Agenda and minutes

Thurncourt Community Meeting - Tuesday, 6 December 2022 6:00 pm

Venue: Thurnby Lodge Community Centre - Thurncourt Road, Leicester LE5 2NG

Contact: Angela Martin Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6571) (email: 

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Gee as the Chair led on introductions.


There were no apologies for absence.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Attached for information and discussion.


The Action Log of the last meeting held on the 5th July 2022 were confirmed as correct.  



Ward Councillors will provide an update on any ward related matters.


As part of the ward councillors’ feedback, members noted that:

·         Work continueued with local residents around housing related matters and anti-social behaviour (ASB)

·         Safety bollards had been introduced around schools

·         A new crossing had been introduced on Scraptoft Lane following the safety concerns raised after the accident of a young local resident

·         Speed cushions had been introduced on Thurncourt Road, with phase 2 of the scheme proposed to introduce additional speed cushions to the rest of Thurncourt Road.


As part of the discussions with the residents it was noted that concerns with proposed developments would be considered further down the agenda. However, Members were aware of the concerns that were being raised by local residents and suggested that these would be fed back to the right departments.




An update on the Local Plan will be provided.


Members noted that following Local Plan was a central government initiative and that the following the initial consultation, 2 out of the 4 sites initially proposed (Homestone Gardens and Brent Knowle Gardens) would go back out to consultation at stage 2 of the consultation. Members further noted that the consultation meeting would take place in February 2023 with the Planning Department would be in attendance and that, concerns raised by local residents as part of the consultation process, would be taken into consideration.


In further discussions around the process, it was noted that the following the consultation period, the Planning Department would put forward proposals and that Full Council would make a decision based on the details from the consultation.


Members also noted that, Sunbury Green which was also out for consultation were active in voicing their opinions about the proposals and were eventually removed of the Local Plan.


As part of the discussions residents noted that:

·         Residents were concerned about the initial phase of consultation taking place during Covid restrictions and that the local residents were not made aware of the consultation

·         Residents suggested that they should be given the opportunity to consult again

·         locals were against the proposals which would result in the loss of green spaces across the ward.

·         That the proposed sites on the local plan for development would cause logistical issues and would put the school children at risk during development

·         Empty homes and derelict sites on the ward should be considered for housing


The Community Engagement Officer noted that the meeting would be held at Thurncourt Community Centre and that the date and time would be advertised to ensure that all local residents have been informed (ACTION: Ward Community Engagement Officer).





An update on local developments and planning matters will be provided.


Members noted that this item had come to the ward meeting following concerns raised by local residents.


Councillor Aldred noted that, she was the Vice Chair of the Planning Committee and that there had been no permission to develop the site and that any proposal for change of use of the site would have to be considered by the Planning Committee.


Councillor Aldred informed the residents that she had spoken to someone who was entering the site at the former Mayflower Pub and had requested that the site be secured and kept clean and requested the landlords to meet with the Councillors for the future plans of the site.


As part of the discussions residents noted that:

·         Residents would be more comfortable with the future plans for the site if the new owners were more transparent

·         Speculation around the future proposals had caused concerns to the locals

·         trees that were on the site had been removed and residents were concerned whether the trees had Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) ACTION: the TPO on the trees removed at the former Mayflower Pub site be investigated

·         Residents from the neighbouring property suggested that the removal of the trees was welcomed by neighbours as they were concerned that the trees could potentially fall and damage the properties

·         Residents request that information be shared should a planning application for the site come forward in the future

·         Residents suggested that the main area of concern was the parking on Ocean Road which was a bus route and any future plans for the site would need to consider the parking provisions


Residents from the Ocean Road area raised their concerns with a new takeaway that had opened called Reload. It was suggested that the new outlet had extensive opening hours and that there was a picture of a firearm in the shop front. ACTION: Residents requested that Councillors investigate whether the business had the appropriate planning and licensing permissions.



Highways officers will give an update on highways matters in the Ward.


The Highways Officer in attendance provided an update on recent works carried out on the ward. Residents thanked the Highways Team for the work carried out on delivering the zebra crossing following the accident on Scraptoft Lane


As part of the discussions, it was noted that:

·         Residents were concerned with speeding vehicles on the stretch of road between the Shell garage and Nuffield Health and requested speed calming measures be considered

·         Concerns were raised with the quality of the resurfacing work outside the Nuffield Health and residents suggested that the resurfacing work had already been damaged

·         Residents request for additional knee-high railings to be introduced around the Ocean Road area

·         A request for urgent action on the junction of Kinsdale Road and Thurncourt Road as this was a school route and regular HGV use had damaged the surfacing and the pedestrian footpaths

·         A request for additional pencil bollard installation outside the school and Homestone Rise

·         A request for Parking Enforcement Officers during the peak school run hours as the parking around the schools on Thurncourt Road had become dangerous for pedestrians and was causing grid lock for motorist

·         Request for additional traffic calming measures to be considered on the corner of Wintersdale Road and Daykin Road as the junction had become dangerous

·         The Highways Team be requested to consider the cycling options coming east from the City Centre. It was suggested that the infrastructure for cyclist on Uppingham Road was dangerous and that the only safe option for cyclist was to use the pedestrian footpaths to keep them out of harm’s way from vehicles

·         Residents raised their concerns with a spotlight that had been installed at Willowbrook Primary School which was disturbing neighbouring properties ACTION: Highways Officer to retrieve pictures from neighbours and forward on to the correct department.


Councillor Aldred requested that the Highways Team consider the options available to resolve the matter with dangerous parking around the schools on the ward and that the Local Beat Team be thanked for their support in dealing with issues with parking related matters.




Housing officers will give an update on housing matters in the Ward.


The Housing Manger in attendance provided an update on housing related matters. It was noted that:

·         The knee high railings would be introduced to Housing properties around Ocean Road by the end of March

·         Pest control work was being actioned following reports received

·         The upkeep of walkways and communal areas which were managed by housing was underway

·         Additional parking installation along with knee high railings at Kermigton gardens was under consideration for the new financial year

·         Installation of additional seating areas in Homestone Gardens was proposed.  


As par of the discussions, residents noted that, when installing knee high railings, access of maintenance vehicles should be considered and that residents would like to see improvement in the quality of work carried out on the ward.


Councillor Aldred took the opportunity to acknowledge the work the Housing Manager has delivered on and the support provided to Members with difficult housing related matters.





Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police matters in Thurncourt Ward.


Representatives from the Local Police Team were in attendance and Officers provided an update to the meeting.


It was noted that, in the last 28 days:

·         There had been 4 burglaries (2 unconfirmed, valuables were being targeted and Officers requested that residents secure sheds and garages and keep valuables out of site)

·         There were no robberies

·         No theft of motor vehicles

·         3 theft of Catalytic converters

·         ASB had dropped and there were currently 5 live reports.


As part of the discussions, residents noted that:

·         Concerns of speeding cars on Ocean Road and requested police presence

·         Recent nuisance with modified vehicles casing noise pollution concerns

·         Use of off-road motor cycles without safety helmets


In response to concerns raised by residents, officers noted that residents be requested to report vehicle registration of speeding and modified vehicles to 101 or in an emergency to 999 and that the Police have the powers to seize motor cycles under Section 165 Road Traffic Act and this offence would go on the individuals driving licence and ASB action can also be taken.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Thurncourt Ward.


The City Warden in attendance provided an update on works carried out on the ward. It was noted that:

·         House visits continued

·         Bulky Waste Collection resumed as normal

·         3 CPW’s issued on private lands

·         2 duty of care for waste issued

·         19 fly tips resolved

·         1 court case pending.


Residents raised their concerns with fly tipping at the brook and requested the entire brook be cleaned as it was resulting in issues with pest. The City Warden requested that residents share pictures they may have, and the Officer would work to have the issue resolved.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications



The Ward Community Engagement Officer noted that, each ward is allocated £18,000.00 annually to support local initiatives that benefit the residents in the ward.


Since the allocated funding in March 2022, 23 applications had been received, 2 were not supported and 1 was under consideration. So far £14,678.00 had been spent with £3,322.00 remaining and residents were requested to contact the Community Engagement Officer for information on this.




The Chair noted that the Community Centre Car Park matter was still under consideration and would be addressed at a later date.


A representative from the Navy Cadets introduced themselves and noted they were new to the Ward and would be involved with the ward in the future. The representative also took the opportunity to thank Members for the Remembrance Day Parade and looked forward to a bigger event next  year.


There being no other items of urgent business, the meeting closed at 8.03pm.