Agenda and minutes

Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Community Meeting - Tuesday, 12 June 2012 5:30 pm

Venue: The Brite Centre, Braunstone Avenue

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest made at this time.




Neighbourhood Housing

The Chair drew attention to the Neighbourhood Housing Office information stand, and of the three areas of work initiated by officers that had been undertaken or were currently underway, following input received from residents. The three areas were as follows:


·         Garden – Beaufort Avenue/Audley End – created and launched in time for the recent Queen’s Jubilee. It was now hoped that this garden could be maintained for the benefit of older people

·         Environmental Scheme – Front Gardens in Hand Avenue. In addition in the same area several properties were being converted from 3 bed to 2 bed, to help meet demand

·         Cladding Scheme – currently underway to improve existing solid walled properties by improving insulation and appearance across the estate.



The minutes of the previous Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Community Meeting, held on 17 April 2012, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.


The minutes of the last meeting of the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Community Meeting held on 17th April 2012, as previously circulated, were agreed as a correct record.




Minute 64 - Riverside School

It was reported that the City Mayor was to arrange a meeting with Ward Councillors to discuss a way forward regarding the land formerly occupied by Riverside School being used to construct the Ellesmere Community Sports College.


The Chair stated that at a public meeting held in August 2011 there had been agreement to form a group to oversee the process, the group had not met since.



There will be a presentation on the introduction of Health Watch.


Representatives from Leicester LINk were present at the meeting to give a presentation on the setting up of a series of HealthWatch’s across England.


It was stated that the far reaching reforms to Health and Social Care were outlined in the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The changes included the setting up of Health and Wellbeing Boards, Primary Care trusts were changing to Clinical Commissioning Groups and local Involvement Networks (LINks) were changing to HealthWatch.


It was reported that from April 2013 there would be 158 local HealthWatch’s across the England with the objective of gathering views from the public on their experience of health and social care services. Healthwatch would have statutory powers to scrutinise (enter and view) and to make referrals to HealthWatch England and the Care Quality Commission. In addition HealthWatch would provide information, advice and signposting for health and social care services.


Members of the public were encouraged to contact Leicester LINk and share their experiences of health and social care or become involved.


A member of the public stated that the Leicester mercury had published a number of complaints about the NHS, most recently the case of the woman who was about to have a baby and who was left in the corridor at the UHL. LINk stated that they had not been made aware of this incident at the time but they had since spoken with UHL and they were making changes to their procedures. The Chair stated that the responsibility lay with the Government and UHL to make necessary changes.


The Chair stated that the City Health Scrutiny Commission had, on 3 separate occasions, brought the Chief Executive of UHL to address the Commission and where a number of issues were raised. The issues covered cancelled operations, older persons care, A & E etc. It was clear from the complaints received that the management of UHL was not maybe as effective as it should be. It was stated that HealthWatch would be co-ordinating with UHL to get various changes put in place.


It was reported that under the new arrangements patients would be given choices as to which hospital to be treated at. The Chair made reference to the recently built Westcotes Health Centre that was meant to house 6 GP practices, and which currently housed just 2 practices. Operating rooms at the Centre, intended for minor operations, were unused at a time when local facilities were being demanded.


A member of the public stated that with an ageing population the NHS were now only just putting in place training for staff around dementure, surely with forward planning this should have been started a while ago.


In concluding it was suggested that ways of encouraging people to express their views around health and social care experiences, whether good or bad, should be pursued.


                        that the information be noted.



There will be a policing update for the area.


Sgt. Cara Guest attended the meeting and gave an update on local policing issues.


It was reported that reported incidences of ASB were down, together with burglaries. Local people were being urged to secure their windows and lock their doors when they were away from their houses.


Two local Policing Priorities were currently running, both around street football, one at Winstanley Drive and the other at Webster Road.


Reference was made to a citywide pilot starting around ‘Hate Crime’, that was to start at Braunstone, mainly because this area had the necessary infrastructure already in place. Cara confirmed that this was the reason as Braunstone had very low incidences of hate crime.


A member of the public reported increasing incidences of vandalism and graffiti attacks on Braunstone Hall but Cara stated that the Police were not receiving reports of these. The public were urged to report all incidences of crime so that the Police could target their resources and respond accordingly.



                        that the information be noted.



Information will be provided on environmental projects being carried out in the ward.


Satish Shah, Highway Design and Maintenance, Leicester City Council attended the meeting and outlined various works undertaken in the area, including additional grit bins, planting of trees and work to put pedestrian crossings back into use.


The City Council had recently announced that £400k would be available during 2012/13 for Environmental Works to be carried out across the City on projects requested by the public.


Work was in progress to provide verge hardening and laybys on a length of Braunstone Lane to help alleviate car parking problems. Half of the scheme was completed in 2011/12 with the other half to be completed in 2012/13. A similar scheme was planned for one of the junctions on New Fields Avenue and this was planned to start in November.


A member of the public stated that the road surface along parts of Hockley Farm Road were in a very bad state and Satish stated that he would check where this road was on the priority list and maybe look to undertake some work at the same time as the verge hardening work.



                        that the information be noted.



There will be an update on the Health Strategy which is being developed for the ward.


The Chair introduce this item and reminded those present that the Braunstone Health Strategy, with the priorities of Health Inequalities and State of Health as priorities, was divided into three geographical areas, namely: -


·         Braunstone

·         Holy Apostles

·         Rowley Fields


Across the country health inequalities have improved, although in Leicester the improvement was at a much slower rate. The worst areas in the City for health inequalities were Castle Ward followed by Braunstone. People in Braunstone were not as well as in many other parts of the City, with one of the main factors being access to health facilities. A number of projects had, over the years, been set up and then had since finished, whilst other projects had survived, Fit and Healthy Braunstone was one of these.


One of the main aims of the Health Strategy was to focus on the causes of health problems and then draw in resources. It was then hoped that people could be empowered to improve their health.


The Community Meeting had agreed to fund a consultant to draw together health professionals to identify what actions could be put in place.


It was intended to launch the Braunstone Health Strategy at a Visioning day later in the year, with a public launch at the October meeting of the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Community Meeting at Cort Crescent Community Centre.



                        that the information be noted.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


There will be an update on the Community Meeting budget.


The Chair presented the Community Meeting Budget and made reference to the list of 19 projects funded during 2011/12, that had resulted in a total spend of just over £17,660 leaving a remaining balance of £31.91. Feedback from each of the projects funded would be sought and reported back and assessment made of whether they achieved their stated objectives.


It was reported that, to date,  just two funding bids had been approved by the Ward Councillors as follows: -


i)          Holy Apostles Church – Big Lunch                                  £500


ii)         Consultant – Braunstone Health Strategy                      £2,050


                                                                                    Total              £2,550


It was stated that the balance remaining was £14,450 for the year 2012/13.




The following information was reported: -


i)          New Lord Mayor

            Councillor Abdul Osman was the new Lord Mayor for 2012/13.


ii)         Braunstone Carnival

To be held on 30th June at Fullhurst Community College, with a Car Boot (10am-12noon) and the Carnival 12 noon onwards.


iii)        Braunstone Hall

Nothing further has happened over the last 6 months, since the February Community Meeting, and therefore it was agreed that the City Mayor be invited back to the next meeting to provide an update.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 7.23pm.