Agenda and minutes

Evington Community Meeting - Thursday, 5 November 2015 6:30 pm

Venue: City of Leicester College, (Dining Room) Downing Drive, Evington, Leicester, LE5 6LN

Contact: Anita Clarke, Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6575) (e-mail:  Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6369) (e-mail:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Govind, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hunter, Nicole Powell – City Warden, John Sloan & Pauline Sloan and Shobhana Patel – Community Safety Team.


There were no declarations of interest.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 266 KB

The Action Log of the Meeting held on 27 August 2015 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record.


The Action Log from the meeting held on 27 August 2015 was circulated and confirmed as a correct record.



The Ward Councillors will provide an update on the issues they have been dealing with in the Evington Ward.


Evington Ward Councillors gave feedback on issues they had been dealing with in the ward, since the last meeting. The following was discussed;


Councillor Bajaj:

·         Following new tenders and negotiations with contractors, the updated cost for the installation of the new public toilet facilities in Evington Park was now reported to be £147,341.00 for the construction cost including contingency and £32,985.00 for fees, surveys, building control and due diligence.


Councillor Govind:

·         In regards to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) issues on the Rowlatts Hill estate, Ward Councillors in conjunction with the Partnership Group (which consisted of local interested parties) were working to make improvements to the area.



Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in Evington Ward.



PCSO Joe Pasch gave the following Local Policing update at the meeting:


All to note:

·         There would be a new officer - Sergeant Preston who would be covering the Evington Ward but was unable to attend this meeting.


·         A Police operation was currently taking place on the Rowlatts Hill estate in response to the ASB in the area. Letters were also being delivered to parents and a number of youths causing ASB had been identified.


·         Police advised attendees that information regarding crime statistics was available online at


·         A resident queried the accuracy of statistics on the website. PCSO Pasch reported that there were changes to the Policing and boundary structure; therefore information would be subject to change.


·         Since the start of October, Leicestershire Police had been delivering safety campaigns.



Shobhana Patel, Development Officer in Community Safety, will be present to provide an update on community safety issues in the Evington Ward.


A Community Safety leaflet was available at the meeting.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Evington Ward.



Anita Clarke, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) presented and distributed printed material on works the City Warden had been involved in since the last meeting.



The meeting will receive a general update on housing issues.


Andy East, Team Leader for Housing gave an update on housing related issues in the ward:

·         It was noted that the most works presented in the previous meeting were due to start from November.


·         As a result of vandalism and ASB issues on Rowlatts Hill estate and near the ball court, the Housing department were awaiting a list of names from the Police for young people involved in the ASB. The Housing team would then be seeking possible action on any of those listed who were Council tenants.


Residents’ housing concerns:

·         There were issues with slabs and overgrown trees at the jitty from Greenacre drive on towards Waterfield close.


Highways Update - The Community Engagement Officer read the update provided by the Highways Officer since the last meeting.


It was reported that:

·         Double yellow lines at the corner of Greenacre drive and Coleman Road - request to extend the existing parking restriction would need to go through a formal consultation process. Residents at the meeting expressed further concern and Councillor Govind requested that he be provided with the resident’s contact details. He would talk to Highways and contact residents in due course.

·         Pavement/ incorrect parking on Wicklow drive – the Parking Team would enforce where there were parking restrictions. The Police may be able to assist if there was an obstruction.

·         Update on 20mph schemes required and any consultation/programme dates - There were currently four proposed schemes in the ward:

ü  Downing Drive Area - Current Year (Year 1)

ü  Whitehall Primary School - Year 2

ü  Headland Road Area - Year 3

ü  Davenport Road Area - Year 4

·         Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) not working Wicklow Drive – This was being checked and any repairs needed would be ordered.

·         Parking on verges Cordery Road – This was being looked into. There may be scope for more layby parking through the Local Environmental Works scheme.

Residents/ Councillors feedback regarding highways matters:

·         Local resident Pat Sure had concerns with the traffic congestion around Evington village coming up Headland Road especially during school start/ finish times.

·         PCSO Pasch indicated that following discussions with a Leicester City Council Road Safety Officer, Krishna Avanti Primary School located on Spencefield Lane had now agreed to allow parents into Spencefield Lane to make drop offs and exits in the mornings.

·         Councillor Govind said that the timing of traffic signals could be looked into and Councillors were working to address hot spot areas.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications


The following application was previously deferred at the last meeting and will be considered at the meeting:


Applicant: Chandrakant Patel


Proposal: To support the ongoing running of the group who provide fitness activities for young and elderly people.


Amount Requested: £720


The following are applications have been receieved since the previous meeting and will be considered at the meeting:


Applicant: Coleman Residents Association


Proposal: Formation of the residents association and support to arrange the first AGM.


Amount Requested: £500



Applicant: Coleman Armchair Aerobics Group


Proposal: Costs of trainer.


Amount Requested: £500



Applicant: Ellwood Close Resident’s


Proposal: To organise a street Diwali party.


Amount Requested: £500



Applicant: Punum Patel


Proposal: Family Health Awareness Event.


Amount Requested: £500



Applicant: Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club


Proposal: Junior Cricket development within the local community.


Amount Requested: £500


Anita Clarke, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) presented an update on the Ward Community Meeting Budget. The following items were considered at the meeting:


1505: Chandrakant Patel – Requested £720 to support the ongoing running of the (Meesha 88) group who provide fitness activities for young and elderly people – grant of £720 approved in full.


1519: Coleman Residents Association – Requested £500 to assist the formation of the residents association and support to arrange the first AGM – grant of £500 approved in full.


1524: Coleman Armchair Aerobics Group – Requested £500 towards the costs of a trainer – grant of £500 approved in full.


1529: Ellwood Close Resident’s – Requested £500 to organise a street Diwali party – application not supported.


1530: Punum Patel (LCC) – Requested £500 to support a Family Health Awareness Event – grant of £500 approved in full.


5119: Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club – Requested £500 towards Junior Cricket development within the local community – application not supported – after assessment it was noted that applicants had not applied to the correct ward and were advised to apply to the North Evington ward.




Leicester Ageing Together (LAT):

·         Sam Larke from Vista; a local sight loss charity which currently lead Leicester Ageing Together (LAT) gave a presentation on the programme.


·         The LAT programme had secured £5m to reduce social isolation among people over the age of 50.


·         The LAT programme was a free service, designed by older people through consultation and consisted of 24 projects that would be delivered by 16 partners specifically targeting 5 Wards in the East of Leicester including Evington.


·         There would be an open day on 20 November at Thurnby Lodge Community Centre from 10am-3pm.


·         LAT contact details – 0116 249 8850 or


Coleman TARA:

·         Jamal Abdulla, Chairman for the Coleman Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) which was set up since the last Evington Community Meeting informed the meeting of the following:


·         There were various name suggestions such as; Rowlatts Hill TARA and Evington Residents Association. It was noted that the existing association was subject to change name from Coleman TARA as this was a re-formation.


·         It was noted that the new Coleman TARA was still in its early stages and currently covered the old Rowlatts Hill area but aimed to eventually include more of the Evington Ward.


·         Through the TARA, a neighbourhood watch had been set up in Rowlatts Hill.


·         The first AGM was held on 30 September 2015 and the next meeting would be on 27 January 2016 at St Chads Community Centre – 7.30pm, people were encouraged to attend and give feedback.


·         Coleman TARA could be contacted on: or 07888 800 042.


Any Other Business

·         Some attendees requested that ‘community feedback/ successful ward funding applicants’ feedback’ be an item on the agenda. Councillor Bajaj would request this to the other Evington Ward Councillors.


·         AOB – It was queried, regarding previous requests for the bench outside the Evington library to be replaced – CEO to look into this.




The next Evington Ward Community Meeting will be held on Thursday 11 February 2016 – venue to be confirmed.




The meeting closed at 7.52pm.