Agenda and minutes

Wycliffe Community Meeting - Monday, 21 August 2017 6:00 pm

Venue: Wesley Hall, 76 Hartington Road, Leicester, LE2 0GN

Contact: Anita Clarke, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6576) (email:  Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6369) (email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Cllr Dawood – Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


There were no apologies for absence.


There were no declarations of interest.



An update will be provided on a number of transport and highways issues in the Ward.


Martin Fletcher noted some of the concerns regarding highways issues in the Wycliffe. The following was noted:

·         Pedestrian safety & accessibility.

·         Inconsiderate Parking / Pavement Parking.

·         Parking – build outs (a work for narrowing a carriageway constructed on one side of that carriageway as an extension of or adjacent to the verge, footway or cycle track) and bollards, road humps removal.

·         One-way requests – Mere Rd & Keythorpe St.

·         Highway condition (Potholes / Road Markings).

·         Petitions in relation to several road issues in the Ward.


·         The safer routes schemes which were previously implemented in the Wycliffe Ward to prevent and reduce casualties.

·         The pedestrian build-out features supported key objectives relating to road safety, therefore there was no plan to remove these build outs.


One Way systems:

·         There was a current team of consultants who were carrying out site surveys and information gathering to explore the feasibility of one way systems at Mere Road, Keythorpe Street and some other streets/ roads in the Ward.

·         There was a suggestion of a one way system from Darley Street towards Hartington Road.

·         Traffic Impact assessments and surveys would be taking place on Melbourne Road and the impact would need to be thought through.

·         Possible changes to the existing one way systems were being looked at.

·         Martin noted that Highways were working with the City Mayor to identify possible funds for the potential schemes.


The next steps would be:

·         To decide on which schemes would take priority and establish funding.

·         Create a detailed design and carry out traffic impact surveys.

·         A formal consultation would need to take place with the Emergency Services, Buses and Public.

·         Following the submission of the petition – decide what to go ahead with.


The meeting was well attended with residents, many of which expressed ideas and concerns, some residents agreed and others disagreed. Residents were also encouraged to write down their views using the paper and pencils provided at the meeting. The following was noted from residents comments at the meeting:

·         Double Yellow Lines requested on Mere Road.

·         The dangers of Mere Road were reported, that due to the incorrect parking, at times the Fire Service had difficulties gaining access through the road.

·         Request for bollards to be removed as a way of resolving the parking issue.

Councillor Master and Martin both expressed the concern about the dangers of removing the bollards as these were part of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) to increase traffic flow and seen as safe places to cross.

·         The Mere Road one way scheme was proposed/ requested from Ashbourne Street and not Darley Street.

·         Concerns that children were using the bollards as goal posts.

·         Some residents felt that parking permits would be a solution but others disagreed.

·         It was felt that the bus stop and parking bays on Melbourne Street were in the wrong locations and a one way system would not be the answer to improvements on this road.

·         A resident suggested charging £1 a day for any vehicles parked after a households first vehicle (i.e. households  ...  view the full minutes text for item 60.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update on the Ward Community Budget will be provided at the meeting.


Details of the Ward Community Budget were not discussed at the meeting, however Councillors requested that this be included as an attachment at the end of this action log. Please see the attachment.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 7:32pm.