Agenda and minutes

Aylestone Community Meeting - Tuesday, 3 October 2017 7:00 pm

Venue: Old Aylestone Social Club, 1 Middleton Street, LE2 8LU

Contact: Anita Clarke, Ward and Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6576) e-mail:  Elaine Baker, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6355) (e-mail:

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations of interest in the business of the meeting as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Clarke in the Chair.

Everyone welcomed and introductions given.

No interests were declared.




Apologies for absence received from Alan and Anne Sturgess



The Action Log for the last meeting held on 27 April 2017 is attached for information and discussion.


Agreed as correct



Officers from the City Council’s Planning service will give a presentation on the current consultation on the preparation of the new Local Plan


All to note:

·           The city has grown beyond its current administrative boundary, so residents in areas immediately adjoining the city also are being consulted;

·           The city currently has very little space available for development;

·           Further public consultation will be undertaken as the Plan is developed;

·           Government projections suggest that there will be an increase in the city’s population of approximately 12% over the next 15 years;

·           Over the last five years, over 95% of new houses in the city have been built on brownfield sites;

·           There is not enough space in the city to provide all the additional housing needed.  Local authorities have a duty to co-operate on planning matters, so the Council is working with district authorities in the county on a strategic growth plan that will include the provision of some of the required housing;

·           Consent already has been given to the development at St Mary’s Meadows;

·           Approximately 220 of the 270 identified potential development sites are owned by the Council, the rest being privately owned;

·           Public space over half a hectare in size has been included in the analysis of potential development sites.  It is known that at least some of it is likely to be unsuitable for development, but it all has been included to avoid appearing to make any pre-judgements, as required by the Planning Inspectorate.  No decisions have been taken yet on which sites will be excluded from consideration, so comments on which ones are unsuitable are welcomed;

·           Existing policies require developers to provide social housing;

·           In view of the potential increased need for additional primary and secondary school places as a result of new housing developments, discussions are being held with Education officers and new sites for schools are being planned;

·           A planning need for 100 more allotments in the city has been identified, due to the number of developments being undertaken;

·           It is planned to undertake a capacity survey of shop premises in the city centre;

·           Concern was raised at the meeting that proposals for the Evesham Road link road in the draft Local Plan showed the new road going through the Aylestone Meadows Nature Reserve;

·           Concern was expressed that the redevelopment of the Everards site at Fosse Park would increase traffic flows through the Ward, with a consequent reduction in air quality.  It was noted that the new Local Plan would include a suite of policies addressing air quality; and

·           Concern also was expressed about the increasing use of traffic calming in residential areas.  Slowing the traffic could increase air pollution and the height of some speed humps or cushions could make it difficult for motorcyclists to put a foot on the ground when needed.

The Planning officers were thanked for their presentation and answering the questions raised in the meeting.

All residents, businesses and organisations invited to submit written comments on the proposals in the draft Local Plan.



Officers will give an update on the development of Franklyn Fields


All to note:

·           The planning application by Morris Homes for the development of this site was being considered by Council officers.  This included consulting other services, to ensure that policies are adhered to.  Negotiation also was underway with the developer on a minor issue;

·           The application would be considered by the Council’s Planning and Development Control Committee, but there was no time scale for this yet;

·           The progress of this development would be a standing item on this meeting’s agenda;

·           The planning application did not include development of the allotments;

·           Access to the development site would be from Lutterworth Road; and

·           The Council had limited control over the inclusion of specific types of property in a planning application, (such as bungalows), or on shops opening as part of a development, but residents could submit comments on such matters during the consultation period.



An update will be provided on the issues regarding Sanvey Lane and Marsden Lane


All to note:

·           Yellow line parking restrictions had been introduced in Sanvey Lane in June 2017, but the blockage had moved further up the Lane.  The yellow lines therefore needed to extend beyond the narrow part of the Lane;

·           The yellow lines had been put down in the narrowest part of the road, at the point where people had to walk in the road to get to the school, which was dangerous due to the speed at which traffic could now travel along that part of the Lane;

·           Surveys had confirmed that “rat-running” was a problem, although not a high level one.  Consideration needed to be given to whether any measures introduced to address this would create further problems, as they were likely to include some form of one-way traffic flow;

·           The number of vans being parked in Marsden Lane by the Enterprise vehicle hire company was causing congestion there.  For example, coaches going to Leicester City Football Club’s training ground had to reverse down the road; and

·           When options for addressing these issues, residents would be consulted on them.  this would include the option of keeping things as at present.


Residents invited to send pictures of the traffic and parking problems in Sanvey Lane / Marsden Lane to the Council’s Highways officers.



Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward.


As no Police representatives were present, they would be asked to provide a written update for circulation to those on the mailing list.


CITY WARDEN pdf icon PDF 49 KB

The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward.


As the City Warden was not, he would be asked to provide a written update for circulation to those on the mailing list.

This is attached at the end of the action log



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget


Grants approved as follows:

·           £395 approved to Aylestone Gateway Club to hire a coach to take members and carers to a pantomime

·           £500 approved to Messy Church towards activities

·           £2,000 approved to Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society to produce  a mural interpreting Aylestone Meadows

All to note that £15,105 remained in the Ward Community Budget for the current financial year.

Residents and local groups encouraged to apply for grant funding.  All applications need to be made online, via the following link:




Rubbish Bin outside St Andrews Church

Ward Councillors to liaise with Council officers to see if the rubbish bin at the Old Church Street entrance to the church can be moved away from that entrance, to reduce the impact of smells from that bin in hot weather.


Flood Risk Action Plan

Exhibitions on aspects of the Flood Risk Action Plan currently being developed would be held at Aylestone Leisure Centre on 5 October and at Granby School between 3.30 pm and 7.30 pm on 24 October.


Aylestone Meadows

Residents asked to support Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society’s aim to get a ramp installed at the Meadows to improve access.


Planning Enforcement

Ward Councillors to raise the following with Planning Enforcement officers:

·           Park and Ride facilities at New College should have been introduced as part of the planning permission for Leicester City Football Club’s current stadium, but had not been provided; and

·           When planning permission was granted for the floodlights at the Grace Road cricket ground, it was for their intermittent use.  However, the flood lights were now used on a regular basis.




The meeting closed at 8.42 pm