Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Anita James, Senior Democratic Support Officer 0116 4546358 ( Email: ).
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF CHAIR Nominations will be invited for the role of Chair of the Panel for a term of 12 months to June 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer welcomed those present and led introductions.
Nominations for the role of Chair of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel were invited.
It was proposed, seconded and upon being put to the vote carried that Deborah Taylor take the position of Chair for the municipal year 2021/22.
RESOLVED: That Deborah Taylor be elected as Chair of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel for the municipal year 2021/22. |
ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR Nominations will be invited for the role of Vice-Chair of the Panel for a term of 12 months to June 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mullaney joined the meeting.
The Chair invited nominations for the role of Vice-Chair of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel.
It was proposed, seconded and upon being put to the vote carried that Kirk Master take the position of Vice Chair for the municipal year 2021/22.
RESOLVED: That Kirk Master be elected as Vice Chair of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel for the municipal year 2021/22. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Mehrunnisa Lalani. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to declare any interests they have in the business on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to disclose any pecuniary or other interest they may have in the business on the agenda.
There were no declarations. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: 25th MARCH 2021 PDF 259 KB The minutes of the meeting held on 25th March 2021 are attached and Members will be asked to confirm they are an accurate record. Additional documents: Minutes: A Panel Member referred to previous discussions requesting information around centrally funded police officers and details of the recruitment of other police officers being funded by the taxpayer through the periods 2019-20 to 2020-21 as well as the next financial year plan to recruit 88 officers and how if successfully recruited those would be funded in the future.
The PCC confirmed that recruitment of police officers was on track. The Chief Finance Officer commented that the growth increase was laid out in the papers submitted to the budget meeting in January 2021.
The Chair asked that a further report be provided to the next Panel meeting to address the concerns raised and to enable further questions at that meeting.
RESOLVED: 1. That the minutes of the meeting held 25th March 2021 be confirmed as an accurate record, 2. That a further report be provided to the next Panel meeting providing the details requested on Recruitment and Retention of Police Officers. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no public questions submitted. |
REVIEW OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP PDF 309 KB Members to receive a report for the purpose of considering the Panel’s membership and any changes required to meet the balanced appointment objective as required by legislation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Police and Crime Panel received a report for the purpose of considering the Panel’s membership and any changes required to meet the balanced appointment objective as required by legislation following recent local elections.
RESOLVED: 1. That no changes are required to the political make-up of the Panel; 2. That the membership of the Panel for 2021/22 be noted. |
VENUE ARRANGEMENTS FOR PANEL MEETINGS PDF 294 KB Members to receive a report for the purpose of considering the venue arrangements for Panel meetings with the resumption of physical meetings. Additional documents: Minutes: The Police and Crime Panel received a report for the purpose of considering the venue arrangements for future Panel meetings with the resumption of physical meetings and since the administration of the Panel had transferred from the Leicestershire County Council to Leicester City Council with effect from May 2020.
It was noted that since the beginning of the 2020-21 municipal year meetings had been held by virtual means as permitted under section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 however, the legislation that permitted such virtual meetings had now ceased and meetings had therefore resumed in a physical place.
Members of the panel discussed the various options of meeting at City Hall, County Hall or elsewhere including consideration as to room capacity and facilities, as well as any advantages or disadvantages of location and provision of car parking.
RESOLVED: That three of the panel’s meetings per year be held at City Hall and three of the panel’s meetings per year be held at County Hall (subject to feasibility in terms of meeting room capacity in order to comply with relevant guidance around social distancing during the ongoing Covid situation). |
POLICE AND CRIME PLAN PREPARATION REPORT PDF 87 KB Members to receive a report advising on the early thinking around the Police and Crime Commissioner’s preparation of a Police and Crime Plan (PCP). Additional documents: Minutes: The Police and Crime Panel received a report advising on the early thinking around the Police and Crime Commissioner’s preparation of a Police and Crime Plan.
The Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews paid tribute to the former Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Bach.
The Police and Crime Commissioner introduced the report noting his duty to prepare a Police and Crime plan (PCP) within 12 months of taking up office.
Panel Members noted that · the PCC intended to model his PCP around core components of his election manifesto with a focus on developments around policing such as: Peelian Principles, Visible Policing, Rural Policing, More Policing, Hi-Tech Policing, Local Policing and Community Policing, · preparation was at a very early stage and a programme of consultation had not yet been prepared although it was intended to widely consult on the new plan and provide opportunity for people to contribute to what the plan should contain.
In terms of timescales the PCC indicated the timeline may be subject to some slippage however he was hoping to have a skeleton outline within the next 4 weeks and would want to involve the Panel in discussion of that. The PCC would also look to engage with crime prevention and victim support service providers and aimed to have a draft PCP for public consultation around September, with a target to complete the PCP for December.
Regarding the public consultation it was hoped there would be public events held across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland to engage public views.
The Chair thanked the PCC for his report and commented that it would be helpful to have a small working group to review progress and work with the PCC on the Police and Crime Plan before it came to the Panel.
RESOLVED: 1. That a working group be convened to review progress and to work with the Police and Crime Commissioner on the Police and Crime Plan before it is brought before the Panel. 2. That Members inform Anita James, Senior Democratic Support Officer of their interest in being involved in this working group as soon as possible. 3. That a meeting of the working group be convened using virtual means (MS Teams) in next 2-3 weeks. |
INTERVENTIONS ADDRESSING VIOLENCE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN LINKED TO DOMESTIC ABUSE. PDF 116 KB Members to receive a report providing details of existing and planned interventions around violence in the public domain linked to domestic abuse. Additional documents: Minutes: The Police and Crime Panel received a report providing details of existing and planned interventions around violence in the public domain linked to domestic abuse.
Paul Hindson Chief Executive introduced the report which included background and a definition of Domestic Abuse, the number of crimes and incidents reported to the police in rolling year to 4th October 2020, and Domestic Abuse interventions and the bystander approach across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
The PCC mentioned domestic abuse increases during the period in question and although there was difficulty getting firm data around that anecdotal evidence suggested domestic abuse has been a growing problem during the pandemic and during the short term that was being taken into account but further analysis was necessary and the PCC was willing to bring further reports to the Panel or in other formats.
Panel Members expressed interest in the second longer term intervention (para 13 in the report) delivered by Free VA to perpetrators who voluntarily engaged to change their behaviour, noting that only the City Council investment was long term and requested an update report on how that intervention was working and how successful it was.
Panel Members asked whether there were any links or proof that youth violence transpires into domestic abuse. Officers responded that they used various databases including the public health database and there was some suggestion of a link so the earlier an intervention the better. It was noted that although domestic abuse was predominantly gender based and in relationships there was also sibling issues and parental abuse.
Panel Members suggested that one of the effects of the pandemic was a rise in home consumption of drugs and alcohol and simultaneously an increase in domestic abuse and queried whether there had been some analysis on the cause and effect of the increase in domestic abuse to better understand that and be prepared to intervene especially in the new hybrid environment of people living and working from home more. Officers commented that there had been previous discussion on this and the Covid-19 Pandemic, 1 year on report to the last meeting showed the increase although that was one point in time to another. The trend was being tracked and that was still flat overall, so it was not a clear picture though officers were happy to do the analysis and provide a report on that.
Panel Members raised concerns about the hidden homeless problem and those with English as a second language and the barriers to them reporting issues and queried whether there was scope in the data collected to understand the hidden problem as well.
Panel Members sought clarification on the Safer Streets 3 Fund and the bidding opportunity and if successful whether that would be shared proportionally across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The PCC responded that the bid was yet to go in however it would be focused on addressing specific concerns and issues around women and girl’s safety in a number of open spaces and seeking a tailored ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Members to note the ongoing work programme. Members are invited to make any suggestions/items for future inclusion. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: 1. That the contents of the work programme be noted and updated to include the items suggested for inclusion during this meeting,
2. That the Ethics Committee Annual Report be brought to the 30th September 2021 meeting of the Panel.
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note future meetings as follows:
· Thursday 29th July 2021 · Thursday 30th September 2021 · Thursday 2nd December 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: For the benefit of new Members to the Panel the dates of future meetings were noted as follows: · Thursday 29th July 2021 · Thursday 30th September 2021 · Thursday 2nd December 2021
Dates beyond December 2021 to be confirmed in due course. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Additional documents: Minutes: AOUB 1
Councillor Loydall led a tribute of thanks to the former Chair of the Panel Joe Orson who had Chaired the panel since its inception in 2012.
The Police and Crime Commissioner addressed the Panel and made the following statement:
“As Police and Crime Commissioner I take my responsibilities and duties very seriously. Among these is a requirement to be open and honest with you as the Police and Crime Panel.
It is your duty to review and scrutinise decisions taken by the Police and Crime Commissioner, and in particular to review the PCC’s Draft Police and Crime Plan, Annual Report, and the proposed precept, which is based on the Budget.
As such I believe it is my duty to report to you at the earliest possible opportunity any developments which may impact on the matters which rightly come under your review and scrutiny powers.
You will be aware of the report on the precept and the budget that was brought to this Panel in January of this year. The report, as laid before you at that meeting, included references to various risk factors, the use of reserves, estimates regarding likely future pay awards and other matters contained in the Medium Term Financial Plan.
I firmly believe that this Force must have a robust strategy of sustainability for its budget in the short and medium term. For that reason, I am concerned that the future funding commitments contained in that report appear to result in a large deficit in 2024/25. I have, therefore, decided to scrutinise the Medium Term Financial Plan for myself. I have also commissioned some work from the Force to explore options ahead.
I hope to bring a report on these matters to the next meeting of this Panel.”
RESOLVED: That a report updating on the position of the Medium Term Financial Plan be brought to the next panel meeting in July.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 2.05pm |