Venue: Sacred Heart Church Hall, 25 Mere Road, Leicester, LE5 3HS
Contact: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1876) (email: Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: 0116 454 6369) (Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
INTRODUCTIONS & DECLARATIONS Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Khote, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Dave McCartney – Police and Jethro Swift - City Warden. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Action Log of the Meeting held on 24 March 2016 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: The action log of the previous meeting held on 24 March 2016 was confirmed as a correct record. |
TRANSFORMING NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES UPDATE An update will be provided on the Transforming Neighbourhood Services programme. Minutes: Laura Burt - the Ward Community Engagement Officer (WCEO) gave an update on the Transforming Neighbourhood Services (TNS) project.
· It was noted that Lee Warner – the project manager for Neighbourhood Services would be in contact with Stakeholders when proposals were ready for consultation. · Councillor Osman encouraged the North Evington community to make strong representations on how significant the Northfields Neighbourhood Centre was for the ward. It was noted that the centre served the area and added value to the community. · The majority of attendees at the meeting voted to keep the Northfields Neighbourhood Centre as a centre for North Evington. |
HIGHWAYS UPDATE An update will be provided on a number of transport and highways issues in the North Evington Ward. Minutes: Mike Pears, Team Leader for Highways Asset Management reported on highways issues in the ward. The following was reported:
Additional aspects that the Head of Highways had agreed to look into: · Traffic measures such as signal lights or a refuge – Forest Road/ Frisby Road. · Clumber Road and Copdale Road – requested for inclusion in the 20mph zone programme. · Usmani mosque – areas bordering on Kitchener Road & Clumber Road - damaged pavement/ footway. · Mike would raise with Highways the issue of parking permits in the ward. · There were several other highways issues in the ward which were noted as longer processes of which Highways Officers would tentatively inform the ward and Councillors.
Residents’ concerns: · Kingfisher Avenue, Fieldfare Walk and Farnham Street – parking issues. Mike noted that this was on the list for issues to be looked into, also noting that there were limited resources. Mike would also pass this information onto the enforcement team. · Councillors requested that a letter be written to the Merlyn Vaz Centre regarding concerns of their visitors parking on nearby Streets and Road corners. · Councillor Khote noted that a meeting would be held with the City Mayor next week whereby the issues would be raised. |
HOUSING UPDATE Housing officers will be present to give a presentation on housing matters. Minutes: Tracy McAllistair, Team Leader for Housing gave an update on housing works taking place this year.
2016 – 2017 improvement works: · Beatty Avenue flats and maisonettes – there was a four to five year plan to cut back the shrubs every year and make the area more open. · Hastings Road gym - now installed. · Charnwood Walk – bulb planting. · Lombardy Rise & Oak Street – replacing the vinyl flooring. · Dunlin Road – 2 courtyards with rotary areas, new seating and paving. · Helena Roberts House - car park resurfaced. · Kingfisher Avenue – painted.
Resident’s concerns: · Charnwood Estate’s new outdoor seating - it was reported that people were leaving rubbish and hanging washing on the seating amongst other concerns. · Tracy confirmed that due to cuts, the number of grass cuts per year had decreased and explained details of the parks grass cutting contract. However, a resident had concerns that high grass cut at Sandpiper Close was not removed. · A resident reported that she had still received a service charge bill although she had previously been informed that there was no service charge. · Sandpiper Close gated system – people were reported to be urinating and other Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) issues when the gates were left open. · Councillor Osman noted that the gutters on both sides on top at Beatty Avenue had a lot of rubbish in and plants were overgrown. · Tracy would talk to the residents concerned and take their contact details following the meeting. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE A City Warden update will be provided at the meeting on environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward. Minutes: Laura Burt (WCEO) presented and distributed printed material on works the City Warden had been involved in since the last meeting.
Residents and Councillors concerns: · Kingfisher Avenue and coming out from the Merlyn Vaz Centre via the back side of the building – reported to have issues of people parking on double yellow lines some displaying disabled badges and reported as being a hazard for emergency vehicles to enter. Councillor Khote mentioned possible road markings being drawn. · Green Lane Road near the mosque had reported parking problems on zig zag lines and double yellow lines. · Councillor Osman reported that North Evington was the 2nd highest Ward for fly tipping in Leicester City, he requested the Waste Services department to have a pilot clean up in the ward and undertake more education measures in various languages. · A Council officer present at the meeting suggested that Spence Street sports centre and St Barnabas library could be used as venues to inform people of the re-location information for the recycling centre and other alternative options. · Councillor Khote noted that the littering problems at Sparrow Park were still reported as an issue and more education was required. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Ward. Minutes: PC Phil Smith-Lester and PCSO Ben Hill from the Northfields Team of Leicestershire Police gave an update on the part of North Evington Ward which they covered.
It was noted that there were two current problem solving plans, as followed:
1) Lily Road Park off Lotus Road · Police reported several issues including robberies, criminal damage, sexual assault and an arrest. Police had requested two cameras to be installed. Youth engagements and pop up surgeries also took place. · Councillor Osman requested Tracy McAllistair from the Housing team to look into the various types of housing which surrounded that area and suggested that the outreach youth workers team be sent to the Lily Park area. · Police requested for information to be available in various languages due to the diversity of the area.
2) Pembroke Street · It was reported that there were abandoned vehicles. Local businesses were given advice and since then there had been improvements. Police would soon close this problem solving plan.
Prestwold Road: · In relation to the fire that took place on Prestwold Road, it was noted that an arrest had been made and person bailed. · Councillor Osman requested to speak to the Police following the meeting in regards to the families concerned with the fire.
Other Police concerns: · It was reported that there was an increase in theft with unmanned vehicles. The Police were patrolling the areas concerned day and night in response to this. · A joint operation with the fire service would take place.
Councillor Khote’s concerns: · ASB issues reported on Brambling Road were noted. The Police Officers present would feedback the information to the Spinney Hills team. · Councillor Khote requested the Spinney Hills Officers to provide an update for the next meeting as they would cover more of the North Evington Ward. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update on the Ward Community Budget will be provided at the meeting. Minutes: Laura Burt (WCEO) provided details on Ward Community budget online process, application deadline dates and application decisions for this cycle.
· Councillor Osman would advise residents of St Saviours who submitted an application using the old system to resubmit using the new online system. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Any other urgent business should be requested to the Chair prior to the start of the meeting. Minutes: A Council Officer who attended the meeting suggested that a defibrillator would be a good device for the community to consider for the Ward. |
DATE OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note the dates of future meetings for the forthcoming year are as follows:
Wednesday 7 December 2016
Wednesday 12 April 2017 Minutes: To note the dates of future North Evington Ward Community Meetings for the forthcoming year are as followed:
Wednesday 7 December 2016 – venue to be confirmed.
Wednesday 12 April 2017 – venue to be confirmed. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 7:50pm. |