Register as a new user

To submit or sign an e-petition which is being submitted to the City Council, you are required to live, work or study in the city of Leicester. Therefore if you are not a resident in the city, please include in these registration details, the name and address of your workplace or educational establishment to enable your petition or signature to be counted.

This registration is for the purpose of either signing an e-petition or subscribing to receive updates on matters which are of interest to you. By signing up, you give us permission to hold your information and use it for the purposes of providing you with updates of Council business which you have requested, or for the purposes of confirming your support for a petition(s). Your information will not be shared or used for any other purpose. You can withdraw your details from the system by un-subscribing at any time. We will periodically contact you to see if you wish to remove your details from our records. If you change your mind, or want us to stop holding and using your information, please email,

Your password must contain eight or more characters, including at least one digit and at least one upper case character.

Please tick any that apply to you: