Venue: Leicester Railway Men’s Club & Institute, Leicester Street, Leicester, LE5 4FS
Contact: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1876) (email: Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: 0116 454 6369) (Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES & DECLARATIONS Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Fonseca, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
Apologies were received from Martin Fletcher – Head of Highways.
Councillor Osman declared an ‘other disclosable interest’ in application 1725 – ‘Greenlane Mother and Toddlers group’ as the applicants were known to him.
Councillor Khote declared an ‘other disclosable interest’ in application 5148 – ‘Evington in Bloom (Friends of Evington)’ as the applicants were known to her. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 409 KB The Action Log of the Meeting held on 28 January 2016 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: The action log of the previous meeting held on 28 January 2016 was confirmed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLORS' FEEDBACK The North Evington Ward Councillors will provide feedback on the issues they have been dealing with as Councillors for the North Evington Ward. Minutes: North Evington Ward Councillors gave feedback on the activities they had been involved in, in the Ward:
Councillor Khote: · Had been resolving constituents housing and benefit issues. · North Evington residents could use the Leicester Ageing Together (LAT) services in the Wycliffe, Spinney Hills or Evington Wards, which was a programme to support 50+ year olds to become less isolated. · Councillor Khote was now on the Board of Directors for the LAT project.
Councillor Osman: · Had been visiting schools and dealing with issues such as; school admissions and new arrivals. · It was noted that Shenton Primary School were seeking to expand their kitchen area. Councillor Osman was currently in discussion with the City Mayor in regards to obtaining suitable facilities. · Two petitions were being addressed in relation to traffic & highways, one on Baggrave Street and the other on Copdale Road.
Councillor Fonseca: · It was noted that all schools in the Ward except for one now had a ‘good’ OFSTED rating. · Councillor Fonseca did a walk about with Councillor Khote, Laura Burt - Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) and Jethro Swift – City Warden. Substance misuse and littering was noted as an ongoing issue in Sparrow Park. This was highlighted to Assistant City Mayor - Councillor Master, the Director of Neighbourhood & Environmental Services – John Leach, the Police and others. It was noted that despite the Police attempts, more was still required to address this issue. · Councillor Fonseca could now be contacted via his new Facebook page. |
An update will be provided on a number of transport and highways issues in the North Evington Ward. Minutes: Laura Burt – WCEO read the Highways update as attached to this action log.
Residents and Councillors concerns: · There were various suggestions from residents in relation to addressing concerns on Green Lane Road including; installing parking bays, installing pay & display metres and adding a box at the traffic light. |
HOUSING UPDATE Housing officers will be present to give a presentation on housing matters. Minutes: Andy East, Team Leader for Housing gave an update on the housing improvements currently taking place and proposed improvements for 2016/17. In regards to empty properties in the ward it was advised that residents on the Council property waiting list should bid as much as possible.
Current Improvement Works: · Beatty Avenue – (phase 1) shrubs cleared, turfing next week. · Stonechat Walk – courtyards / communal area paving – due for completion end of March. · Fieldfare Walk – Removing old slabs, replace bench. · Helena Roberts House – paving and bench replacement - due for completion end of March.
Proposed Improvements 2016/17: · Beatty Avenue – (phase 2) further shrub clearance alongside the footpath through to the medical centre. · Hasting Road Gym Equipment to be purchased and installed. · Further courtyard development on Charnwood Estate. · Charnwood Walk – bulb planting. · Internal painting at Kingfisher Walk.
Residents’ Concerns: · A resident spoke on behalf of an elderly lady that lived in an upper floor accommodation within a block of flats on Dunlin Road. The lady had access difficulties and required an upgrade to the property. A request was also made to hold the North Evington Ward Community Meetings closer to this ladies habitation. Councillor Khote and Andy East were to speak to the resident after the meeting and Councillor Osman suggested that one of the Councillors ‘walk-abouts’ should include this resident’s location. · The bungalow dwellings on Stonechat Walk – a resident had built at the rear which was reported as ‘unsightly’ and water was reported to be coming off the structure causing puddles of water on the footpath. Andy to look into this. · Feeding of pigeons, littering issues and rubbish on the Charnwood Walk main greenery required cleaning. · Councillor Osman queried if there would be any further external insulation schemes. Andy responded that previous schemes were based on government grants which were no longer available. Simon Nicholls – Head of Service for Housing was advised as the best person to contact for further information. · Councillor Osman queried if Larch Street was Council owned or Housing Association as there had been several reported Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) issues. Andy East would look into this query. · Councillor Fonseca discussed the possibility of displaying surgery leaflets etc on the Charnwood area and Lombardy Rise notice boards. Andy would speak to Tracy McAllistair – Team Leader for Housing and feedback. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE A City Warden update will be provided at the meeting on environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward. Minutes: Jethro Swift, City Warden for the ward reported the following update:
· There were currently discussions about placing a bin outside Sparrow Park. · Several fly-tipping issues across the ward, warning letters had been issued and investigations continued. · City Wardens had renewed powers to address issues relating to bins left on the streets after collections. · Alleyway work in the ward was in progress. Baggrave Street alleyway had been cleared of rubbish and a new gate installed. · Attendees were encouraged to use the Love Leicester app, call City Wardens, email or write.
Councillors and Residents concerns: · A resident had a concern on Hartington Road. As this was not in the North Evington Ward, the City Warden would speak to the resident after the meeting. · Due to issues of bird feeding, a resident on Ferny Road was willing to distribute bird feeding leaflets when they were available. · Councillor Osman noted that there would be an area clean up/ litter pick up in certain areas including from outside Sparrow Park and Asfordby Street. · Councillor Fonseca had concerns regarding street cleaning. The City Warden would contact the heading of Cleansing to look into this. A resident however had opposing views that the street cleaners did a wonderful job. |
POLICE UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Ward. Minutes: PCSO Lee Williams presented the following information:
· There was a new Sergeant, James Thomas, who covered the North Evington Ward. · Police team members did a consultation with residents near the Sparrow Park area to query if improvements had been made. The results stated that there was a reduction in ASB. · Councillor Osman queried the recent fire arms incident which took place on Pares Street. It was noted that the incident was being investigated. · Attendees were informed that a street crime initiative would take place from 30 March until the end of June, the focus would be in/ out of schools, community centres, protecting self as victims against robbery and knife crime awareness. · Councillor Khote reported that she was present at Sparrow Park several times recently and had witnessed excessive drinking, alcohol can littering etc., which required addressing especially with the new play equipment. · A local resident and former youth & community worker requested the Council to employ outreach workers that work on the ground. · Councillor Khote requested crime figures in the ward for the next meeting. · Councillor Fonseca noted that he had been invited to a meeting in the Spinney Hills ward regarding the Pares Road incident. It was requested that PCSO Williams inform the necessary persons that Councillors Khote and Osman had not been invited. · A resident had concerns of nitrous oxide use on Roseberry Street. The PCSO spoke on the Polices’ limited powers to enforce, but however, did educate people on the effects. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update on the Ward Community Budget will be provided at the meeting and the following applications will be discussed:
Joint Bid: 5148 Applicant: Evington in Bloom (Friends of Evington) Project Name & Summary: Evington in Bloom – Consultation Meeting. Amount Requested: £300
Bid: 1676 Applicant: Leicestershire Police Project Name & Summary: Youth Engagement. Amount Requested: £500
Joint Bid: 5151 Applicant: Shree Hindu Temple Community Centre Project Name & Summary: To celebrate day of Holi. Amount Requested: £1,000
Joint Bid: 5152 Applicant: Northfield Play Association Project Name & Summary: Replace and buy new outdoor equipment and refurbish existing equipment. Amount Requested: £500
Joint Bid: 5153 Applicant: West Humberstone Gospel Mission Project Name & Summary: Charnwood Newsletter. Amount Requested: £315.91
Joint Bid: 5154 Applicant: Shri Guru Ravidas Temple Project Name & Summary: Vaisakhi Cultural Celebrations. Amount Requested: £2,500
Bid: 1714 Applicant: Silver Star Project Name & Summary: North Evington Health Fair/ Carnival. Amount Requested: £5,450
Bid: 1725 Applicant: Greenlane Mother and Toddlers Group Project Name & Summary: Day trip for the local community. Amount Requested: £930
Minutes: Laura Burt, the Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) presented an update on the Ward Community Budget.
The following items were considered at the meeting: 5148: Evington in Bloom (Friends of Evington) requested £300 to support Evington in Bloom – Consultation Meeting – grant of £300 approved in full.
1676: Leicestershire Police applied for £500 for Youth Engagement – grant of £500 approved in full, subject to further information as to which schools the Police would be supporting.
5151: Shree Hindu Temple Community Centre requested £1,000 to celebrate the day of Holi – grant of £1,000 approved in full.
5152: Northfield Play Association requested £500 to replace and buy new outdoor equipment and refurbish existing equipment – grant of £500 approved in full.
5153: West Humberstone Gospel Mission applied for £315.91 to support a Charnwood Newsletter – grant of £315.91 approved in full.
5154: Shri Guru Ravidas Temple applied for £2,500 to hold Vaisakhi Cultural Celebrations – application not supported.
1714: Silver Star requested £5,450 to hold a North Evington Health Fair/ Carnival – grant of £5,798.69 approved in full.
1725: Greenlane Mother and Toddlers Group requested £930 in support of a day trip for the local community – grant of £930 approved in full.
1745: Leicester Afghan Women’s Forum Ltd applied for £500 to celebrate the Nowrooz festival for women and children in their community – grant of £500 approved in full.
1755: Leicester Lions Football Project requested £500 to support the ‘First Touch project’ – grant of £500 approved in full.
It was noted that Councillor Khote requested feedback from all successful ward funding applicants.
Laura Burt – WCEO, outlined the new online application process which would commence from 1 April 2016. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: Councillor Osman requested Merlyn Vaz centre for the next North Evington Ward Community Meeting.
It was noted by Councillor Osman that there was a planning issue for several residents with conservation properties on St Saviours Road. It was encouraged for the residents to submit an application together. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 8.00pm. |