Agenda item


The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.


A) 5 Pendene Road

Planning Application 20220701


Demolition of garage and construction of two storey dwellinghouse (1 bed) (Class C3); installation of gates/fence and hard surfacing and removal of gate and fence to front.


Site is within the Stoneygate Conservation Area


An application (20202152) at the same site for demolition of the garage and replacement with a new two-storey dwelling was refused in April 2021 for 3 reasons including on the impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

The panel felt the proposed dwelling was a modest building with no striking features which, with an appropriate brick and a good bricklayer could be a humble building clearly subservient to the main property.  The panel welcomed the fact that the massing of the proposed dwelling would not obscure the side window of the main Victorian property.  The proposal was considered to be a modest and discreet replacement of a late twentieth-century garage which in itself is not striking.


Panel members were disappointed that the opportunity had not been taken to add a more architecturally refined new building to the Conservation Area but nevertheless, considered that this proposal would preserve the character of the Conservation Area.




B) 125 London Road, Park Hotel

Planning Application 20220558


Change of use from hotel (Class C1) to cafe (Class E) in basement and nine flats (9 x 1bed) (Class C3) on ground, first, second, third and within roof; two dormer windows and a balcony; aluminium doors & windows; alterations


The site is located within the South Highfields Conservation Area and is opposite the 7th Day Adventists Church and War Memorial, which are grade II listed buildings.


An application (20191082) for the conversion of this property (along with adjacent property 1 University Road) was approved in June 2020.


As this is one of the best corner buildings in the South Highfields Conservation Area the panel welcomed the investment in the building.


The panel felt that the current classical composition of the corner staircase would be damaged by the proposed removal of the two central pillars which support the balcony and by the loss of the taper in the staircase.  It was noted that each of the four pillars consisted of square columns behind cylindrical columns and, from the information supplied, the panel was unable to visualise how the weight of the balcony would be supported without the two central pillars.


This is a prominent building with a lot of detailing and the panel considered the proposed fenestration of the café to be very stark and made no attempt to be sympathetic to the existing fenestration.  The panel did not support the use of aluminium and wished to see the continued use of wooden windows.  The information supplied was inconsistent as the plan shows the existing projecting bay but the elevation shows the piers removed and the bay broken up. The panel questioned why the proposal did not re-glaze the existing windows.


As the roofscape of this building is visible at points as London Road rises up towards Victoria Park the proposed roof plan was considered to be unsympathetic.  The square white dormer windows would be very prominent, and the proposed scheme would leave very little of the existing roofscape in place.  The panel objected to the use of dormer windows but would consider the use of discreetly located conservation rooflights. 

The panel considered the proposed hard landscaping to be bland and felt that the planters may obscure the bay to the café.  Although investment in the building was welcomed, the proposed scheme was not considered to by sympathetic to the existing detailing of the building or its prominent location within the Conservation Area.





The following applications were reported for Members' information but no additional comments were made.


Further details on the cases below can be found by typing the reference number into:


580 Gipsy Lane

Planning Application 20212831


Change of use from house (3 bed) (Class C3) to two flats(1 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed) (Class C3); demolition of outbuilding; installation of 1.8 metre high fence; dropped kerb; alterations (new window at rear)



9B St Johns Road, The Gables

Planning Application 20213051





28 Knighton Drive

Planning Application 20212408


Alterations, partial demolition and construction of single storey extension and replacement dormer at rear; replacement of sash windows with double glazed windows; installation of rooflights at front and rear of house (Class C3) (AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED)



94 Halstead Street

Planning Application 20220259


Change of use from light industrial factory (Class E) to six self-contained flats (4 x 1 bed; 2 x 2 bed) (Class C3); alterations



Flat 4, 8 Sandown Road

Planning Application 20220310


Construction of first floor extension at rear of flat (Class C3)



59 London Road

Planning Application 20220213


Retrospective application for construction of one 3-storey house (1 x 3 bed) at rear



University Road, Engineering Building University of Leicester

Planning Application 20220468


External alterations to grade II listed building



23 Morland Avenue

Planning Application 20220480


Demolition of existing conservatory, alterations and construction of single storey extensions and raised patio at side and rear of house (Class C3)



31 Westleigh Road

Planning Application 20220469


Installation of replacement windows and doors at rear of dwellinghouse (Class C3)



225 Evington Lane

Planning Application 20220484


Construction of single storey extension at side and first floor extension at rear of house (Class C3)



130 London Road

Planning Application 20220446


Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions 2 (Windows), 3 (Railings, Roof Details & Brickwork), 4 (Retention of Timber Frame Windows) and 5 (Noise Survey) of Planning Permission (20211102)



58 Stoneygate Road

Planning Application 20220105


Internal and external alterations to Grade II Listed Building to facilitate conversion to 15 flats



19 Granby Street

Planning Application 20220483


Retrospective application for installation of internally illuminate advertisement to restaurant (Class E)



89-101 Belgrave Road

Planning Application 20220423


Installation of vehicular access gate; entrance gate at front of building



52 Meadvale Road

Listed Building Consent 20220412


Removal of condition 3 (dormer materials to match roof) attached to planning permission 20210326: Construction of first floor extension at side; dormer at rear; alterations to house (Class C3) (amendments received 4 May 2021)



Doncaster Road Substation

Planning Application 20220665


Installation of replacement antennas to rooftop of locally listed building (x3); ancillary works



82-84 Humberstone Gate, 2-2A Wharf Street South

Planning Application 20220467


Retrospective application for change of use of ground floor from cluster accommodation to shop (Class E)



Kerrysdale Avenue, Wyvern Arms

Planning Application 20220293


Replacement of existing first floor windows and doors; external alterations (Class C3)



322 London Road, Kirk Lodge

Planning Application 20220492


Installation of two air conditioning units to sides at first floor roof level (Class C2A)



Thurcaston Road, Land East of

Planning Application 20220711


Construction of Industrial Unit (Use Classes B2 and B8); associated facilities, gatehouse, parking and landscaping; access road; plateauing of future development plot on west side



6 Burlington Road

Planning application 20220580


Construction of dormer roof extension at rear, installation of rooflights and alterations at front of house (Class C3)



144A New Walk

Planning application 20220430


Alterations and construction of second floor extension to consultant and practitioners' office (Class E)



288 Evington Road

Planning application 20220164


Demolition of conservatory and construction of two storey extension at side and extension of roof including dormer at rear of house (Class C3)



18 Bath House Lane

Planning application 20220651


Installation of four internally illuminated fascia signs; one internally illuminated projection sign; two internally illuminated roundel signs



1 Foxon Street

Planning application 20220202


Installation of 16 new signs and 9 new led floodlights (Sui Generis)



NEXT MEETING – Wednesday  15th June 2022


Meeting Ended – 18:15

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