Agenda item


The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services submits a presentation on the new Employment Support Service at Leicester Libraries.  


Councillor Clair, Deputy City Mayor (Culture, Leisure, Sport, and Regulatory Services) introduced the item concerning the delivery of community and library services.


Jenny Young and Steve Pinchbeck from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) were welcomed and introduced to the Commission, joining the meeting remotely.


The Head of Neighbourhood services gave a presentation which advised members of Library Employment Support, including both the national and local strategic context, and reference was made to the 2019 Manifesto Commitments.


Advice and support sessions in libraries and Work Coach Sessions were described, and the following key points were noted:

      Partnership with DWP developed during pandemic

      Work coach sessions trialled in 3 libraries Autumn 2020

      Service rolled out to 6 libraries in total Summer 2021

      From 25 February 2022 sessions also delivered at BRITE Centre

      Weekly sessions

      Call or visit the local library to book


The support for skills development and access to information, together with support for children & young people were also reported.


The presentation also provided information concerning the access to computers & the internet and included the results of a survey to show what people were people coming to do at libraries.  The significant numbers of people searching for employment opportunities was highlighted and noted.


In terms of learning, the beginners IT sessions and support from library staff where signposting and support to computer users was offered.  Information was also submitted concerning adult learning.


Details of the Kickstart scheme were reported, and key points were noted:

      Neighbourhood Services are providing Government funded “Kickstart” roles in libraries and community centres

      The scheme is open to 18–25-year-olds

      Offers an opportunity to develop skills in community settings

      4 customer care roles, one in each area of the city

      1 admin support role, centrally based

      Roles will commence in 2022, each for 6-month period


The presentation concluded with details and a summary of the results of a case study undertaken at Beaumont Leys Library in November 2021


The Chair welcomed the de5tails in the presentation and asked for comments.


In response to questions, it was noted that the locations of the Kickstart and Work Coach sessions were carefully and properly considered, dependant on the suitability of locations.  It was confirmed that other locations could be assessed but this relied on suitability of rooms and working space, and the separation of staff, including DWP colleagues, from other activities in buildings.  Reference was made to the potential availability of space and rooms at Fosse and Belgrave Libraries, with Fosse Library due to reopen imminently.  The strong and effective partnership working with the DWP was welcomed.


In terms of the beginners IT sessions, it was clarified that these had been operating for around ten years and that there was an intention to continue to provide and extend the service to other areas of the city.  It was recognised and noted that there were currently 5 libraries involved the scheme and increased demand weas expected.


In response to questions concerning demand and monitoring, DWP partners provided an update and expressed the view that post-pandemic, more people were accessing the services as their confidence grew.  It was also noted that services were assessed in terms of their need following the analysis of customer service surveys, which showed patterns of use and desire for any additional or revised services.


In reply to a question regarding the computer hardware being used, it was reported that during the lockdown, the opportunity to renew the network had been undertaken and many locations had received upgraded PC’s, monitors, and scanning/printing equipment.



That the update be noted and the work to support the delivery of community and library services be supported.


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