Venue: To be confirmed
Contact: Anita James, Senior Democratic Support Officer 0116 4546358 ( Email: )
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman led introductions and advised this was a virtual meeting as permitted under section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 to enable meetings to take place whilst observing social distancing measures.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Whelband, Councillor Loydall, Councillor Rae Bhatia and the Chief Constable Simon Cole.
It was noted that Councillor Westley was in attendance as a substitute for Councillor Rae Bhatia. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to declare any pecuniary or other interest they may have in the business on the agenda. There were no such declarations. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING 1ST OCTOBER 2020 The minutes of the meeting held on 1st October 2020 are attached and Members will be asked to confirm they are an accurate record. Additional documents: Minutes: Item 29 Police and Crime Commissioners Annual Report Regarding the Victim Surcharge it was noted that the Victim Surcharge was administered by the Court System and awarded to organisations that support victims. Therefore, the OPCC were not in a position to report on that as it was not within their remit. The Chair was satisfied with the response of the OPCC.
Item 33 IICSA Financial Impact Regarding the Home Office response, it was noted that the PCC would pursue the grant option as necessary.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 1st October 2020 be confirmed as an accurate record.
POLICE AND CRIME PANEL CONSTITUTION- TERMS OR REFERENCE REVIEW Members to receive a report recommending revisions to the Constitution of the Panel, following review by the Monitoring Officer in accordance with the duty under Part 3 paragraph 115 to do so once per year.
Members will be asked to consider the revisions proposed, and either agree, amend or reject each of them.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair agreed to a change in the running order of the agenda to take this item next.
The Police and Crime Panel considered a report by Kamal Adatia, Monitoring Officer, presenting the results of a review of the Panel’s constitution and proposed revisions and amendments as set out in the Schedule appended to the report.
It was noted that the adjustments proposed fell into 3 categories: formatting type amendments to make the constitution read more grammatically or to insert clearer citation; amendments specifically in relation to the section dealing with complaints, noting this was largely dictated by statutory instrument, but also to reference a person being able to access an electronic complaint form, which the secretariat would look to create if these amendments approved today; and substantive changes to Schedule 2, a procedure for public questions, to allow a protocol for questions from members of the public that allows them to ask their question at the public meeting and to include provision for a supplementary question.
It was noted that reference had also been inserted to make provision for virtual meetings in the Constitution although the current law permits virtual meetings anyway.
The Chair commented that the panel’s constitution was originally set up around 2013 and therefore it was timely to have a fuller review. The Chair noted the schedule of changes and invited questions from members of the panel.
The Panel thanked officers for the work carried out to review and update the constitution.
Panel members discussed the procedure around public questions, noting a specific time had not been allotted to supplementary questions. The monitoring officer advised that the purpose of a supplementary was to seek clarity on the answer they had received to the original question to prevent them moving into another area or folly and so the provision for supplementary questions had been worded so as not to constrain the power of the Chair during the meeting. Panel members agreed it would be helpful to state the purpose of the supplementary by way of an explanatory note and noted the time provision for public questions in clause 2 which subject to the Chairs discretion could be extended.
RESOLVED: That subject to the insertion of an explanatory note around supplementary questions, the proposed revisions and amendments to the constitution of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel as set out in the report and schedule of changes be approved.
OPCC PERFORMANCE REPORT - QUARTER 2 Members to receive an update of the performance of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Quarter 2 20/21(1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020).
Members will be asked to comment and note the contents of the report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair returned to the running order of the agenda.
The Police and Crime Panel received a report of the Police and Crime Commissioner which provided an update on performance of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner between for Quarter 2 (1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020).
The Chair noted that in Kevin Loydalls absence he had submitted some questions under this item which would be put on his behalf at the appropriate point during discussion.
Attention was drawn to several points including the following: · The PCC had undertaken the same number of engagement events as the last quarter however this remained a lot less than usual due to current pandemic circumstances · There had been an increase in the number of volunteer hours compared to last quarter 1 and it was notable that they had continued to do custody visits throughout whole pandemic crisis unlike other areas nationally. · The position on annual leave days and flexi time was noted as set out in the report. · Commissioning team had seen significant success with numerous bids to central government being achieved.
In terms of commissioning and the comment in the report suggesting funding generated by the commissioning team, currently exceeds the total cost of the OPCC office it was clarified that the money the OPCC bid for was all spent on the contracts, and there was no surplus left over. The funding sought was not money for expenses but to fulfil contracts that have been applied for. Members were advised that a full break down of all the contracts issued and the amount awarded to them was available on the OPCC’s website and it was agreed that detail would be shared by officers with members of the panel.
There was a brief mention of the Safer Streets Programme and local visits that had been undertaken by the PCC with local councillors to see the work being done and the positive effects on people.
It was noted that the staff survey undertaken at the beginning of lockdown to gage how staff were feeling was to be run again so results could be analysed and compared. Those outcomes would then be considered in terms of giving any additional support that may be needed and to review future working practices such as office space usage and options around continued working from home.
Regarding the number of website hits, it was noted that most people tended to access the OPCC website to look for vacancies/jobs or to access grants.
RESOLVED: 1. That the contents of the report be noted. 2. That a full break down of all the contracts issued and the amount awarded be made available to members of the panel.
QUARTER 2 FORCE PERFORMANCE EXCEPTION REPORT Members to receive an update of the performance exceptions of Leicestershire Police for Quarter 2 20/21 (1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020).
Members will be asked to comment on the recommendations for further analysis based on exceptions and to note the contents of the report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Police and Crime Panel considered a report of the Police and Crime Commissioner which provided an update on the performance of the Leicestershire Police for Quarter 2 20/21 (1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020).
The Chair encouraged the Panel to ask strategic questions rather than get drawn into operational matters.
Lord Bach introduced the report noting that the report had also been before the OPCC Strategic Assurance Board at their meeting yesterday although there were no verbal updates from that discussion at this stage.
Paul Hindson outlined details from the report and advised members about the parameters for variations in performance, explained the drivers such as Crime Data and Integrity as well as the core rationale that have changed the recording methodology that sits behind the performance exception data.
It was noted that since the full introduction of dedicated decision makers (back office) who scrutinise offences going through STORM and NICHE to ensure quality and integrity, this had led to around 800 additional reclassified offences per month which was reflected in the exceptions. Therefore, Leicestershire had seen an increase in some offences at more rapid rates than some similar forces with similar demographics. It was expected with higher level of compliance now at 95% to start seeing a plateau in figures in future reports.
During discussion the following points were also noted: · Violence with Injury was still a concern, however in terms of regional comparison Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) had 7.8 offences per 1000 population compared to Nottinghamshire (Notts) at 10.4 per 1000, so although increased there was a reasonable level of assurance that LLR aren’t an outlier. · Regarding the pattern of rape cases, around April 2020 the figure was lower, the number of cases reported had since swung upwards around July, it was significant that reporting of historical rapes was also spiking at that same time however October figures showed some decline in rates again. There was supposition that the ease of lockdown restrictions around July 2020 had triggered reporting of more incidents and there was also a possibility of other drivers such as IICSA which may have encouraged a higher level of reporting together with a proactive campaign on domestic abuse. · A high profile Hate Crime Campaign in early October with a lot of work prior to that on social media had seen an immediate response in terms of increase in the numbers of hate crimes being reported. It had been explored whether this was to do with lockdown or issues around lockdown but there did not seem to be any evidence to support that. It was anticipated this offence would see continued increase in reporting which was considered a positive as a lot of Hate Crime was believed to go unreported.
Members of the Panel discussed the content of the report and expressed their concerns and frustration that each time this report was presented it seemed the reporting mechanism had changed making it difficult to scrutinise and understand the underlying causes for certain offences, ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |
WORK PROGRAMME AND DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS 2021 Members to receive a report to enable the Panel to consider and agree its outline work programme for 2021 and suggest further topics for inclusion; and to receive future meeting dates for 2021.
Members will be asked to agree the Work Programme, subject to any suggestions made at the meeting is agreed and to note the dates of future meetings in 2021.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members received a report from the Democratic Support Officer to the Panel setting out the proposed work programme for the Panel.
Attention was drawn to paragraph 16 of the report which contained the dates of future meetings for noting.
It was noted that the work programme, made up of a combination of statutory and discretionary business would provide a framework for the Panel’s activity throughout the year to assist with the Panels agenda management and forward planning and would be kept under regular review and updated as necessary with additional items agreed.
The Chair and Members of the Panel welcomed the report and draft work programme which they felt was helpful to give more depth to the work of the panel and to indicate a direction of travel.
The Chair expressed that there was an opportunity for change now, especially with elections of a new PCC due to take place in May 2021.
Members of the Panel briefly discussed the suggested items for inclusion and were pleased at the potential to look at topical issues at a themed meeting or with the possibility of forming a task group during the next 12 months.
RESOLVED: 1. That the work programme be agreed. 2. That the dates of meetings for 2021 be noted. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Panel were reminded that the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday 27th January 2021 would be considering the pre-cept, therefore attendance was important and any Member unable to attend should notify the secretariat of a substitute to attend on their behalf.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 4.00pm