Agenda and minutes

Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Community Meeting - Wednesday, 14 December 2011 5:00 pm

Venue: Fullhurst Community College, entrance via Imperial Avenue

Contact: Palbinder Mann, 0116 2298814 

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the previous Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Community Meeting, held on 18 October 2011, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held 16 August 2011 were agreed as a correct record.




Information will be provided on the Wotbox Project which aims to engage with young people through technology.


This item was not discussed as the person presenting did not attend the meeting.



There will be an update on the latest situation with regard to the future of the Riverside School site.


Paul Hackwell, BSF Programme Manager and Lorna Simpson Senior Development Officer provided an update on the ex-Riverside School site.


Paul explained that a consultation had taken place on the potential design of the new school to be re-located to the site and this had finished yesterday. In general, the consultation had asked if people had understood and had agreed to the move. It was noted that all respondents had been in support. A number of questionnaires and posters had been distributed and an article had been published in the Leicester Mercury. It was also noted that a questionnaire had been placed on the BSF website.


The Community Meeting was informed that 28 responses had been received and a report was being produced, which would be made publicly available on the BSF website in addition to the copies that would be sent out to those respondents who had requested feedback. It was explained that some of the ideas that had arisen out of the consultation included a community café facility and a youth club.


Discussion took place around the constraints of the BSF programme and in particular, cost considerations. The Community Meeting was informed that there was a need to develop designs based on the school’s education priorities and vision for the future. It was stated that there would be open events held to explain the developments as things moved further into the process.


A resident stated that a key issue was the access to the playing fields from the Great Central Way. Paul explained this had been received as a specific response during the consultation and would be considered.


A query was raised with regard to who would make the final decision for the site. Paul stated that the programme and project team for the site would make the decision with the final approval coming from the City Mayor and Cabinet.


Discussion took place about the move of Ellesmere School. It was acknowledged that engagement was important along with the safety of the students.




At this point in the meeting, there was a dance performance by the ER Crew.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


There will be an update on the Community Meeting budget.


The following budget applications have been received.


Application 1


Applicant: Essential rejuvenation dance sport and fitness

Amount: £1,352

Proposal: Community Dance sport and fitness project



The aim of the project is to promote and encourage community cohesion amongst Leicester’s young people and bring Leicester’s young people from diverse communities together to participate in organised dance and drama session. There will be open sessions at various venues across all areas of the city, leading onto a major final event. There will be a finale held at the end of all the projects that will bring all the young people from the various areas of each ward together and the final will be a single large scale event that will bring the young acts together to showcase the work they have achieved from all wards across the city.


The showcase will be held at an open event that all ages can attend.


The sessions will take place on Wednesday evenings for 25 weeks at 2 hours a session at the Braunstone Grove. There will be a cost of £2 to the people attending to cover the extra costs needed to fund this project and hopefully to help sustain the project in the future.


We monitor all the work we provide by photographic and video evidence. We record the total number of people who attend and we record age, ethnicity, sex and postcode for each participant of an activity. This enables us to evidence the success of each event.


The main target groups for the sessions are disengaged young people, ethnic minorities and females.


Application 2


Applicant: Angels and Monsters

Amount: £1,998.44

Proposal:Creche Refurbishment / new toys



Our crèche has been operating for over 15 years and the rooms desperately need improving and decorating e.g the tiles are falling off the wall in the bathroom etc. we really need new toys and equipment and have no budget for this. We are a local charity and rely on funds from various sources as you can imagine our budget is very limited. We are used by many local families and offer free crèche and training courses.



The Chair presented the Community Meeting budget.


The following applications were submitted for consideration.


·         Community Dance Sport and Fitness Project, Essential Rejuvenation Dance Sport and Fitness - £1,352


It was explained that the application was to help fund the project which was designed to promote and encourage community cohesion amongst Leicester’s young people and bring Leicester’s young people from diverse communities together to participate in organised dance and drama session.



that the application be supported and £1,352 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         Crèche Refurbishment / New Toys, Angels and Monsters - £1,998.44


It was explained that the application was for funding to improve and decorate rooms in the crèche along with providing new toys and equipment.


Members decided to fund the cost for new toys and recommended that other options for funding be explored with regards to the other aspects of the application.



that the application be supported and £400.84 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         Annual Photographic Exhibition 2012, Leicester and Leicestershire Photographic Society- £500


It was explained that the application was to help support the Leicester and Leicestershire Photographic Society Exhibition 2012 held at the Brite Centre between 25 May to 27 May.



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         The Phoenix Club, Ann Regan - £500


It was explained that the application was to help fund a series of away days for groups of up to 15 elderly residents in the Braunstone area



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         Braunstone Golden Gloves Boxing Club, Clare Lynch - £2,000

It was explained that the application was to help support the Braunstone Boxing Club so that it could remain open in 2012 and keep going.



that the application be supported and £2,000 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.





Residents raised concern at the threat to Community Centre as a result of the budget cuts by the City Council. The Members explained that nothing had currently been agreed however it was possible that more voluntary involvement to run centres would be sought. It was stated that it was down to each community to decide whether they wanted to run centres or not.


Councillor Naylor informed the Community Meeting that he had started a virtual surgery on Facebook.




The meeting closed at 6:35pm.