Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Sazeda Yasmin (Scrutiny Support Officer) - Tel: 0116 454 0696 - Email: Jason Tyler (Democratic Support Officer) - Tel: 0116 454 6359 - Email:
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APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda. Additional documents: |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 221 KB The minutes of the meeting held on 2 November 2021 are attached and the Commission will be asked to confirm them as a correct record.
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CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Additional documents: |
UPDATE ON PROGRESS WITH MATTERS CONSIDERED AT A PREVIOUS MEETING To receive updates on matters that were considered at the previous meeting of the Commission, including:
a) Dyeworks Limited - Petition – Environment Agency Response
b) CCG response to GP Lists Exercise
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PETITIONS The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any petitions submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures. Additional documents: |
QUESTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, STATEMENTS OF CASE The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any questions, representations and statements of case submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures.
The following Questions have been received:
A) From Sally Ruane :-
1. Has a decision yet been made as to which of the three options submitted by UHL to the New Hospital Programme Teams in the summer has been selected by the Treasury/Dept of Health and Social Care/New Hospital Programme Team? If so, which is it?
2. Has the Treasury/DHSC confirmed how much funding will be allocated to the scheme? If so, what will this be?
3. Will UHL be required to produce one outline business case for the hospital reconfiguration scheme based on the selected option or one for each of the three options requested by the New Hospital Programme Team in the summer?
4. Will UHL be required to produce one full business case for the hospital reconfiguration scheme based on the selected option or one for each of the three options requested by the New Hospital Programme Team in the summer? When will the (a) outline business case(s) and (b) full business case(s) be produced?
5. Does the zero net carbon goal remain integral to the scheme as described in the Decision Making Business Case?
6. In response to a question posed by a member of the public at UHL’s last governing body meeting, a UHL spokesperson stated that the Leicester scheme was now identified and referenced as a phase three scheme (out of five phases in the New Hospital Programme Team), rather than a pathfinder scheme. In the list of projects published by the Health Service Journal on 17 September, phase three and pathfinder schemes were identified as one and the same thing. Please could UHL (a) confirm that the Building Better Hospitals for the Future scheme is in phase three, (b) clarify what this means in terms of priority and timing and (c) clarify what the implications of no longer being a pathfinder scheme are.
B) From Jean Burbridge :-
1. How many level 3 and level 2 intensive care beds are there at the Leicester General Hospital?
2. Have any of the departments dependent upon the presence of level 3 intensive care beds been moved out of the Leicester General Hospital since 2019? If so, which departments?
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UHL FINANCIAL ADJUSTMENT UPDATE Partners from UHL will provide a verbal update on the current situation and when audited accounts can be released.
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COVID19 UPDATE & VACCINATION PROGRESS UPDATE There will be a presentation to provide an update on the progress concerning Covid-19 and the vaccination programme.
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a) The Director of Health submits a report, which provides an update on the proposed whole systems approach to healthy weight.
b) The UHL Trust submits a paper, which provides information on the CEW Obesity Service.
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ALCOHOL STRATEGY There will a presentation to provide an updated position in respect of the Alcohol Strategy.
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The Commission’s Work Programme is submitted for information and comment.
There will be an update on the proposed Special meeting to discuss mental health strategies.
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ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Additional documents: |