Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Katie Jordan, Governance Services Officer, email: Julian Yeung, Goverance Support Assistant, email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair Minutes: Councillor Pickering was appointed as Chair of the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 December 2024 are attached and members will be asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 December 2024 were recorded as a true and accurate record. |
The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services submits a report for an application for a variation of an existing premises licence for Donkey, 203 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 6BH. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Pickering, as Chair led on introductions and outlined the procedure the hearing would follow.
The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services submitted a report on an application for a variation to an existing premises licence for Donkey, 203 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 6BH.
Mr Simon Beal was present on behalf of the applicant Star Pubs and Bars Limited. Mr Sam Okwudili Okafor, Designated Premises Supervisor, and Mr George Domleo, solicitor, were also present. Also in attendance was Vandana Lad, Noise and Pollution team, Elizabeth Arculus, Licensing Enforcement team, and Councillor Patrick Kitterick, Castle Ward. Mr Ian Brown on behalf of the Friends of Clarendon Park and Ms Sally Williams were residents from the neighbourhood present having made representations. In addition Ms Alphina Gordon and Mr Brendan Gordon were present on behalf of a family member resident in the area. Also present was the Licensing Team Manager (Policy and Applications) and the Legal Adviser to the Sub-Committee.
The Licensing Team Manager (Policy and Applications) presented the report and outlined details of the application.
A first representation was received on 6 December 2024 from the Noise team. The representation related to the prevention of public nuisance. The Noise Team were concerned that sound from regulated entertainment may travel across a wide area and customers at the premises may cause disruption to surrounding properties.
A second representation was received on 4 December 2024 from the Licensing Enforcement team. The representation related to the prevention of crime and disorder and the protection of children from harm. The Licensing Enforcement Team was concerned that the conditions on the application may not be sufficient to uphold these licensing objectives.
A third representation was received on 9 December 2024 from a Castle ward councillor. The representation related to the prevention of crime and disorder and the prevention of public nuisance. The representee was concerned that opening later would cause nuisance to residents.
Fifty-six representations were received throughout the representation period from members of the public. The representations related to one or more of the licensing objectives. The representees were concerned that the hours proposed were not appropriate in a residential area and they had previously been disturbed by music emanating from the premises. Many were also concerned that later timings could result in more anti-social and criminal behaviour in the vicinity of the premises.
Ms Arculus, Licensing Officer was given the opportunity to outline the details of their representation and answered questions from Members.
Ms Lad, Noise and Pollution Control Officer was given the opportunity to outline the details of their representation and answered questions from Members and Objectors.
Cllr Kitterick, Mr Brown, Ms Williams, and Mr Gordon were given the opportunity to outline the details of their representation and answered questions from Members. Cllr Kitterick left the meeting due to other commitments after his presentation.
Mr Domleo, Mr Beal and Mr Okafor were given the opportunity to address the Sub-Committee and answered questions from Members, Officers and Objectors.
Cllr Kitterick returned to the meeting.
Any Other Urgent Business Minutes: With there being no further business, the meeting closed at 12.30pm. |