Agenda and minutes

North Evington Community Meeting - Wednesday, 14 November 2018 6:30 pm

Venue: Sacred Heart Church Hall, 25 Mere Road, Leicester, LE5 3HS.

Contact: Ward Community Engagement Officers: Randeep Singh Mattu (tel: 0116 454 1835. email:  Aqil Sarang. Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 5591, e-mail: )

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Osman was elected as the Chair for the meeting and led on introductions.


Apologies for absence were received for the City Warden Jethrow Swift.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The Action Log of the North Evington Community Meeting held on 24 July 2018 is attached for information and discussion.


The Action Log from the previous meeting held on 24 July 2018 was agreed and noted.



Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the North Evington Ward,


·      PC Rob Evans (1878) delivered an update on policing matters within the local area.

·      Residents were made aware of patio doors and back doors being used to break into homes.

·      Residents were assured that investigating teams were working on resolving the issue but to be extra vigilant to protect their properties.


Redwood Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

·      Residents shared their concerns about ASB around Oak Street and Redwood Walk which included:

·      Large groups of youths congregating.

·      Damage to properties and Children’s play area which is now inaccessible to residents.

Action: Community Engagement Officer to inform Neighbourhood and Environment Services.

·      Over grown trees and poor lighting made the area very dark and residents felt unsafe.

Action: Community Engagement Officer to inform Officers in Trees and Woodlands Team to investigate issues with the trees on Oak Street.

·      Residents had video footage of what they had been dealing with and had been trying to share with police.

·      Late police responses had not helped with dealing with the issue.


Councillor Fonseca was concerned that this ASB issue had been raised previously and requested police presence in the area. Councillor Fonseca requested PC Evans to elaborate on how residents were able to share videos with the police.


PC Evans encouraged residents to continue reporting incidents to the police and if residents were unable to attend the local police station to share evidence/videos they could do so using the Leicestershire Police website.

Residents who were victims of crime would be updated at least once every 28 days.


Action: Police to provide update on this issue to the next meeting.


Marlene Blake the Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader informed the meeting that an application for funding had been submitted to add three gates to the to block off alleyways in the area after a request was made from the Police, if the bid was successful this would be actioned.


Marlene advised the meeting that the Police and Housing were working on a consultation and Police will be requested to consider the possibilities of installing a pod camera to the area.



An update on Highways and Transport works in the North Evington ward will be provided.


Officers from Highways and Transport were not present at the meeting.


·      The Chair informed residents that the consultation about one-way traffic flow on Wood Hill had completed the results were being collected.

·      Residents supported but had adjustments they wished to be considered.

Action: Councillors and Officers from Highways to arrange a meeting to discuss residents feedback.

Action: Chair to contact resident from the Wood Hill area in relation to one-way proposal.


·      Concerns raised about on-going issue with inconsiderate parking along Green Lane Road from the Mosque to the junction at East Park Road.

Action: Parking Enforcement Officers to be requested to patrol around the Green Lane Road area at peak times.

Action: Councillors to arrange a patch walk of the area and meet with Highways.


·      Issue raised about tow truck parked on Bramling Road for long periods of time.

·      Minibus parked around Farnham Street used for business purposes causing residents parking issues.

·      Mere Road car salesman still selling cars from the street.

Action: City Warden to investigate issues above.



Housing officers will be present to provide an update on housing works in the North Evington Ward.


Marlene Blake the Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader updated residents:

·      Actions from previous meetings had been resolved and work had completed in various areas of the ward.

·      Police were aware of the issues around the ward, but residents are urged to continue to report to police. 

·      Funding secured to cut back trees on the Charnwood Estate and work had completed.

Action: City Warden to investigate issues with overflowing bins in the children’s play area on Oak Street and bins left outside on Oak Street.

Action: Residents encouraged to report concerns about overcrowded properties providing full details.

·      Unused garages on Beatie Avenue were to be demolished.

·      Housing Surgery was still based at St Barnabas Library and will return to the Catherine Street venue in February/March 2019.

Action:  Marlene to bid for funding for Oak Street trees and parking in the next municipal year.


Andrew Tuckwood the Local Area Manager for Parks and Open Spaces gave an update on grass cutting and ground maintenance.

·      The team were responsible for the maintenance of grass and shrubs.

·      Grass was cut 10 times over the year with the pruning of shrubs done once a year.

·      Entries and windows were addressed separately.

·      The Council were not responsible for removing the grass after cutting.

·      The grass edges were sprayed during the spring to stop growth but agreed to have it cleared with the work carried out this year.

Action: Investigate grass edge clearance in the Charnwood Estate

·      Bird feeding on the green space in the Charnwood Estate had been addressed.


Action: CRASBU team to be informed and provide an update to the next meeting. 


The Chair commended the Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader for the work that had been carried out.



The local City Warden will be present to provide an update on any environmental issues in the ward.


The City Warden was not present at the meeting but provided an update that was circulated and is attached.


Action: City Warden to investigate bins left out on street and leaves on Oak Street.

Action: City Warden to investigate reports of fly tipping cases at the allotments on Wood Hill and the steps on Halstead Street leading on to Wood Hill.


Councillors thanked the City Warden for his work in the ward but requested his attendance at future meetings.


Action: The Chair to arrange a patch walk with the City Warden.



A presentation on HealthWatch Leicester and Leicestershire will be provided from Gillian Jillet


Gillian Jillett – Healthwatch representative introduced the newly merged Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire:

·      Was an independent voice for the people of Leicester and Leicestershire.

·      Listened, represented people’s views and provided local information and signposting.

·      Influenced health and social care locally to ensure local peoples voices were heard.

·      Visited General Practices (GP’s) and care homes, suggesting improvements. A revisit was then made to see if the suggested changes were implemented.

·      Residents were encouraged to share their experiences, or if they had any issues or concerns relating to Health and Social Care Services across the City.

·      Contact details have been attached.

·      Emergency dental services were now available 7 days a week, a leaflet with contact information is attached.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in the budget applications.


An update on the Community Meeting ward Budget will be provided at the meeting.


·      The starting balance of the Ward Community Budget in April 2018 was £19,800.

·      To date there has been 9 applications of which 6 have been successful.

·      The closing balance was £15,070 (subject to change)


Residents were encouraged to apply for funding from the ward budget before the end of the municipal year.


Contact can be made with the Ward Community Engagement Officer to book on to sessions available for funding applications.




Residents shared their concerns over the loss of facilities and the overall condition of Spence Street Leisure Centre and the swimming baths.


Councillor Khote and Councillor Fonseca informed residents of the meeting they had attended with the General Manager of Leisure Centres and issues had been raised with them and an urgent response is requested.


Councillor Fonseca encouraged residents to attend the meeting at Spence Street on 21 November 2018 at 03:30pm for their voices to be heard.




The meeting closed at 8:40pm