Agenda and minutes

Evington Community Meeting - Monday, 15 December 2014 6:00 pm

Venue: Judgemeadow Community College, Panoramic Cafe, Marydene Drive, Evington, Leicester LE5 6HP

Contact: Ayleena Thomas tel: 0116 454 6369 Email: 

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Singh welcomed everyone and led introductions.


There were no apologies for absence.



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed.


No interests were declared.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 79 KB

The Action Log of the last meeting held on 10 September 2014 is attached for information and discussion. Members are asked to confirm it as a correct record and any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.



A few items were selected from the previous action log and discussed. Those items included:


·         The library clock had not yet been restored. Councillor Bajaj stated that he had contacted the Assistant City Mayor who considered that funding could be looked into for the clocks restoration. Councillor Bajaj was to contact her again following this meeting to see what could be worked out as a resolution, even if part funds were given and the remainder matched with ward funding.


·         An attendee indicated that the bench near the library was said to be in need of repair.


·         It was felt that the pride being restored in Evington was still a process in progress.



Councillors Deepak Bajaj and Baljit Singh will provide an update on the issues they have been dealing with as Councillors for the Evington Ward.


Ward Councillors reported on the following:


·         The electoral boundary review for the new Evington Ward boundaries would be extended to include Crown Hills and could have future implications of three elected members.


·         It was noted that Evington village would officially be a ‘village’. This was said to be indicated through sign posting, banners displayed on streets/ lamps on the main street and within the area. Costs for this would amount to approximately £2,000 - £2,500 contained from within the central budget to promote the identity of Evington. It was also anticipated that storyboards which gave details about the heritage of a building would be put up around certain heritage buildings in Evington.


·         Leicester East, which included the Evington Ward, would be included in the review of the Transformation of Neighbourhood Services in 2015. This would allow certain local community groups to manage some community buildings.


·         There had been interest shown by people who wanted to get the old social club on Coleman Road up and running. Some measures had commenced towards making this happen.


·         There had been several roads identified for car park spaces including: Coleman Road – which had been completed with several new car park spaces, Harringworth Road and Cordery Road – which have had funds allocated for the implementation of new car parking spaces.


·         Councillor Bajaj informed attendees that over the past year in the Evington Ward there had been; 827 fly tipping incidents, 32 abandoned vehicles and 33 cases of graffiti removal.


·         It was also mentioned that there were funds available in the ward for growing your own fruits and vegetables. If further advice or support was required, it was advised to contact the Evington Ward Community Engagement Officer.



Feedback will be given in relation to the patch walk which took place on 6 October 2014.


The Community Engagement Officer, Punum Patel gave feedback from the Patch Walk which took place on 6 October 2014. The following information was presented:


·         The Lesters Pub located on Ethel Road was reported to have had issues of overgrown grass/ bushes as well as fly tipping in and around the area. The City Warden Service investigated this issue and the Lesters Pub had stated that the area would be cleaned up by the end of the month.


·         Councillors were in discussion with the Highways Team in regards to adding two crossing points on Ethel Road.


·         The parking situation on Ethel Road needed to be monitored as many cars were being parked on roads and pavements.


·         Some residents’ walls that were torn down on Ethel Road had now been fixed.


·         As a result of trees/ bushes encroaching onto a resident’s garden, Jane Ushwell, Senior Parks Officer had implemented the necessary measures and the issue had now been resolved.


·         Ethel Road Garages and the Harwin Road Depot land were not being used by the tenants. It was said that Andy East, Housing Team Leader had notified the Housing Development Team earlier in the year 2014 that both sites were priorities for re-development.


·         Councillors were to discuss with Highways the possibility of a layby near the junction of Goodwood Road and Harwin Road. This request was due to congestion being caused on Ethel Road due to parked cars along the road, leaving just one lane for traffic.


·         Councillors were to discuss with Highways the un-alignment of some slabs on both sides of Ethel Road.


·         Flats 672-694 had issues of the following;

ü  Broken branches – Park Services had now reported this to Trees & Woodlands.

ü  Request to move notice board onto the front wall near the stairs to be more visible – Housing Team were to consider and find out what options were available.

ü  Request to put flat numbers on walls using reflective signage – Housing Team were to consider and find out what options were available.

ü  Biffa had not been able to empty bins at the back due to doors being kept locked. Ann Harris from the Housing team wrote to all tenants requesting the door to be left open. Housing asked Biffa to use front access to open back door. An option being considered was to take the lock off.

ü  Courtyard refurbishment – Housing confirmed that refurbishment of the courtyard would be completed this year.

ü  Dropped kerb scheme – Councillors and Officers would have a discussion on the proposals.



Highways officers will give an update on Highways issues in the Ward.


Mark Govan from the Transport Team gave an overview of Transport and Highways activities in the ward. The following points were discussed:


·         The 20mph zone road safety scheme was at the stage of discussion. There was an E consultation process for members of the public to add their opinions.


·         Subject to approval and funding, there was a Highways maintenance proposal to repair some of the bays on Downing Drive. If supported, works would go ahead in 2015/16 with the 20mph zone work anticipated to be carried out simultaneously.


·         The speed/ vehicle activation sign which was located on Ethel Road was up for 5-6 weeks from the first week of November and had now been taken down for Highways to analyse the data.


·         It was requested that something needed to be done regarding the issues of what some consider as traffic and others consider as speeding on Ethel Road/ Headland Road.


·         Councillor Singh expressed concerns regarding parking problems especially near schools. As a resolution, it was noted that clearly defined lines of a new road infrastructure and enforcement intervention would be implemented, even if on an average quarterly basis.


The following were concerns/ issues from residents and attendees:

·         A resident stated that double yellow lines needed to be reinstated at the junction of Coleman Road and Green Acre Drive. In addition there were issues whereby vehicles were said to be driving down the side path of the resident’s house. Highways would now be looking into these issues.


·         A new path was required for people walking near roundabout towards Headland Road.


·         People parking on grass verges near Whitehall school had become a problem. Councillor Bajaj confirmed that knee high railing was previously looked into for this issue; however it was a cost factor.


·         The West-end of Marydene drive was said to have developed an ill-treated surface. Highways informed attendees that the Management Team were aware of many of these defects on several roads. Priority roads/ areas were being worked on.


·         Downing Drive/ Woodnewton Road seemed to require bollards to stop vehicles parking.


·         When crossing from Goodwood Road to other side of Goodwood Road, there was not much width of road.



The City Warden will provide an overview on environmental and enforcement activities in the Evington Ward.


There was no City Warden Service update as City Wardens sent apologies and were unable to attend the meeting.


A City Warden update leaflet was distributed to attendees and has been attached.



PC Rob Evans from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Evington Ward.



PC Rob Evans gave an update on local Policing issues:


·         In the past 3 months there had been 137 recorded crimes.


·         Changes within the Leicestershire Police which were announced at the previous community meeting would commence from February 2015.


·         There would be four new teams; Neighbourhood Team, Response Team, Investigation Team and Proactive Team. New roles would include Community, Consultation and Engagement.


·         The Chair requested Police to do a ward analysis search for future ward statistics and information, as this would give a wider and more specific scope.



Attendees will have the opportunity to provide reports or updates on community activities and involvement.


Helen Pettman, Chair of Friends of Evington Charity informed attendees of various community works taking place.


The Friends of Evington Charity had three main projects they were involved in; Evington Echo, Evington in Bloom and the Neighbourhood Centre Project:


·         Evington in Bloom were awarded silver gilt for East Midlands in Bloom 2014 and silver award for the Britain in Bloom 2014 competitions. There would be a regional competition in 2015 of which the group would be participating.


·         Evington Echo was a publication ‘keeping you up to date with Evington’s news’. The website was a work in progress and was anticipated to be soon effective. Funding was secured from the Heritage Lottery Fund which enabled the team to celebrate WWI commemorations, through; war/ remembrance events, burying a time capsule, working with schools and collecting people’s stories regarding WWI. The team had some remaining projects one of which included taking story telling into schools.


·         Neighbourhood Centre Groups – several clubs were taking place in Evington including craft club, bicycle club, Asian gardening group, plus more.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


The following funding application has been fast tracked and approved for payment:


Bid: 1193

Applicant: Ellwood Close – Residents

Project Name: For Diwali – Festival of Light Street Party at Evington Boys Club

Amount Requested: £500.00


The following applications will be considered at the meeting:


Bid: 1208

Applicant: COG Youth Services Ltd

Project Name: Evington Volunteers Corp

Amount Requested: £1,175.00


Joint Bid: 5059

Applicant: Adhar Project

Project Name: Cultural festival in the Community - December 2014

Amount Requested: £500.00


Bid: 1243

Applicant: Evington Friendship Club

Project Name: Evington Friendship Club

Amount Requested: £700.00


Bid: 1246

Applicant: Friends of Evington

Project Name: Blinds for Sun Lounge

Amount Requested: £300.00


Bid: 1250

Applicant: Leicester Malaylee Club

Project Name: Christmas Event

Amount Requested: £1,800.00


Bid: 1252

Applicant: Linden Primary School

Project Name: Linden Community Eco-Lodge

Amount Requested: £2,480.70



See also the additional information attached


Punum Patel, the Community Engagement Officer presented an update on the Evington Ward Community Budget.


Applications approved within the fast-track process:


1193: A Street Diwali party to celebrate the festival of light

Applicant: Ellwood Close – Residents

Amount Requested: £500.00

Result: £500.00 SUPPORTED IN FULL


The following applications were considered at the meeting:


1208: To sustain and develop the Reading Buddies scheme which supports younger readers.

Applicant: COG Youth Services

Amount Requested: £1,175.00


Application was pending further financial information.


5059: To organise an event in the community celebrating festivals from various cultures.

Applicant: Adhar Project

Amount Requested: £500.00


This application was un-supported as it was not based in the Evington Ward and not enough evidence of Evington Ward clients accessing group.


1243: Support for Speakers insurance and outings.

Applicant: Evington Friendship Club

Amount Requested: £700.00

Result: £700.00 SUPPORTED IN FULL


1246: To purchase new blinds for the Sun Lounge Room in Evington Park House.

Applicant: Friends of Evington

Amount Requested: £300.00

Result: £300.00 SUPPORTED IN FULL


1250: Christmas and New Year’s celebration for Malaylee families and members of different communities.

Applicant: Leicester Malaylee Club

Amount Requested: £1,800.00

Result: £500.00 SUPPORT


1252: The school had purchased an eco-hut/ wooden lodge. Funding request was for groundwork to be completed on site so the hut could be erected.

Applicant: Linden Primary School

Amount Requested: £2,480.70

Result: £2,480.70 SUPPORTED IN FULL


5064: Support towards a defibrillator and the associated training.

Applicant: Roundhill Tennis Club

Amount Requested: £750.00


This was a private members club.


1133: Fencing required to prevent vehicles parking on the green in front of shops.

Applicant: Downing Drive Friends and Neighbours

Amount Requested: £1,942.00

Result: £1,942.00 SUPPORTED IN FULL


1279: Support towards a publication in spring 2015.

Applicant: Evington Councillors

Amount Requested: £450.00

Result: £450.00 SUPPORTED IN FULL




·         A local resident stated that there would be a Christmas Carols event at the library on 20 December 2014 at 6pm, then onto the youth club afterwards for refreshments.


·         It was noted that leaflets had been distributed informing the public on how the Community fund process operates. It was also noted that all funds spent over the years had been documented.


·         Written feedback from the Housing Team was distributed to attendees. Please see attachment for more details.


·         Councillors expressed what an honour and privilege it had been to be part of the Evington community and represent the community to the Council. Attendees were wished a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with the aim to tackle any challenges in the New Year as had been previously done.



To note that the next Evington Ward Community Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 February 2015 at 6pm – venue to be confirmed.


The next Evington meeting would take place on Wednesday 11 February 2015 at 6pm – Judgemeadow Community College.




The meeting closed at 7.25pm.