Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Jerry Connolly, Scrutiny Policy Officer, Email: Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer, Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Halford, Tim Draper (Development Officer, Housing) and James Rattenberry (Principal Policy Officer, Finance). |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they might have in the business to be discussed.
There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of the Housing Scrutiny Commission held on 15 January 2018 have been circulated, and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: Agreed: That the minutes of the Housing Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 15 January 2018 be confirmed as a correct record.
Thanks were extended to Robert Webster – Gas and Heating Services Manager, Housing who ensured constituents’ heating issues were dealt with quickly during the recent extreme freezing conditions. |
PETITIONS The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any petitions received in accordance with Council procedures. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that no petitions had been received. |
QUESTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS OR STATEMENTS OF CASE The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any questions, representations or statements of case received in accordance with Council procedures. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that no questions, representations or statements of case had been received. |
DISCRETIONARY POLICY REVIEW 2017/18 PDF 164 KB The Director of Housing submits a report to outline the Council’s Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP), Council Tax Discretionary Relief (CTDR) and Community Support Grant (CSG) policies, and to present key amendments intended to further focus intervention funding towards the prevention of homelessness and managing short term financial crises. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Finance submitted a report to Members of the Housing Scrutiny Commission in order to outline the Council’s Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP), Council Tax Discretionary Relief (CTDR) and Community Support Grant (CSG) policies and to present key amendments intended to further focus intervention funding on the prevention of homelessness and managing short term financial crises.
Alison Musgrove, Service Manager Revenues & Customer Service Support, Finance introduced the report and referred to; the reduced benefit cap from January 2017, key priorities for the discretionary policies in 2018/19 and Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP).
Following questions and comments from the Committee, the following points were made:
· In response to a point in the report encouraging tenants to downsize, and a query about the availability of properties, it was noted that the majority of tenants needed to downsize to one bedroom properties of which the Council had the most available stock. If tenants did not choose to downsize they would have to pay the extra costs for the rent.
· Newly under-occupied or Benefit Capped households who claimed a DHP would now receive a 13 week transition award (rather than the previous 26 weeks) to encourage them to engage with the team, seek support and consider other options.
· All existing claims would finish on 31 March 2018. Tenants would then be required to re-apply; at that point it would be determined whether the tenant would meet the conditions in the policy.
· It was noted that conditions of the new policy would affect the number of people who would re-apply and figures were requested. The Service Manager Revenues & Customer Service Support, Finance agreed for figures to be provided to the Commission as soon as reasonably possible by the Principal Policy Officer, Finance.
· The Chair noted concerns regarding; children living in overcrowded accommodation and tenants applying for payday loans.
Following the meeting, the Principal Policy Officer, Finance provided additional information which has been attached at the end of these minutes.
Agreed: 1) To provide Members of the Housing Commission with figures on the impact of these new conditions in regard to the number of people who would apply. 2) That the report be endorsed. |
The Director of Housing submits a report to update Members of the Housing Scrutiny Commission of the long-term future of Goscote House. An update on the sprinklers installation progress will also be provided. Minutes: The Director of Housing submitted a report to update Members of the Housing Scrutiny Commission on the long-term future of Goscote House.
Simon Nicholls, Head of Service, Housing presented the report and noted that Goscote House would now be decommissioned, demolished and redeveloped. Further information was provided regarding the reasons for the decision, some of which included the increased costs to refurbish, the construction type having no guaranteed lifespan and consideration of the Southwark tower blocks of the same type.
The following queries were noted by Members of the Commission and the Head of Service provided responses:
· In regards to whether it had been considered to offer the tower to Housing Associations (HA’s), it was suggested that HA’s were not looking to expand their tower block accommodations. However, the question had not yet been posed to them. Chris Burgin, the Director of Housing provided financial details of how much investment would be required and the buildings worth afterwards. These figures gave indications that registered providers most likely would not be interested.
· Assistant City Mayor for Housing Councillor Connelly noted that it would be a risk to invest money into the building with no guarantees. In order to make a return, the building would have to be there for 20+ years. It was also noted that the safety of tenants was first priority.
· The Director of Housing noted that following demolition, there were no current intentions for the site. Proposals would be drafted and suggested to the City Mayor. The full political process and consideration would be followed.
· Goscote House raised further concerns as it had the same design as other properties which showed significant cracking in Southwark, London.
· It was noted that of the 70 secure tenancies in Goscote House and 35 tenants living there temporarily whilst their flats in Maxfield House were being refurbished, 35 would go back to Maxfield House upon completion of works and the other 70 tenants would be found suitable accommodation. However, nothing could be done until Maxfield House developments were complete.
· The Head of Service, Housing noted that the authority was looking at identifying sites across the city for development and also had a number of schemes in place.
· Chris Burgin, The Director of Housing informed the commission that the City Mayor had agreed for Leicester City Council to set up a housing company, which would deliver a new affordable housing supply, develop new Council housing and new houses for sale. The first phase would be to deliver 50 additional units at its nearest convenience.
Agreed: 1) That the Assistant City Mayor for Housing Councillor Connelly agreed to bring plans/ a report back to the Housing Scrutiny Commission regarding the timescale of the Goscote House demolition and future plans for the site. 2) That the report be noted and agreed. |
VOIDS PERFORMANCE REPORT PDF 178 KB The Director of Housing submits a report to provide an update on the Division’s performance on the completion of Void repairs to council properties for the third quarter of 2017/18.
The report will also update Members of the Housing Scrutiny Commission on progress made on items previously raised in the last report dated 20 November 2017. Minutes: The Director of Housing submitted a report to provide the Division’s performance on the completion of void repairs to council properties for the third quarter of 2017/18.
Simon Nicholls, Head of Service, Housing presented the report and noted the 2017/18 Voids performance against the target, the impacts on void performance and progress/ future work areas.
Following questions and comments from the Committee, the subsequent points were made:
· Sheltered housing was thought not to be popular due to the current configuration, as part of the future works officers would be looking at reconfiguring the layout. It was noted that alternative uses of sheltered accommodation schemes were being looked at.
· Chris Burgin, Director of Housing noted that demand for sheltered housing units, quality product and low demand areas was being looked at and also what that stock should be used for.
· Lettings information, refusal rates and location were also being looked into and a report would be put together based on those facts.
· The Head of Service, Housing noted that sheltered units in relation to young people from the Y would be considered as part of the process when preparing the final report.
· In the next report Members encouraged a report summary table for void performance against targets for 2018/19 and also requested details of recoverable costs.
Agreed: 1) That the report be noted.
During this item, Councillor Hunter departed the meeting and the meeting reconvened with Councillors Cank, Alfonso, Aqbany, Byrne and Dawood present. |
RESPONSIVE HOUSING REPAIRS PERFORMANCE REPORT PDF 154 KB The Director of Housing submits a report to provide an update to Members of the Housing Scrutiny Commission on the Division’s performance on the completion of responsive repairs to council properties.
The report will also provide a final update about the implementation of service changes reported to the Housing Scrutiny commission and agreed by the Executive in February 2016. Minutes: The Director of Housing submitted a report, which was presented by Ian Craig, Head of Service, Housing who provided an update on the divisions’ performance on the completion of responsive repairs to council properties, a final update about the implementation of service changes and an update on the responsive and planned repairs improvement project in addition to the next steps.
In response to questions, members were advised as follows:
· January 2018 had a total of 825 jobs which remained outstanding and out of category due to multiple issues including with tenants not being present at the property for the job to be carried out. The ongoing focus was to reduce what was outstanding.
· Some Members had concerns regarding constituents complaining about not being able to get a response when calling the advertised repairs phone number. Chris Burgin, the Director of Housing responded and spoke about the severe weather recently that had impacted services in this area and also spoke about the extension of online services for rent and repairs and how this would help improve access options and reduce traffic for the call centre.
· Training for staff – since the service changes in 2016, staff had been receiving additional training to ensure they were most effective at their roles.
· Different types of IT devices were looked at for managing the repairs process when the use of tablets were implemented, part of the process was to ensure that the roll out was fit for purpose, from a business perspective.
· Chris Burgin, the Director of Housing noted the recent gas situation where 1700 jobs were reported and resolved very quickly. It was now planned for works to be done on condensing pipes. It was noted that the Housing team had looked at a low cost solution to avoid pipes from freezing. This new device solution would be placed inside the property under the boiler part of the condensing pipe and could be drained should the pipe freeze. With guidance, it would allow intervention by tenants.
AGREED: 1) That the report be noted. |
DISTRICT PERFORMANCE REPORT PDF 366 KB The Director of Housing submits a report on the District priorities and performances. Minutes: The Director of Housing submitted a report to give an overview of district management.
Suki Supria, Head of Service for Districts presented the report and provided an update of tenancy management now in comparison to several years ago. Information on tenancy management roles, priorities, challenges, service actions and key events were highlighted.
During the ensuing discussion a number of queries were raised and responses given, which included the following:
· The Local Authority had faced challenges in regard to rubbish collections. An action plan was now in place in conjunction with Biffa and the management team, in addition to working with the parking enforcement team, reconfiguring car parking spaces and introducing collapsible bollards. More improvements were planned for the coming years.
· Chris Burgin, Director of Housing noted that changing attitudes towards rubbish collections was also important. Housing staff had been implementing some improvements already but were also looking at the market to see how further improvements could be made. Support from Members of the Commission on this matter would also be welcomed.
· The Head of Service for Districts agreed to provide figures following a query in regard to the number of Estate Wardens employed by the council and the number employed via agencies. It was also noted that the Neighbourhood Improvement Scheme would fill vacancies with employed staff rather than using agency workers.
Agreed: 1) That the report be noted.
At the end of this item, Councillors Byrne and Alfonso departed from the meeting. The meeting then reconvened with Councillors Cank, Aqbany, and Dawood present. |
ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR PERFORMANCE PDF 659 KB The Director of Housing submits a report to provide an update on the current performance of Housing Services in managing and dealing with reports of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) on our Council Housing estates. The vast majority of these involve council tenants but can also involve leaseholders and private owners if the dispute is with a council tenant. Minutes: The Director of Housing submitted a report to provide an update on the current performance of Housing Services in managing and dealing with reports of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) on Council housing estates.
Suki Supria, Head of Service for Districts presented the report and informed the commission of the various ways reports of ASB could be reported to the Council, the number of ASB cases reported in the financial year 2016-2017 and the number of ASB cases reported from April 2017-December 2017. ASB within housing was currently managed by the Crime Reduction Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (CRASBU) and Tenancy Management depending on the severity of the case.
In response to Members queries, the Head of Service noted that there were many mechanisms in place to deal with matters and this was based around an escalation process, taking a tenant to court was always a last option.
Agreed: 1) That the report be noted. |
INCOME MANAGEMENT TEAM VISIT The Chair will provide a verbal update on the visit Members of the Housing Scrutiny Commission took to the Income Management Team. Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Cank provided an update on the visit that Members of the Commission had taken to the Income Management Team. The visit was noted to have been: · Very informative, · The Income Management Team were hardworking and seemed prepared for the upcoming changes, · Members felt reassured. |
TENANTS' AND LEASEHOLDERS' FORUM ACTION AND DECISION LOG PDF 82 KB The Scrutiny Policy Officer submits for noting the Tenant Forum Meeting Notes from 18 January 2018. Minutes: The Tenants’ and Leaseholders’ Forum Action and Decision Log was noted. |
Members of the Commission will be asked to consider the work programme and make suggestions for additional items as it considers necessary. Minutes: The work programme was noted. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The Chair declared the meeting closed at 7.45pm. |