Venue: Meeting Rooms G.01 and G.02, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Francis Connolly, Scrutiny Manager, tel: 0116 454 6353, email: Angie Smith, tel: 0116 454 6354, email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair led on introductions and welcomed Youth Representatives Bhavneeta Khodiyar and Kiera Finney to the meeting.
The Chair noted that the meeting was taking place whilst people were deeply concerned for Her Majesty the Queen, who was very ill.
Apologies were received from Councillor Gee. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to disclose any pecuniary or other interests they may have in the business on the agenda.
There were no declarations of interest made. |
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair announced that there would be a special meeting of Overview Select Committee 27 September to primarily consider scrutiny of the Local Plan proposals. Details of the full programme of scrutiny, which included three further meetings across all the Commissions, had been made available to Members.
The Chair further announced the sad deaths of two former Councillors, Ann Glover and Maggie Bodell-Stagg, and that people would remember their dedicated public service, and Members’ thoughts were with their families. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 159 KB The minutes of the meeting of the Overview Select Committee held on 30 June 2022 are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: Minute 1, Apologies for Absence – it was noted that Councillor Gee had requested an amendment to the previous minutes as he had forwarded his apologies for the meeting.
AGREED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 June 2022 be confirmed as a correct record, subject to the amendment above.
As part of the discussions, it was noted that: · The cost of Council Tax was included within the utilities section
He asked that the minute be amended to note points made at the previous meeting on 30 June 2022 that residents’ Council Tax bills were not included in the survey, and in terms of people’s difficulty with the cost-of-living crisis, rising gas and electricity bills, and food, that Council Tax should have been listed as a cost to residents. |
PROGRESS ON ACTIONS AGREED AT THE LAST MEETING To note progress on actions agreed at the previous meeting and not reported elsewhere on the agenda (if any). Additional documents: Minutes: Minute 12, Survey of Leicester – The Chair noted that there would be a further separate briefing with all Scrutiny Chairs on how the outcomes of the survey could be explored, which would take place once the full survey findings had been published. |
QUESTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND STATEMENTS OF CASE The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any questions, representations and statements of case submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that no questions, representations and statements of case had been submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures. |
PETITIONS The Monitoring Officer to report on any petitions received. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that no petitions had been received. |
TRACKING OF PETITIONS - MONITORING REPORT PDF 225 KB The Monitoring Officer submits a report that updates Members on the monitoring of outstanding petitions. The Committee is asked to note the current outstanding petitions and agree to remove those petitions marked ‘Petitions Process Complete’ from the report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer submitted a report which provided an update on the status of outstanding petitions against the Council’s target of providing a formal response within three months of being referred to the Divisional Director.
AGREED: That the status of the outstanding petitions be noted, and to remove those petitions marked ‘Petition Complete’ Ref: 21/11/02, 22/01/01, 22/03/01 and 22/02/01 from the report. |
CALL-IN - PURCHASE OF 22 MARKET PLACE PDF 344 KB The Monitoring Officer submits a report informing the Overview Select Committee that the Executive Decision taken by the City Mayor on 19 July 2022 relating to the purchase of 22 Market Place has been the subject of a five-member call-in under the procedures at Rule 12 of Part 4D (City Mayor and Executive Procedure Rules) of the Council’s Constitution.
The Overview Select Committee is recommended to either:
a) Note the report without further comment or recommendation. (If the report is noted the process continues and the call in will be considered at Council on 29 September 2022); or
b) Comment on the specific issues raised by the call-in. (If comments are made the process continues and the comments and call in will be considered at Council on 29 September 2022); or
c) Resolve that the call-in be withdrawn (If the committee wish for there to be no further action on the call-in, then they must actively withdraw it. If withdrawal is agreed the call-in process stops, the call-in will not be considered at Council on 29 September 2022and the original decision takes immediate affect without amendment). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair informed the meeting the agenda items would be heard out of order, and item 10, Call-In – Purchase of 22 Market Place would be heard next.
The Monitoring Officer submitted a report informing the Overview Select Committee that the Executive Decision taken by the City Mayor on 19 July 2022 relating to the purchase of 22 Market Place had been the subject of a five-member call-in under the procedures at Rule 12 of Part 4D (City Mayor and Executive Procedure Rules) of the Council’s Constitution.
The Overview Select Committee was recommended to either:
a) Note the report without further comment or recommendation. (If the report is noted the process continues and the call in will be considered at Council on 29 September 2022); or
b) Comment on the specific issues raised by the call-in. (If comments are made the process continues and the comments and call in will be considered at Council on 29 September 2022); or
c) Resolve that the call-in be withdrawn (If the committee wish for there to be no further action on the call-in, then they must actively withdraw it. If withdrawal is agreed the call-in process stops, the call-in will not be considered at Council on 29 September 2022and the original decision takes immediate affect without amendment).
The Chair invited the sponsor Councillor Kitterick to address the Committee during which he made the following points:
· The call-in had been brought for two reasons; firstly the principal of the decision, and secondly the execution of the decision. · In his time as a councillor, no one had suggested having a link between the market and Cank Street. The project was already looking to cost £3million even before the demolition of a building. · He welcomed the £7.5million project for the upgrade of the market which was in need of an uplift. · Everyone had recognised Dolphin Square as an unpleasant space and much had been done to improve it. · During current times when money was tight for the Council, it did not merit a project that was likely to cost £5-10million. · There was concern over the execution of property purchased in the city. · The purchase being considered at the meeting was the purchase of a property and car park behind for £975,000, nearly a £1m building, and he questioned this valuation. · Excluding legal fees and VAT, taking into account the stamp duty amount, and that the three years rent free period was valued at approximately £195k a year, and if the £46k of back log was added, the total came to £1.2million to purchase the building. · Members had been told chartered surveyors had valued the property, but when looking at surveys, they did not match reality. · When looking at the last accounts for 22 Market Place, Frank Gadsby Ltd. the building and tangible assets were valued at £471k, but the Council were going to purchase the property for a least £975k. Even taking into consideration accounting practice and depreciation, it was asked why there was ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |