Venue: Masjid At-Taqwa, (Small Community Centre), 2 Mornington Street, Leicester, LE5 3NF
Contact: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1876) (email: Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: 0116 454 6369) (Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES & DECLARATIONS Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Osman, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
Apologies were received from Jethro Swift, City Warden. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 87 KB The Action Log of the Meeting held on 25 November 2015 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: The Action Log from the meeting held on 25 November 2015 was circulated and confirmed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK The North Evington Ward Councillors will provide feedback on the issues they have been dealing with as Councillors for the North Evington Ward. Minutes: North Evington Ward Councillors reported the following:
· Councillor Khote announced that the requested bus shelter had now been installed on East Park Road outside the Railway Men’s Club. · Councillor Osman discussed his recent and upcoming visits to various schools in the ward. It was noted that Councillor Osman was communicating with the Education department in regards to issues Shenton Primary School was facing with not receiving funding for newly arrived children who were not eligible. |
An update on Sparrow Park and Hastings Park play equipment developments will be provided at the meeting. Minutes: Adrian Edge, Landscape Development Manager gave an update on plans to install new play equipment in Sparrow Park and gym equipment in Hastings Road. A copy of the development proposals/ equipment are attached at the end of the Action Log for information.
Sparrow Park – play equipment · It was noted that due to heavy rains in the December month, this created a mud bath on the current works. The play equipment would therefore be installed as soon as the site had dried out. Adrian Edge would continue to update Ward Councillors on the progress. · Residents had concerns that the park was not safe for children to play in due to issues of ASB, excessive drinking, disposing of litter and bird feeding. Adrian discussed that he was currently working with the Police to tackle this issue especially as this was an alcohol free zone. · A resident requested more community education on bird feeding and littering. Councillor Osman supported a resident’s proposal for a door knocking campaign. · Councillor Khote requested an update from the City Warden regarding the bird feeding letter/ leaflet in various languages.
Hastings Road – gym equipment · It was noted that the contract for the gym equipment/ installation on Hastings Road had recently been finalised and would come into effect in the next few weeks. · A consultation with residents for equipment requests would be carried out in the next few weeks. The installation would begin approximately April 2016. |
HIGHWAYS UPDATE An update will be provided on a number of transport and highways issues in the North Evington Ward. Minutes: Mike Pears, Team Leader for Highways Asset Management reported on highways issues in the ward. It was reported that:
· Green Lane Road pavement parking would form part of the parking pilot scheme across the city, whereby an assessment would take place at some point. · Hastings Road stage 1 consultation was complete and stage 2 consultations with ward residents would commence in February.
Councillor Khote requested Mike to look into the following issues: · Street lighting on the junction of Hastings Road and Victoria Road into the Portwey, as it was reported that the lights were shining into residents apartments. · Cleansing issue in relation to drugs on Asfordby Street. · The cutting back of shrubs on Asfordby Street. Mike Pears thought that this had been completed but agreed to report this back to the team.
Councillor Osman requested the following: · The sitting of the bollard to be revisited outside the shop opposite the mosque on Asfordby Street in regards to incorrect parking. · Mike mentioned that Harewood Street could be a good option for a one way system, Councillor Osman requested that traffic regulation orders should be considered for surrounding roads - Thurlby Road and Fernie Road simultaneously. · Urgent request to Mark Wills, Head of Transport Strategy to look into one way systems for the ward.
Residents’/ Councillors concerns: · Residents had concerns about several areas including Baggrave Street roundabout, Councillor Osman suggested a site visit with Officers to Leicester Street, Nottingham Street, Baggrave Street roundabout and Willowbrook Street. · A resident mentioned that there was no street light situated on St Saviours Road near the park. Mike would report this to Highways and look into whether this was deliberate. · A few residents felt the parking bays on Harewood Street should be removed. However, Councillor Osman discussed that these had been installed by the local businesses, but would however look at any safety issues. · The junction of East Park Road and Green Lane Road towards the Gurdwara was reported to have potholes. · Road markings on Mount Road, Grove Road and Mere Road were reported to be in poor conditions. · Councillor Fonseca noted that the mini roundabout on Hastings Road and Forest Road had potential for accidents and therefore suggested them for traffic calming. It was noted that this had been previously raised and would be further discussed at a meeting with the City Mayor. · Councillor Osman reported that proposals would be announced at the next North Evington Ward Community Meeting. · Councillors Khote discussed that all issues would be addressed at a meeting in March with the City Mayor. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE A City Warden update will be provided at the meeting on environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward. Minutes: Laura Burt, the Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) presented and distributed printed material on works the City Warden had been involved in since the last meeting.
· A resident had concerns that since the Stake Out mobile catering van had opened on Sandpiper Close there were issues of littering and no bin in that area. |
HOUSING UPDATE Housing officers will be present to give a presentation on housing matters. Minutes: Andy East, Team Leader for Housing gave an update on activities and works proposed in the North Evington Ward. The following was announced:
· Redwood Walk/ Lombardy Rise – Phase 2 to remove all broken slabs and replace uneven block paving had begun and was due to be completed at the end of January 2016. · Charnwood Estate/ Morton Estate – Deep cleaning of blocks had been completed. · Bramall Road Parking site – Plans to create two further parking spaces this year.
The works below were due to commence in February 2016 and be completed by the end of the financial year: · Communal Courtyards Stonechat Walk 1-8 and 9-19 – Programme to improve communal courtyards. · Fairfield Walk Seating Area – to be updated with new slabs and block paving. · Helena Roberts House – Improvements to the communal area. · Hastings Road – Gym equipment would be purchased in February and installed in April. · Bulb Planting Hastings Road · Beatty Avenue – shrubs to be cleared and turf lay in its place.
Residents/ Councillors concerns: · It was noted that there was a snake path causing issues for wheelchair users between Uppingham Road and Beatty Avenue. · A resident had concerns regarding parking on Sandpiper Close and vehicles parked on zig zag lines on Spinney Hill Road near the mosque between 5-7.30pm. Councillor Osman requested traffic warden enforcement in those areas. · The resident also discussed concerns of people urinating when the green gates were left open at Sandpiper Close. Andy East would pass this information onto the Housing Officer to be looked into. · Mount Road was highlighted as a concern for parking issues and requested for one way signs to be larger. · Councillor Osman discussed options for residents possibly forming a petition in regards to the parking problems. |
POLICE UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Ward. Minutes: PC Martin Rawlings from the Local Policing Unit attended the meeting and gave the following update:
Sparrow Park · Following residents’ concerns at the meeting which discussed issues such as ASB, excessive alcohol drinking and littering at Sparrow Park, it was noted that various Police & Council legislation could be used. · Martin would report back to the team and could look into a Police operation. · There was a suggestion by Police & Councillor Fonseca that Ward Councillors should work with the Police to address Sparrow Park matters. PC Rawlings also suggested that communication be held with the shop selling alcohol and betting shop in response to the issues. · Councillor Osman reported that a clean-up would take place in the spring season starting at Sparrow Park. · PC Rawlings informed the meeting of the new commander for the ward, Inspector Steff Shellard. · It was noted that protecting property and crime statistics could be find at · The Police requested residents to inform them of any (crime) issues.
Residents’ concerns: · Males were talking loudly, drinking and conversing at night on the benches in Spinney Hills Park. · Rosebery Street – concerns that legal highs and condoms were evident on the street near the Delicious corner café. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update on the Ward Community Budget will be given at the meeting. Minutes: Laura Burt, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) presented an update on the Ward Community Budget.
The following items were considered at the meeting: 5119 – Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club requested £500 to support junior cricket development – application deferred.
5126 – Leicester City FC Community Trust requested £1,500 towards the extension and expansion of the Premier League (PL) Kicks project to support anti-social behaviour issues – application deferred.
5134 – Northfields Youth Centre (LCC) applied for £300 towards Northfields bike safety project – grant of £300 approved in full.
1607 – Shree Damania requested £498.50 to fund a series of cultural performances in Leicester including hire of costumes, props and advertising material – grant of £498.50 approved in full.
1622 – PYPT (UK) Trust applied for £499 towards a community event – application not supported as the event had already taken place and was not located in the North Evington Ward.
1656 – Leicester Lions Football Club requested £1,257.40 to run football sessions for the young people of North Evington – grant of £957 approved.
· A presentation was given by Silverstar Diabetes representative who spoke regarding a potential future bid this financial year to run a health and wellbeing day. · Leicester Lions applicants gave a short insight into their application. · Councillor Osman encouraged applications and informed the meeting of new changes regarding the ward community budget which would take place in the next financial year. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: It was noted that a meeting had been held with the Heritage Team in regards to obtaining funding for a number of St Saviours Road residents to install wooden windows due to the area being a conservation area. Councillor Osman requested Anne Provan, Team leader for Planning and Transportation to give an update at the next ward meeting. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 8.15pm. |