Agenda and minutes

Thurncourt Community Meeting - Monday, 13 February 2017 6:30 pm

Venue: Ocean Road Community Centre, Ocean Road, Leicester, LE5 2ER

Contact: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1876) (email:  Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (tel: (0116) 454 6369) (email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Aldred, Chair of the meeting, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


Apologies were received from Andy East (Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader), Nicole Powell (City Warden) and Lee Warner (Head of Neighbourhood Services.


Later in the meeting during item 3: Transforming Neighbourhood Services, Councillor Aldred declared an interest that she was the current secretary in the Community Association (CA) based in Thurncourt.



The Action Log of the Meeting held on 14 November 2016 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.


The action log of the meeting 14 November 2016 was agreed as an accurate record.



An update will be provided on the Transforming Neighbourhood Services Programme.


Laura Burt - Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) read the Transforming Neighbourhood Services (TNS) update provided by Lee Warner (Head of Neighbourhood Services). This update can be found at the end of this action log.


Part of the update noted that, following the consultation the decision for the future of Ocean Road Community Centre would be to;


·         Explore options for the disposal of the building including demolition or sale.

·         Work with groups to identify the best location for their needs.


Councillor Aldred stated that a proposal had been put forward to the City Mayor as part of the TNS by the Community Association (CA) on Thurncourt Road to take over the building. The CA were currently at the stage of looking if the proposal would be financially feasible.


Residents made the following queries;

·         Would the CA take it over as a sale or rent? Councillor Aldred noted that there were several avenues to be explored however one of the main considerations would be a transfer of community assets.

·         The current expenditure per annum was queried. Councillor Aldred noted that figures could not be disclosed at this point, however the proposal seemed feasible.

·         What would the timescales be? Councillor Newcombe noted that further discussions with the City Mayor and Neighbourhood Services would take place.

·         If the CA was to take over, would space be available for the centres existing groups? Councillor Aldred stated that the aim of the take-over was so that the existing groups could continue to use the centre and also to generate further income.



Highways officers will give an update on highways issues in the Ward.


Martin Fletcher (Head of Highways) gave an update on Highways issues in the ward and responded to queries from residents.


All to note:

·         The steps and ramp on Thurncourt Road had recently been maintained and repaired.

·         Laybys had been constructed on Bowhill Grove and Highways working with Ward Councillors and Housing had identified other areas for laybys in the ward.

·         On the corner of the Thurncourt Road shops, Highways had been prioritising the disabled parking area.

·         School run parking at Willowbrook School had been flagged as an issue. Martin noted that Highways would be visiting every school in Leicester City to identify how parking issues could be improved.

·         Highways were looking at current parking restrictions and zig zag yellow lines near schools.

·         Councillors had highlighted the possibility of having a crossing near the school. However, pedestrian survey results outside the school detailed that the number of people crossing was low and the crossing patrol felt that a crossing would not help the situation.

·         Plans were in place to implement railings and verges on Thurncourt Road. The work plan was also looking at traffic regulations on that part of the road.

·         Speed surveys were carried out in several parts of the ward. Closer work with Councillors and emergency services would need to take place prior to schemes being implemented.

·         Due to a number of accidents, the junction of Scraptoft Lane and Bowhill Grove had the potential for a ghost island or change of road markings; however this would be put into the list of other works whereby the level of prioritisation would be considered.

·         At the previous meeting a resident reported an issue regarding the slabbing at Kirkwall Crescent, Martin requested that further information be provided to Highways on this issue.

·         The Council were considering stronger enforcement including camera enforcement penalty notices. Plans to also increase walking and cycling to schools were currently in progress.


Residents’ concerns:

·         Several residents had concerns regarding speeding on Scraptoft Lane.

·         It was requested that Colchester Road to the ‘Trocadero’ (Uppingham Rd) be surveyed. Martin would obtain details and feed this into the list of jobs to be done. It was noted that the new programme of surveys were commissioned in each financial year.

·         Councillor Aldred noted that Councillors had had several meetings with the City Mayor, Highways and the MP regarding speeding in Thurncourt, it was noted that works were ongoing.

·         Thurncourt Road garages were reported to have many cars regularly parked on its grass verges. Martin noted that this was on the Highways priority list. Councillor Aldred noted the possibility of knee high railings or bollards.



Housing officers will give an update on housing issues in the Ward.


Laura Burt (WCEO) read the update which was provided by Housing, the update is attached to the end of this action log.


·         A resident had concerns that the Ocean Road communal area had slabbing issues. Councillor Aldred requested the resident to email the details to Councillors and they would forward the information to Housing.

·         Lighting installations in communal areas was queried. Councillor Aldred noted that Housing were trying to install lighting in as many communal areas as possible over the next two years.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Thurncourt Ward.


The City Warden provided leaflets which were distributed at the meeting, a copy is attached at the end of this action log.


·         As several residents had concerns regarding dog fouling, Councillor Aldred requested that residents report directly to the City Warden. (Contact details are on the attachment).



Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Thurncourt Ward.


PC Sarah George and PCSO Michael Smith-Curtis were present at the meeting. PC George gave an update on Thurncourt Ward Police statistics which is attached at the end of this action log.


Resident’s concerns:

·         ASB issue near Thurncourt shops. The Police noted that they had spoken to many of the children and the ASB in this area was now minimal.

·         A representative from the Young People’s Council (YPC) (and a resident) expressed concerns that too many youth services had been cut which inevitably impacted on other services such as the Police. In addition, limited funding was reported to be available for youth centres and therefore children did not have enough activities to take part in. The vulnerability of many young people was also reported. The YPC representative brought a youth consultation form to the meeting and encouraged attendees to fill them out. Councillor Aldred noted that copies could be made at Thurnby Lodge Youth and Community Centre and left there as well as distributing some copies to the nearby shops.

·         A resident queried progress of the ASB issue regarding young people climbing into the flats above the Thurncourt Road shops. It was reported that PC Ben Orton had visited the flats and found that the culprits had been let in by a young person that lived in the flats. Andy East and Ben Orton were currently working on this and looking into options.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update on the Ward Community Budget will be provided at the meeting.


At the meeting Laura Burt (WCEO) gave an update on the Ward Community Budget.


Following the meeting, the Ward Community Budget sheet was updated to reflect all applications received and considered in the 2016/17 budget. This information is attached at the end of this action log.


If anyone required assistance with a ward budget application, it was noted to contact Laura Burt on 0116 454 1940 or email




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 7:37pm.