to address speeding vehicles using Sharplands.

·         Further thought needed to be given to stop vehicles using the expanses of grass to bypass the proposed road closure.

·         It was hoped that the proposed road closure could be implemented as soon as possible.  In response the City Mayor confirmed that he would ask for it to implemented as soon as was possible.


There was unanimous support for the proposed road closure from the community and the City Mayor was thanked for his response to the issue.  In  ...  view the full minutes text for item 136.



To receive a short presentation on the Service’s independent advice to parents and carers regarding all aspects of the school admissions process for pupils starting secondary schools in September 2013. 


The Chair reported that this item would have to be deferred as the person who was going to present the item could not attend due to illness.



Representatives from Leicester LINk will be attending the meeting to outline the forthcoming changes in Health and Social Care and of setting up of 158 Health Watch’s across England that will gather the experiences of local people on health and social care services, and have powers to scrutinise and make referrals to Health Watch England and the Care Quality Commission.


Martin Hefferman from Health Watch (formerly known as LINk) gave a presentation to the meeting.  Mr Eric Charlesworth, Chairman of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland LINk was also present at the meeting.  This presentation referred to the current changes in Health and Social Care arising from The Health and Social Care Act 2012, which was considered to be the biggest reform of the National Health Service since it began.


The meeting was informed of the principle provisions of the Act which included the change of the Local Involvement Networks (LINks) to Health Watch with effect from 1 April 2013.  Other changes included the abolishment of Primary Care Trusts, which would be replaced by Clinical Commissioning Groups and the formation of Health and Wellbeing Boards.


Members of the community were informed about the Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group and the Health and Wellbeing Board and the liaison work with the City Mayor where social need and aims and objectives were being mapped.  Community representatives and members of the public were asked to contact Health Watch with any areas where it was felt that a gap in service currently existed.  Members of the community were urged to contact Health Watch with their experiences of health and social care.


At this point in the presentation a feedback questionnaire was circulated to the meeting in respect of the ‘Health Watch Leicester – Interim Vision’.  Attendees at the meeting were asked to indicate whether they agreed with the Vision Statement and the questionnaire included a section for completion where consultees were asked to comment on any suggested alternative wording.  An invitation to the Shadow Board’s engagement event was also circulated.  It was noted that the development of a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Leicester had begun and the importance of this consultation exercise in the process was expressed. 


At the conclusion of the presentation attendees were invited to complete an evaluation sheet whereby they could indicate what they felt the principle values of Health Watch should be.  As part of the evaluation attendees were also asked to complete their contact details in order that they could be invited to future public meetings. 


The Chair invited comments from community members present and in response to questions Mr Charlesworth stated:-


·         Although Health Watch did not have any formal representation on the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board as it did not officially exist until 1 April 2013, representatives of LINk attended the Board meetings.

·         The LINk Board met once a month and anyone interested in taking part could register their interest with LINk to receive details of meetings etc.

·         The responsibility of the PCTs to commission health services would cease on 31 March 2013 and pass to the Clinical Commissioning Group which would comprise GPs in Leicester City.

·         As a result of the restructuring under the Act this was the first time that the public would be involved in having a say on health services locally and it was therefore very important for the public  ...  view the full minutes text for item 138.



The meeting to receive an update on policing issues in the area.


PC Steve Briance, Leicestershire Constabulary, addressed the meeting to give a policing update for the Aylestone Ward.


Pc Briance reminded everyone of the new telephone number of 101 to report non-emergency issues to the Police.  The 101 number was a national non-emergency number and callers locally would be redirected to the Leicestershire Constabulary.  PC Briance then gave a number of crime statistics for the previous two months.


Burglaries from dwellings were now at the lowest level for 13 years and this was now a force priority with a targeted Operation Pendulum planned for the near future.  There had been 14 burglaries, 8 of which resulted from insecure doors and windows and PC Briance urged vigilance about leaving windows open during hot weather and the use of night security window latches was recommended.  He also stated that there was no pattern between day or night burglaries and he warned people to be on the alert for opportunists trying door handles to see if they were unlocked.  He asked anyone seeing any suspicious activity to report it to the Police.


There had been a spate of burglaries at the Gilmorton Allotments involving tools and generators and the Police had subsequently issued shed alarms and the incidents had now stopped.


There were 5 thefts from motor vehicles with two involving leaving valuables on display in the vehicle.  One robbery had taken place involving the theft of a mobile phone.  8 cases of possession of cannabis had occurred during the period in question.  Anti-Social Behaviour had not been an issue.    


Members of the community raised the following issues of concern:-


·         Cars turning right into Middleton Street by the Church.  PC Briance stated that he would look into this and put it on the list for enforcement.

·         A request was made for speed enforcement measures to be carried out on Aylestone Road and Narborough Road.

·         Motorists turning right from Middleton Street into Narrow Lane were not stopping at the zebra crossing. 

·         There was support for the two Ward Councillors’ views that Middleton Street should be included in the current proposals to introduce 20 mph zones around Aylestone Village.

·         The speed camera on Hall Lane was effective but motorists travelling in the opposite direction to the camera were speeding as there was no deterrent.

·         It was felt that the speed warning signs in the Braunstone Park area were effective.

·         The use of Community Speedwatch could be considered to address roads where speeding was felt to be a problem.



The meeting will receive an update on street scene enforcement issues.


Roy Smith, City Warden was present. An update on issues dealt with in Aylestone Ward was provided and questions from residents were answered:


      Both City Wardens and Parks Wardens had powers to enforce the Bylaws in Aylestone Meadows and he would contact the member of the community asking the question and give him a more detailed reply after the meeting.

      There had been a number of incidents involving litter, fly-tipping and dog fouling that had been dealt with by City Wardens.

      There had been a specific problem of nuisance parking on the pavement involving a company selling cars but this had been addressed and the cars removed.

      There had been a recent campaign to check that businesses had contracts in place to dispose of their commercial waste.

      Feedback was awaited from the Council on whether the successful Aylestone Dog Fouling Project would be rolled out for the whole of the City.

      20 tickets had been issued in March for littering from vehicles and littering in the street, 3 of which had not been paid and were now being pursued through the courts.

      In response to a question, Roy confirmed that he would refer the question of putting double yellow lines in Sanvey Lane near to the Church to the Council’s sub-contractor, Vinci Parking, who were currently reviewing parking issues.  It was felt that part of the problem with parking in the street arose from commuters using the park and ride system.

      It was requested that warning signs be erected to warn drivers of the pedestrian crossing in Middleton Street as motorists had restricted visibility when approaching it from the bend in the road.

      Residents requested that the problem of parking on the pavement in the Sanvey Lane and Marsden Lane area be investigated.  



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



The following applications have been received and approved prior to the meeting:


1.    Golden Oldies - a golden oldie musical event in the Aylestone Hall Gardens.                                                                               £300

2.    St Andrew Summer Soccer School – 10 hours of sports activities in the school holidays.                                                           £500


The following applications have been received and are to be considered at the meeting:


1)    Southfields Community Centre – Luncheon Club Refit      £1425.87

An application has been received to fund the refit of a kitchen at Southfields Drive Community Centre where a Lunch Club operates five days a week for the benefit of elderly residents of Saffron, Eyres Monsell, Aylestone and Knighton Wards.





Actual Cost

Request to Ward Meeting


6 Ring Gas Burner




Pass Through Dishwasher




Bin Marie Hot Cupboard










2)    St Andrew Summer Soccer School                                          £1,000

An application has been received to fund 10 hours of sports activities per week over the school holidays based at St Andrews Football Club.





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Sports trainers / coaches (x2) 10 hours per week x2 for 4 weeks @ £10 per h)





Ground Hire 4 weeks @£40




Equipment (balls, shin pads, etc.)









The Chair presented the Community Meeting budget and explained that a number of new funding applications had been received since the previous meeting.


It was noted that the following grant applications had been received and approved under the fast-tracking procedure by both the Ward Councillors:-


1.    Golden Oldies  - a golden oldie musical event in the Aylestone Hall Gardens with £300 being approved.


2.    St Andrews Summer School – 10 hours of sports activities in the summer holiday with £500 being approved to allow administration and booking fees to be paid.


The following applications had been received and were considered at the meeting:-


Greener Transport Initiative

Amount Requested £1,900


It was reported that the grant had been discussed at the March 2012 meeting but had not been formally approved.



                        that the application for £1,900 be supported and approved in full.


Southfields Community Centre – Luncheon Club Refit

Amount requested £1,425.87


The proposals were for a refit of a kitchen at Southfelds Drive Community Centre where a Lunch Club operated five days a week for the benefit of elderly residents of Freemen, Eyres Monsell, Aylestone and Knighton Wards.   It was noted that the application had been submitted to the other three wards but had not been supported.



that the application be refused as there was no evidence of the number of ward residents that would benefit from the proposal.


St Andrew Summer Soccer School

Amount Requested £1,000


An application had been received to fund 10 hours of sports activities per week over the school holidays based at St Andrew’s Football Club and to purchase equipment, balls, and shin pads etc.  The Chair reported that this was an on-going bid and work was being carried out with the Football Club to explore alternative funding streams including Sport England.



that the application be supported and a grant of £500 be approved, this being an additional grant to that already approved under the Council’s fast-track procedure (see above).


Gilmorton Development Group - Early Learning and After School

Amount Requested £100


The application was to fund the initial resources of art materials and the first month’s rent of the room and refreshments.



that the application be supported subject to the necessary CRB clearances being received.


EyresMonsell Allotment and Gardening Society

Amount Requested £900


The application was to enable the removal of a soil embankment which would provide better drainage to the site and give a level area which could be planted.



that the application be supported and the sum of £900 be approved.



To note that future Community Meetings for 2012/13 will be held on Thursday 11 October 2012, Tuesday 22 January 2013 and Thursday 14 March 2013.  Venues for the meetings will be confirmed at a later date.


It was noted that future community meetings would be held as follows at venues to be confirmed:-


            Thursday 11 October 2012

            Tuesday 22 January 2013 and

            Thursday 14 March 2013






A member of the Spirit of Aylestone addressed the meeting to give an update of recent events.


He stated that the Minister of the Aylestone Baptist Church, Rev Tim Fergusson, had moved on and he was thanked for his work both with the church and in the ward generally.


The recent Aylestone 2012 event, which had included aTorch Relay around the village, had been a success and photographs of the event were displayed in the ante-room. 


There was a ‘Messy Church’ event at the Gilmorton Community Rooms involving singing, art and crafts for children, including some with learning difficulties.  It provided a valuable opportunity for the community to become involved and gain a greater understanding of issues faced by people with learning difficulties.  Thanks were expressed for the funding to enable this to go ahead.





A member of the public referred to the redevelopment of the site of the former Rutland Arms Public House for a surgery and health centre and it was suggested that the Council should appropriate part of the site to allow a second traffic lane to be constructed for traffic turning right which would improve traffic flows along Aylestone Lane. 


The Chair stated that the circumstances were different to the Greyhound development where land had been appropriated for highways improvement. This particular development was a private development and there was no requirement for any land to be used to for highways improvement.  When the development application was considered traffic officers did not feel that the development would increase the traffic flows to those that existed when it was a Public House.  Furthermore there was no budget provision to pursue a compulsory purchase order even if this was warranted.


Councillor Clarke reported that he had met with the Assistant City Mayor with responsibilities for highways and with traffic officers.  They had seen a micro-simulation, which showed that the traffic flow could be improved without the need for changing the road layout.  Ways to improve the operation of the Bus Lane were also being investigated.  


It was suggested that these concerns could be discussed with the private developer to see if there was a mutually agreeable way forward to the issue.




It was suggested that the next meeting should be focused on traffic issues generally and 20 mph zones and bus lanes/corridors specifically and that traffic officers should also be invited to attend.




The meeting closed at 8.10pm