Agenda and minutes

Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Community Meeting - Wednesday, 16 June 2010 5:30 pm

Venue: The Brite Centre, Braunstone Avenue

Contact: Palbinder Mann, 0116 229 8814 (ex 398814) 

No. Item




Apologies were received from Albee Law



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Members were asked to declare any interests that they may have had in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to them.


No such declarations were made.



The minutes of the previous Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Community Meeting have been circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.








that the minutes of the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Community Meeting held on 16 March 2010 be confirmed as a correct record.




There will be a written update in response to the highways issues raised at the last meeting.



The Chair read out a verbal update provided by the Highways section on issues that had been previously raised at Community Meetings. The following updates were provided:


Braunstone Lane and Braunstone Lane East Bridge


It was reported that the Highways and Transport Division were currently putting together a request for funding to Cabinet on 21 June 2010 under Leicester’s Environmental Work’s Programme for 2010/11. The programme would include painting works for the Braunstone Lane East Bridge and some funding for Braunstone Lane verges however the programme was subject to approval from Cabinet.


Grit Bins


It was reported that half of the grit bins on Braunstone Lane fell in the County Council area and the request for more bins had been passed to the County Council.


It was reported currently 160 bins were provided in the city at known trouble spots and that a grit bin would cost around £200 to install and £70 thereafter to refill however no funding was currently available from the Highways and Transport Division for the bins.


Flooding in the car park at Braunstone Leisure Centre


It was reported that the Leisure Centre had been informed of what the problem was and that it was the responsibility of the facility management or property owner to clear the problem up. It was also reported that liquid arising from the cleansing could possibly be classed as hazardous liquid waste and would need to be disposed of at a suitable processing facility by a waste collector such as Biffa. It was further commented that the Highways and Transport Division may be able to assist with jetting and advice but the Leisure Centre would need to action this.


Road Surfaces on Imperial Avenue and Fosse Road


It was reported that emergency pothole repairs had been undertaken on Fosse Road South in recent weeks however any plans for significant carriageway resurfacing work was subject to the funding being made available. The state of Fosse Road had been flagged up previously and at the current time the estimated cost was in the order of £400,000 to do the full area of 7,600 square metres.


The Chair also introduced Scott Gibbons, the new City Warden for the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward.




Ann Habens, Director Safer & Stronger Communities will be present to provide an update on Manor House Neighbourhood Centre.


Ann Habens, Director Safer & Stronger Communities and Steve Goddard, Head of Community Services were present to answer any queries relating to Manor House Neighbourhood Centre.


Ann reported that no decision had yet been made on the centre and services were currently being looked at in the area. Work was currently being done with Children and Young People’s services regarding services provided in the area. Ann commented that services needed to be looked at as a whole rather than particular buildings. The Community Meeting were informed that Manor House was a grade two listed building with the usage of the building being very limited and the cost per user being very high.


The Chair stated that the three Ward Councillors had written to the Leader and relevant Cabinet Member regarding the closure.


Ann stated that the City Council wished to hold consultations with service users particularly those with group leaders whose services had been relocated.


A resident stated that he was organising a campaign to save the centre and he was looking to organise a petition. He commented that there should be a public meeting in the area about the closure and that he felt that the venue had not been publicised in the last year. He stated that he was looking to work with Council Officers and that possible sponsorship for the centre was also currently being looked into. It was reiterated that the venue was a community facility and healthy for the area.


Ann explained the costs for the Manor House and how many people had attended the venue in the last year. It was reported that there had been 12,106 people who had used the venue which equated to a cost of £9.90 per user. The venue had fewer users than other similar centres such as Fosse Centre and the Tudor Centre. Residents raised concern that the fewer visitors were due to the venue not being publicised. Ann informed the Community Meeting that the building required continual investment and health and safety regulations had to be adhered to.


The Community Meeting was informed that the pre school and after schools groups had been relocated to the local school site. Ann commented that the local community would be spoken to about which services they wanted. Residents also raised concern that they were not notified that the land around the centre belonged to Ellesmere School. 


It was queried why the issue of building had only arisen after the recent incident had occurred. Ann commented that the building was being looked into before the incident. She also commented that following the incident it was difficult for the staff to work in the building again due to the incident that had occurred.


It was queried whether Council Staff had been using the upstairs space as offices. Ann commented that the centre was used by staff as Offices otherwise it would have stood empty. The Community Meeting was informed that the building did not lend itself for community usage as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 90.



Information will be provided to promote recycling and on how recycling rates could be improved.


Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester was present to provide information and to answer any queries on recycling.


A DVD was played which outlined the benefits of recycling and provided information on the recycling process.


Sarah explained that her main role was to go around the city and work with the communities about recycling. She informed the Community Meeting that the following items could be placed in the green recycling box:


·        Paper – this included newspapers, leaflets, magazines, paper, catalogues and directories such as the yellow pages.

·        Mixed glass – this included bottles and jars

·        Plastic bottles.


It was stated that cardboard could not be placed in the box.


The Community Meeting was informed that the following items could be removed at the recycling plant:


·        Metals – metal items were removed at the plant and sent for recycling.

·        Cardboard, cartons, envelopes, plastic containers and food wrappers were turned into an alternative fuel.

·        Food waste was produced into a soil improver. The methane gas released during the process was turned into electricity.


Sarah commented that a lot of people were still not recycling and that it was important to use the green box. There were also recycling banks available across the city along with two recycling centres.


Sarah informed the Community Meeting that next week was National Recyling week and there would be various events in the city including a Recycling Plant Open day.


A resident queried what the cost was of sending waste to landfill. Sarah commented that the cost was £48 per tonne. It was further queried what the year’s bill was. Sarah commented that she would find this information out and it was agreed that this should be distributed with the minutes.





Find out the year’s bill and the amount of tonnage used.

Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester

Distribution of the minutes.


Residents raised concern at the green boxes being thrown back and being cracked after a waste collection. Concern was also raised that boxes and bins were not being placed outside people’s houses after a collection.


A resident queried that there used to be a plastic bottle bank on Avery Hill however this had now disappeared. Sarah commented that she would look into this.





Find out about the plastic bottle bank on Avery Hill

Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester

By next meeting


In response to queries, it was confirmed that catalogues may be placed in the green recycling box however plastic tubs could not be placed as there was only limited companies available who could recycle plastic tubs. A resident queried that he had put shiny brochures in the box however had not been taken. Sarah commented that she would look into this.





Look into why shiny brochures were not collected when placed in the green box.

Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester

By next meeting


A Member stated that she had difficulty in getting her box to the kerbside. Sarah commented  ...  view the full minutes text for item 91.



There will be feedback provided from the recent patch walks that have been

conducted in the area.


Councillor Naylor provided feedback on the patch walks that had been conducted in the BraunstoneFolville Box area.



Patchwalk 1 14/05/2010


Some of the issues that had been highlighted included:


         Paving in state of disrepair.

         Some parts of the green verges damaged through vehicle parking.

         Vegetation overhanging the footpath.

         Graffiti to lampposts and directional sign on the roundabout at the junction of Braunstone Avenue.

         Gooding Avenue - Road surface in need of repair and some minor potholes along its length.


Patchwalk 2 15/05/2010


Some of the issues that had been highlighted included:


·        Ellesmere School - overgrown vegetation growing through the metal fencing onto the pavement.

·        Fulhurst Avenue – some of the gardens were badly overgrown and strewn with litter.

·        Grass verges damaged due to cars being parked on them

·        Graffiti on Newfields Square and Newfields Avenue including on the traffic control box which needed cleaning

·        Trinity Church – Graffiti on both the church and adjacent property


Patchwalk 3 21/05/2010


Some of the issues that had been highlighted included:


·        Braunstone Lane – a large amount of litter on the grass verges

·        Footpath between the properties in Mortimer Place and Sturgess’s Garage through to Mortimer Way needed clearing of overgrown vegetation

·        Evidence of some potholing and disrepair, particularly the corner with Beaufort Road

·        Audley End – what looked like an abandoned vehicle on the grass verge

·        Graffiti - on the traffic box on the corner of Braunstone Lane and Wyville Row


Patchwalk 4 22/05/2010


Some of the issues that had been highlighted included:


         Some properties without drop-kerbs to their driveways

         Waltham Avenue - some of the grass verges were damaged as a consequence of the vehicles parking

         Waltham Avenue and Braunstone Avenue - the large grassed areas to each of the corners with trees to be repaired as part of environmental works this year

         Newfields Avenue and Hallam Crescent East – some grass verges in a state of disrepair

         Newfields Avenue - cracked slabs which may constitute a danger or a hazard


The Chair stated officers had been notified of the minor problems and that at the next meeting, all issues would be brought together to see what the main issues in the ward were.



Ellen Watts, Neighbourhood Housing Manager will provide Information on the Area Improvement Capital Programme.


Ellen Watts, Neighbourhood Housing Manager provided information on the Area Improvement Capital Programme.


Ellen informed the Community Meeting that £7,335,000 would be spent on housing repairs across the city of which £1.8m would be spent on disabled adaptations and there would be £1,927,812 spent in the Braunstone ward.


A booklet containing a breakdown of the spending was provided at the meeting.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Mary-Louise Harrison, Members Support Officer will give an update on the

Community Meeting Budget. The following application has been received:


The following applications were discussed at the last meeting and the funding has been allocated as follows:


·        Community Fund Basketball Sessions, Karl Brown - £1,350

·        Braunstone Golden Gloves Amateur Boxing Club, Helen McNulty - £1,419

·        Braunstone Street Sports Graffiti Project, Brian Stafford – application withdrawn

·        Telling Tales, Lighthouse Learning – application withdrawn

·        Braunstone Community Association (b-inspired), Braunstone Clean-Up

Campaign, 2010 - £1,500                                                        


The following new applications have been received:


·        Braunstone Foundation, Braunstone Sports Festival 2010 - £1,600.  

                                                                                                         Appendix A1


·        Braunstone Community Association, Braunstone Community Carnival 2010 - £2,000                                                                     Appendix A2                                                                         

Additional documents:


The Chair presented the Community Meeting budget.


The Chair reported that following applications had been discussed at the last meeting and funding had been allocated as follows:


·        Community Fund Basketball Sessions, Karl Brown - £1,350

·        Braunstone Golden Gloves Amateur Boxing Club, Helen McNulty - £1,419

·        Braunstone Community Association (b-inspired), Braunstone Clean-Up Campaign, 2010 - £1,500.


It was also reported that the following applications had been withdrawn:


·        Braunstone Street Sports Graffiti Project, Brian Stafford

·        Telling Tales, Lighthouse Learning.


The following new bids had been submitted for consideration:


·        Braunstone Foundation, Braunstone Sports Festival 2010 - £1,600


The application was for funding for the Braunstone Sports Festival which was due to take place on Saturday 3 July 2010. It was reported that the amount requested was now £700.



that the application be supported and £700 be allocated from

the Ward Community Fund subject to final approval from the

Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and

Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


·        Braunstone Community Association, Braunstone Community Carnival 2010 - £2,000


The application was for funding for the Braunstone Carnival which was due to take place on Saturday 3 July 2010.



that the application be supported and £2,000 be allocated from

the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to final approval from the

Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and

Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


In addition, the following application was also received:


·        LestaZim, Community Cohesion Events Plan. Lesta-Zim  - £1,763.20


The application was for the funding of Zimbabwean drumming and dancing workshops and a football team in Braunstone. Members stated that they wished to provide funding for the drums only.



that the application be supported and £1,043.20 be allocated from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Community Cohesion and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.




Future meetings dates of the Community Meetings are as follows:


·        17 August 2010 (5:30pm)

·        19 October 2010 (5:00pm)

·        15 December 2010 (5:00pm)

·        15 February 2011 (5:00pm)

·        19 April 2011 (5:30pm)


Venues for the meetings will be confirmed in due course.


The Chair informed the Community Meeting that there would now be six meetings in a year rather than the previous number of 4. This was to ensure issues were addressed sooner. The Chair commented that a meeting would be held in each polling district.


It was announced that the next meeting would take place on Tuesday 17 August at 5:30pm and would be held at Christ Church United Reformed Church, Dumbleton Avenue.


Future meeting dates were announced as follows:


·        19 October 2009 (5:00pm)

·        15 December 2010 (5:00pm)

·        15 February 2011 (5:00pm)

·        19 April 2011 (5:30pm)





It was announced that there would be a food festival on Saturday 26 June between 11am and 4pm.


The Chair announced that the new MP for Leicester West, Liz Kendall would be holding Coffee Mornings in the area and dates and located on where they were held were circulated at the meeting.


It was also announced that the Braunstone Carnival would be taking place on 3 July 2010.




The meeting closed at 7:35pm.